Versions Compared


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Table of Contents

3.x to 4.0

Design claim

ST.96 4.0 introduced the possibility to mention business claims for more than one Contracting Party, following the accession of Vietnam. Before that, only the US required that a business claim be present in the international registration.

This change did not actually coincide with the release of ST.96 4.0, so that ST.96 3.2 had been opened by allowing more than one dgn:DesignClaimBag, which is an exception to the standard but was a useful and easy trick at the time to deal with the situation without having to wait for a major release of ST.96.

4.0 remedies to this abnormality by turning dgn:DesignClaimBag into a real Bag containing 1 to n dgn:DesignClaim, each of which being bound to a given Contracting Party and set of affected designs.


Code Block
          <dgn:DesignClaim com:languageCode="es" com:sequenceNumber="1">Dibujo o modelo ornamental un dispositivo de montaje para paneles de suelo tal como se ilustra y se describe</dgn:DesignClaim>
          <dgn:DesignClaim com:languageCode="fr" com:sequenceNumber="1">Le dessin ou modèle ornemental de dispositif de montage pour panneaux de plancher tel que montré et décrit</dgn:DesignClaim>
          <dgn:DesignClaim com:languageCode="en" com:sequenceNumber="1">The ornamental design for  a mounting device for floor panels as shown and described</dgn:DesignClaim>
          <dgn:DesignClaim com:languageCode="es" com:sequenceNumber="1">Solicitud de protección global del dibujo o dibujos industriales y/o del modelo o modelos industriales tal como se ilustran y se describen.</dgn:DesignClaim>
          <dgn:DesignClaim com:languageCode="en" com:sequenceNumber="1">Application for overall protection for industrial design(s) as shown and described.</dgn:DesignClaim>
          <dgn:DesignClaim com:languageCode="fr" com:sequenceNumber="1">Demande de protection générale du ou des dessins et modèles industriels tel(s) que montré(s) et décrit(s).</dgn:DesignClaim>

Code Block
              <dgn:DesignClaimText com:languageCode="es">Dibujo o modelo ornamental un dispositivo de montaje para paneles de suelo tal como se ilustra y se describe</dgn:DesignClaimText>
              <dgn:DesignClaimText com:languageCode="fr">Le dessin ou modèle ornemental de dispositif de montage pour panneaux de plancher tel que montré et décrit</dgn:DesignClaimText>
              <dgn:DesignClaimText com:languageCode="en">The ornamental design for  a mounting device for floor panels as shown and described</dgn:DesignClaimText>
              <dgn:DesignClaimText com:languageCode="es">Solicitud de protección global del dibujo o dibujos industriales y/o del modelo o modelos industriales tal como se ilustran y se describen.</dgn:DesignClaimText>
              <dgn:DesignClaimText com:languageCode="en">Application for overall protection for industrial design(s) as shown and described.</dgn:DesignClaimText>
              <dgn:DesignClaimText com:languageCode="fr">Demande de protection générale du ou des dessins et modèles industriels tel(s) que montré(s) et décrit(s).</dgn:DesignClaimText>

Designated Contracting Parties

4.0 introduces a slight change in the Hague Act naming convention: the word "Act" is prefixed to the Act year.


Code Block

Code Block

Business entity

The business entity is, with the design claim, another feature that only the US used and that is now shared with other Contracting Parties.

The change has no equivalent in 3.2 and previous versions as it was not possible then to specify more than one business entity status per registration. The code samples below must therefore not be seen as a translation from 3.2 to 4.0 , but as 2 very different information whose purpose is to illustrate the different structures of XML in 3.2 and 4.0.


Code Block

Code Block

Grant of protection after a refusal

A statement of grant of protection following a refusal does not have to be a "withdrawal of a refusal" any more, even if the latter continues to be mapped to a "grant of protection after a refusal".

ST.96 4.0 introduced a new <dgn:priorRefusalIndicator> which can take either "true" or "false" as a value. If "true", it means that the statement of grant of protection that this transaction describes follows a previous refusal, and therefore cancels it. If "false", it means that there was no refusal prior to this grant of protection.

This attribute is optional. By default, if not specified, its value is "false".

4.0 to 7.0

ST.96 7.0 introduces a fair bit of changes as compared to 4.0. For the moment however, only the representative management transactions have been implemented in the Hague System, so that this the only difference at present between ST.96 4.0 and 7.0 where Hague is concerned.

Representative management

Details about the new representative management transactions can be found here.

7.0 to 8.0

So far, the only change planned for Hague in 8.0 (to be released in October, 2024) is the addition of an optional com:FeePaidAmount to the dgn:HagueSecondPartFeePaid transaction:

Image Added

This new tag is optional for compatibility reasons. Therefore, a 7.0 user can seamlessly upgrade to 8.0.