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Patent library: equipment, collection management, network of patent libraries in the country, cooperation with foreign patent libraries

Publications related to different business procedures and patent information sources available to users, for example, books, brochures, Internet publications, etc.

Office's initiatives on providing foreign patent information in the local language(s) (e.g., machine translation tools, translation of abstracts)

Cooperation with universities, research centers, technology and innovation support centers, etc.

Education and training: training courses, e-learning modules (URLs), seminars, exhibitions, etc.

Other activities


International exchange and sharing of patent information in machine-readable form, e.g., priority documents, bibliographic data, abstracts, search reports, full text information

Participation in international or regional activities and projects related to patent information

Assistance to developing countries

Patent documentation on paper is stored in the Office storage rooms on movable bookshelves, in numerical and class arrangements, and is grouped separately according to respective countries. Class collection is stored in special files, adjusted to this type of collection. Numerical collection is stored in bound volumes. The storage rooms meet all the requirements for the collections’ safety. Polish patent documents arranged according to the patent classification symbols are available in the Office's general reading room.

Collection of patent documents on CD-ROM and DVD is stored on specially adjusted bookshelves. It is available in the reading room, also to external users.

The Office's reading room is also equipped with computer stations where PPO employees and external users can retrieve patent information from internet databases.

The Polish Patent Office cooperates with 26 PATLIB information centres, most of them located within libraries of schools of higher education. The centres provide patent information and consultancy and employ patent attorneys. They also conduct free of charge seminars and trainings for those interested in patent information.

Patent Office supplies the centres with patent literature and informational materials on paper and electronic carriers for further dissemination.

Publications related to different business procedures and patent information sources available to users, for example, books, brochures, Internet publications, etc.

As part of promotion of knowledge on industrial property the Patent Office issues various publications such as guides, informational-promotional brochures addressed to wide audience, among others to entrepreneurs, students, school youth. Those publications are available free of charge both in electronic version and PDF format as well as on paper at the premises of the Office.

The publications include the following titles: Intellectual Property – Entrepreneur’s Booklet, Your World of Intellectual Property, What Is Intellectual Property, Inventor's Guide, Inventions in SMEs Activity, Inventions and Patents. Use the Past to Create Future, Industrial Protection in a Nutshell, Inventions in Your House, Patents (comic book).

Office's initiatives on providing foreign patent information in the local language(s) (e.g., machine translation tools, translation of abstracts)

In 2019, the PPO prepared electronic versions of 13,806 European patent specifications translated into Polish, which are available on the Office’s Publication Server in PDF format.

Cooperation with universities, research centers, technology and innovation support centers, etc.

The Patent Office collaborates with various institutions in promoting knowledge on Intellectual Property (organisation of conferences, workshops, trainings, patronage of the PPO President over numerous initiatives etc.).

In 2019, the Office collaborated with the following entities, to name a few:

- collaboration with universities (Jagiellonian University in Kraków, University of Warsaw, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, University of Łódź, Łódź University of Technology, Kielce University of Technology, Kraków University of Technology, Warsaw University of Technology, Wrocław University of Technology, AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków, etc.);

- collaboration with science and business related institutions, including Association of Polish Inventors and Rationalisers, Polish Federation of Engineering Associations (NOT), Polish Chamber of Patent Attorneys; National Information Processing Institute, National Chamber of Commerce, Polish Agency for Enterprise Development,  Institute of Industrial Design, Polish Confederation of Private Employers Lewiatan, Kielce Technology Park, Agency for Industrial Development S.A., etc.;

- collaboration with governmental administration institutions: Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Ministry of Development, Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, Ministry of National Education, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, as well as local government authorities.

Education and training: training courses, e-learning modules (URLs), seminars, exhibitions, etc.

In 2019, the PPO organised 38 various events, including symposia, conferences, workshops, trainings, consultation and information meetings and competitions, which were attended by around 2,600 persons representing science, business, business environment institutions, school youth and university students, as well as government administration units. Online transmissions of some events also enjoyed huge popularity.

The PPO participated in trainings and conferences, both in-house and online, organised by the European Patent Office. The topics of webinars included Patent families, PATSTAT online, EP patent information and CPC taxonomy as linked data, Introduction to the European Patent Register, Patent Information from EPO validation states, Introducing the new Espacenet, Protection beyond the expiry of the patent after 20 years: supplementary protection certificates in Europe and patent term extension, Accessing court decisions on patent across Europe with ECLI, Overview of new Espacenet, New Espacenet: advanced features, INPADOC basic, INPADOC advanced, Introduction to the European Patent Register, Asian Patent Information.

In 2019, the PPO organised or participated in, among others, the following events:

-          Seminar on “Image Protection in the Intellectual Property Law”, May 2019;

-           12th International Conference on Innovation and Creativity for Economy – “Corporate Image Design”;

-           International conference on the occasion of the World IP Day, “Whose is the genome? Biotechnology and intellectual property protection”, organised in cooperation with the World Intellectual Property Organisation;

-           Conference entitled “Key to Success. New Support Instruments for Enterprises in the Field of Industrial Property”, organised in cooperation with the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology and the Polish Chamber of Patent Attorneys;

-          15th International Krakow Symposium – “Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property Protection”;

-          38th Seminar for Patent Attorneys of Schools of Higher Education organized in Cedzyna;

-          Trainings on industrial property protection for SMEs and business-related institutions;

-          Meeting with young inventors within the framework of Robert Bosch Academy of Inventors;

-          Ambassador of School Innovation Competition 2019;

-          9th edition of the annual competition “Student-Inventor”;

-          23rd Science Picnic of the Polish Radio and Copernicus Science Centre;

-          13th edition of the International Exhibition of Inventions (International Warsaw Invention Show - IWIS 2019);

-          “Patent by night 2019” – Night of Museums in the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland;

-          17th edition of the annual competition for the best artistic poster as well postdoctoral, doctoral, master’s and student’s theses on the subject of industrial property protection and the 7th edition of a short movie and press release competition organized by the Patent Office.

In 2019, the PPO maintained the Internet Educational Platform ( which is a compendium of knowledge about intellectual property issues. The target group includes enterprises (especially MSEs) and businesses related to public institutions (including schools of higher education) and other entities.

This system was available in 2019, but we have now switched to the new PUEUP system, which is currently available at;

  • The Knowledge Zone includes information, publications and other materials addressed both to entities with advanced knowledge on IP issues as well as those ones looking for basic information on IP protection, procedures and management.
  • Training Zone includes an e-learning course divided into 10 modules on the protection of intellectual property. Each module ends up with a test verifying the acquired knowledge.

The PPO has also maintained an e-learning platform, IPPanorama, dedicated to broadening and promoting the knowledge about the protection of intellectual property and it is available at This system was available in 2019, but we have now switched to the new PUEUP system, which is currently available at;

The Patent Information Centre Forum was prepared, a platform for exchanging experiences, knowledge, comments and opinions between Patent Information Centres and the Office.

Other activities

A non-verbal communication system was maintained in the form of online sign language translation services. The purpose of the project was to remove barriers in communication with people with hearing impairment.


International exchange and sharing of patent information in machine-readable form, e.g., priority documents, bibliographic data, abstracts, search reports, full text information

The Office provides several patent offices and organizations with its bibliographic data and abstracts in the flat text machine-readable format, and also xml format. Full-text information is provided in PDF fully searchable format. Electronic filings submitted to the PPO under the EP and WO procedures are transferred to the EPO and WIPO respectively.

Participation in international or regional activities and projects related to patent information

The PPO and the European Patent Office signed "Bilateral Co-operation Plan (BCP)” which was a cooperation agreement covering a number of projects planned for the years 2016-2019 such as Federated Register, Espacenet New and Quality at Source in the IT field.

In 2019, the PPO continued cooperation activities in areas such as training, patent-related services and IT tools, patent information services and awareness and strengthening of the European Patent Network (EPN).

Following the creation of the Visegrad Patent Institute (WIP), the website design and the necessary functionalities of the application were designated to handle the affairs of the Institute. As part of the work, the e-mail service for the Institute was prepared and deployed via the Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 e-mail system as well as the procedures of servicing e-mail accounts for the @ domain was developed. In 2019, the above website design was operated and maintained by the PPO’s employees.

Assistance to developing countries

N/AOther activities

