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There were 1630 patent applications filed at the EAPO in 2004, or 22,6 percent increase as compared to 2003.
International applications made up the bulk of Eurasian applications received in 2003 - there were 1321 international applications, or 81 percent of the total number of applications filed that year. The number of international applications increased by 16,6 percent compared to 2003. 149 applications, or 9,1 percent of the total number of Eurasian applications, were filed directly with EAPO. The number of Eurasian applications filed decreased by 55,21 percent compared to 2003.
The number of Eurasian applications filed through national patent offices of the Agreeing States in 2004 was 164, or 9,8 percent of the total number of Eurasian applications filed this year. The number of those applications increased by 53,9 percent compared to 2003.
The applicants from the states that are parties to the Eurasian Patent Convention (EAPC) filed 231 Eurasian applications. It is 32 percent more than in 2003

II. Matters concerning the generation, reproduction, distribution and use of primary and secondary sources of patent information

EAPO issues its official publications using own publishing facilities for all prepress processes. The unified publication technology involves scanning, optical character recognition, editing, proofreading and blueprint make-up. All data used for publications (including bibliographic data in Russian and English, pages in facsimile mode, full-text descriptions, first pages, blueprints etc.) is stored in one database (IPDL HIVE system, developed on outsourcing basis for EAPO). Information is extracted from the database by client software in required formats. The client software also provides broad automation of everyday operations at every workplace of the publication department. About 14450 Eurasian documents were stored in IPDL HIVE system's database at the end of 2004.

Printing of EAPO publications is performed by other companies on contractual basis.

See attached file EAPO_Publications_2004.pdf for detailed information on publications of EAPO in 2004.

All mentioned information is published in Russian, with the exception of Eurasian Patent Specifications CD-ROM that contains reference bibliographic data and claims in English as well, and Annual Report with text both in English and Russian.
Annual Report contains most complete information on the activities of the Organization and the Office in past year and can serve as additional source of information to this Annual Technical Report.
Announcements of the Office of legal and norm-setting kind are published in Bulletin "Inventions"; more general announcements can be also found at Web-site of EAPO at

Procedural letters to applicants are formed automatically in Common Software legacy system and sent mostly on paper by mail. EAPO uses Microsoft Word for text processing of most of the office documents.


III. Matters concerning abstracting, classifying, reclassifying and indexing of technical information contained in patent documents

Bibliographic data for applications and patents and full texts of patents are stored in database storage of IPDL HIVE system. All documents are automatically indexed on upload to the database. Full text search and patent documents retrieval using various criteria (IPC class, other bibliographic data, keywords in title, abstract, claims or full text) can be performed using client software or Web interface. The search engine allows to use Russian and English morphology to obtain more integrate search results. IPDL HIVE system also allows extracting data in required format for further loading to other external search systems. For example, this extracted data is used in EAPO owned EAPATIS (See Chapter IV and V of this Report) and in Esp@cenet.

IV. Search file establishment and upkeep


V. Activities in the field of computerized and other mechanized search systems

In-house systems (online/offline)


External databases


VI. Administration of the industrial property office library and services available to the public (relating to facilities, e.g., for lodging applications, for assisting clients on searching procedures, for obtaining official publications and registry extracts)


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IX. Other relevant matters



VII. Matters concerning mutual exchange of patent documentation and information


VIII. Other relevant matters concerning education and training in, and promotion of, the use of patent information, including technical assistance to developing countries


IX. Other relevant matters

1.Classification is allotting one or more classification symbols (e.g., IPC symbols) to a patent application, either before or during search and examination, which symbols are then published with the patent application.


2.Preclassification is allotting an initial broad classification symbol (e.g., IPC class or subclass, or administrative unit) to a patent application, using human or automated means for internal administrative purposes (e.g., routing an application to the appropriate examiner).  Usually preclassification is applied by the administration of an office.


3.Reclassification is the reconsideration and usually the replacement of one or more previously allotted classification symbols to a patent document, following a revision and the entry into force of a new version of the Classification system (e.g., the IPC).  The new symbols are available on patent databases.