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Annual Technical Report 2013 on Industrial Design Information Activities submitted by Ukraine (CWS/ATR/ID/2013/UA)


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The expression "industrial designs" covers industrial designs and models. Offices which issue design patents should report their design patent information activities in this series of Annual Technical Reports.




The main documents that determined directions for the development of patent information activities in 2013 are the Concept of the Development of the State System of Intellectual Property Legal Protection for 2009 - 2014, the Program of the Development of the State System of Intellectual Property Legal Protection for 2010 - 2014, the Basic directions of the State Enterprise "Ukrainian industrial property Institute" activities concerning realization of the Concept of the Development of the State System of Intellectual Property Legal Protection for 2009 - 2014, as well as annual plans of activities of the State Intellectual Property Service of Ukraine (hereinafter - the State Service) and the State Enterprise "Ukrainian Industrial Property Institute" (hereinafter – the SE "UIPI"). All these documents contain sections "Patent information support in the sphere of intellectual property and provision of wide public with access to the information related to intellectual property rights acquisition", which, in particular include:
- comprehensive development of the main directions of patent information support in the sphere of intellectual property;
- improvement of information support of the examination of industrial property rights applications in accordance with the worldwide trend of preferable use of information resources in a global Internet network, including access to the commercial databases;
- unification of the patent documentation international exchange procedure which is carried out with the purpose of acquisition of patent collections of the state system of intellectual property legal protection, taking into account the trends of transition of the intellectual property offices in many countries to the submission of patent information on the Internet only;
- implementation of series of actions aimed at ensuring the continued acquisition of patent information resources of Ukraine with the national patent documentation, improvement of this process by means of gradual transition to acquisition by the official publications exclusively on electronic carriers;
- development and realization of series of actions aimed at creating and development of the digital patent library;
- participation in the activities on unification and harmonization of the patent documentation of Ukraine with taking into account the world experience and in accordance with the international standards of the World Intellectual Property Organization and the current legislation of Ukraine;
- implementation of the activities for information safety improvement, including the international standard ISO/IEC 27001:2005 "Information technology – Security techniques – Information security management systems – Requirements" certification of the SE "UIPI".
Besides, the development of the industrial design information activities is stipulated by the Concept of the development of information and technical support of the main activities of the SE "UIPI" for the years 2013 - 2015 and by schedules of the projects on expansion of the Industrial Designs Automated System (IDAS).
The basic trends provided by the Concept and schedules contain:
- expansion of the technological IDAS functional possibilities, creation of additional software and search information databases for the needs of examination;
- implementation of the electronic document flow technology in the IDAS environment.
- introduction of the new version of electronic filing system.

New projects launched or resumed this year in the context of the policies(plans) mentioned above, short description: aims, partners, tasks


Annual Reports, statistical information, the Annual Technical Reports of the Office:

News of the Office on the issues related to the industrial designs:

Information on patent legislation related to the industrial designs



Information for users on different procedures and sources of information on industrial designs, in particular information on legislation in the sphere of industrial designs, services and Office activities related to the information on industrial designs, statistical information etc. is published on the web-portal of the State Service ( and the web-site of the SE "UIPI" (
Information on patent-information services, including paid services which are provided by of the SE "UIPI" branch "Ukrainian Centre of Innovatics and Patent Information Services" of the SE "UIPI" (hereinafter – the Branch), is published on its web-site (
Information on the Public Patent Documentation Collection, its composition and quarterly updates is published on the web-portal of the State Service, ( and the web-sites of the SE "UIPI" ( and the Branch (
Information for applicants on filing applications is available at the web-site of the SE "UIPI" (
Information and means for filing test electronic applications for industrial designs are posted in special section at the web-page for electronic filing of applications (
Access to on-line publications containing information on industrial designs is provided through the web-portal of the State Service and the web-site of the SE "UIPI":;

Availability of the application dossier in electronic form


The IDAS Database.
Database of International Registrations of Industrial Designs.

Establishment and maintenance of electronic search file: file building, updating, storage, documents from other offices included in the search file

The Search portal consists of the arrays of applications entered into the technological IDAS database, database of international registrations of industrial designs and reference and search tool to it.
Input flow of documents (on paper carriers) is processed by the system of current scanning and recognition of the texts of documents on the basis of the ABBYY Recognition Server 3.0 software product. Digitized documents of applications are accumulated in the "e-dossier of applications" and stored in the database of the CEDA.
The IDAS database is completed and updated by the IDAS users in the process of carrying out examination of applications and maintenance of the State Register.
Information for the database of international registrations of industrial designs is loaded from the WIPO web-site ( in the batch mode once a day and stored in the specified database.
Documents of other Offices are not included to the Search Portal of industrial designs.

Administrative management electronic systems (register, legal status, statistics, and administrative support)


In order to satisfy public needs for patent information in Ukraine the Public Patent Documentation Collection (PPDC) functions within the structure of the Branch. The PPDC is the most comprehensive patent library in Ukraine available to the public (intellectual property office library).
International cooperation with WIPO, the EPO and patent documentation international exchange with foreign patent offices has been the main source of foreign patent documentation, in particular concerning industrial designs, over extended periods. Such international cooperation allowed accumulating a considerable amount of current and retrospective foreign patent documentation, in particular official bulletins of 45 countries and organizations, first of all on optical carriers which contain information on industrial designs.
During 2013 the PPDC was updated by national and foreign patent documentation, primarily on optical discs. As of 31.12.2013 the PPDC numbered about 20.6 thousand copies of official bulletins that have sufficiently deep retrospective.
In the PPDC the users had access to information on industrial designs published in the Official Bulletin "Promyslova Vlasnist" (on paper carrier and DVD) and official bulletins of foreign offices and WIPO.
Proper storage of the PPDC documents meeting specified requirements and guaranteeing their safety was ensured during 2013.
In particular, visual control of unauthorized persons access to the PPDC premises was carried out constantly which made their access to the documents repositories impossible and the documents were provided to the users solely in the reading room. Modern technologies for ensuring protection of library collections from theft and damage (video surveillance) were also used. The fire safety (fire alarm, alert, fire fighting) was assured; checking of the fire and protection alarm, alarm systems in emergency situations is carried out every year; proper ventilation and air conditioning is ensured.
The PPDC is located in the premises of the Branch in the three specially adapted and equipped areas (two depositaries with a total area of 81 sq. m. and a reading room of 40 sq. m.). The PPDC is equipped with 12 up-to-date computers with appropriate licensed software, as well as scanners, printers and xerographic copying machines.
To enable users to make online access to the electronic patent information resources, such as a Digital Patent Library, the Internet access based on Wi-Fi technology was provided in addition to the traditional Internet access for users convenience.
In general, in 2013 the Branch provided services to nearly 15 thousand users.
All necessary consultations and services were provided by the Branch, including on the basis of the PPDC, both free of charge and on paid basis.
In 2013, 17 sets of documents for filling applications for industrial designs were prepared on paid basis.
Free access to the PPDC materials for users to work in the reading room was provided. The work of the customers with the collections of patent documentation available in the PPDC on optical carriers in foreign languages was carried out jointly with the consultants of the Branch.
Consultations concerning better ways to carry out information search, search on CD-ROMs and in the remote databases via the Internet etc. were provided on free of charge basis.
In 2013 the PPDC was attended by nearly 121 users, 5% of which were legal entities and 95% – individuals.
Information concerning the contents of the PPDC and its quarterly updating was published in the "Information resources" section on the web-portal of the State Service (, web-sites of the SE "UIPI" ( and the Branch ( The List of paid services and charges are also available at the web-site of the Branch.

Cooperation with universities, technology and innovation support centers, etc.


One of the priority objectives of the State Service is to ensure effective functioning of the quality management system of the examination procedure for industrial property rights applications introduced in 2012 (International Certificate № 321012076 of 17.10.2012).
According to the results of the supervisory audit of the quality management system carried out by the Dekra Certification Company in 2013 the examination body confirmed that the implemented quality management system complies with the requirements of the ISO 9001:2008.