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In 2019, along with activities of the Federal project “Information infrastructure” there were conducted activities aimed at reducing the time for the provision of state services on state registration of objects for IPRs protection; activities aimed at increasing the indicator, reflecting “a share of citizens, using digital mechanism of public services”.  Further work on optimization of the Office workflows and the development of electronic services will allow achieving significant results.

In 2019, the work aimed at increasing the indicator, reflecting “a share of citizens, using digital mechanism of public services” was continued.  The conducted activities were focused on the improvement of functional range of personal accounts for electronic services and information user support, including answers for questions, incoming through the technical support service.  There were conducted relevant regular meetings on how to work with digital services, to update the information, published within the “Filing application” section at FIPS webpage podacha-zayavki.


The system has been developed and is ready for commissioning in January 2020 in the volume of the first stage (there are implemented a function for formal checks at the stage of formal examination of applications for registration of trademarks and appellations of origin, as well as a designer of technological regulations for formal checks).

2. SIS “Smart examination system for means of individualization”

The system has been developed and is ready for commissioning in January 2020 in the volume of the first stage (there are implemented a function for search by description by words of trademarks and optical characters recognition of individualization means filed for registration).

3. SIS “Decision-making support system in the field of Intellectual Property”

The system has been developed and is ready for commissioning in January 2020 in the volume of the first stage (there are implemented analytical panels:


- Regional panel based on patent information and reflecting various territorial, temporal, and species sections).

4. SIS for document management

The system has been developed and is ready for commissioning in January 2020 in the volume of the first stage (there are implemented basic functions for managing processes and documents, registration and processing of incoming and outgoing correspondence, as well as functionality focused on the registration procedure of trademarks and appellations of origin).

5. SIS “Single state digital register for results of intellectual activity”

The system has been developed and is ready for commissioning in January 2020 in the volume of the first stage (there is implemented a function that is prescribed by the administrative regulations of Rospatent for recording to the State register the information on registrations of trademarks and appellations of origin).

6. SIS for documents storage management

The system has been developed and is ready for commissioning in January 2020 in the volume of the first stage (there is implemented functioning of a system focused on the storage of the information on the current workflow for registration of trademarks and appellations of origin).

7. SIS “Distributed ledger of objects for IPRs protection and means of individualization, occurring in circulation”

The system has been developed and is ready for commissioning in January 2020 in the volume of the first stage (there is implemented functioning of a system for turnover and management of rights to trademarks).

8. SIS “Single information workspace for internal interaction”

There is implemented a function of employee workspace with the integration of technological user services such as e-mail box, access to network file system.

9. SIS for integration and management of legal and reference information

The system has been developed and is ready for commissioning in January 2020 in the volume of the first stage (there is implemented functioning of subsystems for internal interaction on the integration of information systems and software services for maintaining legal and reference information as well as the administration).

10. SIS “Omni-channel interaction of Rospatent with stakeholders when providing public services, services under international agreements and treaties, publication of publicly available information on activities in the field of registration and protection of intellectual property in the form of open data”

The system has been developed and is ready for commissioning in January 2020 in the volume of the first stage (there is implemented functioning of a subsystem “Personal account”, a subsystem for maintaining omni-channel interaction, and administration subsystems for supporting seven public services:


- Amendment to state registers for trademarks and service marks, appellations of origin of the Russian Federation, to the List of well-known in the Russian Federation trademarks, as well as to certificates for a trademark, service mark, collective mark, for an exclusive right to appellation of origin).

11. SIS for supervision of the use of rights to results of intellectual activity

There is implemented a function of subsystem for preparation of control and supervision activities, and a subsystem for administration.

12. IS “Infrastructure to search for patent information and means of individualization”

The system has been developed and is ready for commissioning in January 2020 in the volume of the first stage (there is implemented a prototype of an open search platform and a prototype of a search service.  The main purpose of these prototypes is the testing and approbation of technological solutions that form the basis of the system).

13. IS “Management of centralized maintenance and support of information technology infrastructure and users”

The system has been developed and is ready for commissioning in January 2020 in the volume of the first stage (there is implemented user maintenance requests management).

14. The procurement and commissioning of the supporting hardware and software systems were made:

- “System of secure remote access”;


- “Automated workplaces of Rospatent”.

15. Supporting IS for digitalization

The system has been developed and is ready for commissioning in January 2020 in the volume of the first stage (there is implemented functioning of a system focused on the digitalization of information contained in incoming paper materials of applications and correspondence).


It is also worth noticing that the SIS “Decision-making support system in the field of Intellectual Property” will make it possible to conduct an analysis of patent activity based on various indicators in Russia and all over the world, in particular in terms of priority areas for the development of science and technology.  This system will allow forecasting the development of priority areas of the economy both in Russian and its distinct regions, as well as assessing the progress in reaching set targets of national and federal projects relating to the field of IP.


In 2019, the number of requests for the provision of public services (hereinafter referred to as requests) for registering applications for industrial designs filed with Rospatent electronically increased by 15% compared to 2018.  The list of measures aimed at increasing applicants’ interest in applying electronically for the provision of government services is as follows:

1. Expanding the functionality of electronic interaction services.


2. Conducting monthly thematic meetings for FIPS specialists with users of electronic filing services for applications for inventions and utility models, applicants and representatives thereof, as well as all those wishing to participate in the process of electronic interaction with Rospatent and FIPS when submitting and reviewing applications.

3. Posting of educational video materials and programs on the FIPS website.Users become more interested in e-filing mechanisms and digital interaction, this brings the increased number of views under tutorial videos, posted within the “Application filing” section, that exceeded 15800 views.

4. The FIPS technical support service is conducting a review of requests from users of electronic services. In 2019, about 5,000 requests were considered.

5. Any interested person may obtain the necessary knowledge and practical experience in preparing documentation electronically for applications for the grant of a patent for an invention or utility model.  One-to-one training is conducted in the computer room of the patent library, and is free-of-charge.


Table 1 shows the trends in the filing of applications and grant of patents for industrial designs in 2018 and 2019.

Table 1




% 2019 to 2018

Total number of industrial design applications filed, including:




- according to the national procedure




- by Russian applicants




- by foreign applicants




- following the international procedure under the Geneva Act to the Hague Agreement*




Total number of patents granted, including:




- to Russian applicants




- to foreign applicants




 * The actual figures for the receipt of international applications for industrial designs (Hague Agreement) are included in the total number for industrial designs, starting in the first half of 2019.  The data are presented here in accordance with the Rospatent Annual Report for 2019. For reference: 329 applications were received in 2018 (not included in the table for the reasons mentioned above).


In 2019 the All-Russian Patent and Technical Library Division (hereinafter, ‘VPTB’) of FIPS held 2 thematic meetings on training to work with the electronic filing system for industrial design applications.  These meetings were attended by 71 people including 30 people via video-conference, organized on the basis of 2 TISCs.


At Rospatent, in 2019 the 12th edition of Locarno classification was used  used for classification of the current patent documents.


Rospatent publications on industrial designs are presented in Table 2.

Тable 2

Publication Title

Form of Publication

Frequency of Publication

Official Rospatent publications on industrial designs

Industrial Designs Official Gazette (primary publication section), including the following sections:

 RF Industrial Design Patents

 Bibliographic data, image (s) of the product (s) (picture (s), figure (s), including those executed by means of computer graphics, reproductions, or in other ways), i.e., images of the product that provide a full representation of all of the significant features of the industrial design.

 Once per month 
(12 issues per year)



Information is published on changes made to entries in the State Register of Industrial Designs of the Russian Federation.

 Information is provided by the appropriate subdivisions of the Institute and Rospatent in the established form.

Court decisions on infringement of the rights of patent owners

Court decisions on the infringement of the rights of patent owners (at the patent owner’s request)

Annual Rospatent Activity Report for 2018 (on CD and on website)

Structure and composition of data determined by Rospatent

Once per year

During 2019, the Industrial Designs Official Gazette has been posted on the website of the Federal State Budgetary Institution, the Federal Institute of Industrial Property (hereinafter, ‘FIPS’), which is subordinate to Rospatent, in the Official Publications section, and is freely available, constituting a functional and comprehensive information source.  The ISSN number is 2313-7460.


  • Regulations on the Rospatent Official Gazette, Industrial Designs:;


The forms of notifications on industrial designs published in the Rospatent Official Gazette, Industrial Designs, are presented in Table 3:

Table 3

1. Notifications containing communications on changes to information concerning State registration of an industrial design

PD4L Change of denomination, first name, surname or patronymic of patent owner

ТС4L Change of author’s(s’) details

ТЕ4L Change of correspondence address

2. Notifications containing communications on termination and restoration of validity of an industrial design patent

MZ4L Premature termination of validity of a patent for an industrial design (group of industrial designs) on the basis of the patent owner’s request

ММ4L Premature termination of validity of a patent owing to non-payment within the prescribed period of the fee for maintenance of the patent in force

MK4L Termination of validity of a patent for an industrial design upon expiry of the term of validity

NF4L Restoration of validity of a patent

3. Notifications containing communications on extension of the term of validity of a patent for an industrial design, grant of a duplicate patent

ND4L Extension of term of validity of a patent for an industrial design (group of industrial designs) on the basis of the patent owner’s request

RH4L Grant of a duplicate patent

4. Notifications containing communications on agreements relating to disposal of the exclusive right in an industrial design, transfer of an exclusive right in an industrial design, without the conclusion of an agreement with the patent owner

PC4L State registration of an agreement on alienation of an exclusive right

QB4L  State registration of an agreement on grant of right of use

PC4L State registration of the transfer of an exclusive right without an agreement being concluded

QB4L State registration of an agreement on a pledge (subsequent pledge) of an  exclusive right

QZ4L State registration of amendments relating to an agreement on alienation of an exclusive right

QZ4L State registration of amendments relating to an agreement on grant of right of use

QZ4L State registration of amendments relating to a commercial concession agreement (sub-concession), according to which the user was granted the right to use the industrial design

QZ4L State registration of amendments relating to an agreement on a pledge (subsequent pledge) of an exclusive right

QC4L State registration of termination of an agreement on grant of right of use

QC4L State registration of termination of an agreement

QC4L State registration of termination of an agreement on a pledge (subsequent pledge) of an exclusive right  

5. Notifications containing other communications on registered industrial designs

ТK4L Correction of obvious and technical errors in the records of the State Register of Industrial Designs of the Russian Federation and/or in publications in the Gazette

RZ4L Other changes relating to registration of industrial designs

The web page addresses of the Office’s websites providing information relating to access to online publications:


The minimum scope of the search includes industrial design documentation from Russia, Germany, the United Kingdom, Spain, the United States, France, Japan and WIPO.  Nevertheless the scope of the search may include any generally available documents regardless of the language, age and type.

The list of available databases is located in the internal network and is updated regularly.  The list contains information about industrial design resources of countries and organizations included in the minimum scope of the search, as well as additional resources.  Additional resources cover industrial designs information of about 30 countries and organizations, including the EUIPO.  For each resource there is information about Internet address, retrospective, and a brief description of search and browsing options.


Furthermore, as an additional service, to examine industrial designs based on industrial design images results are prepared of a search for similarity with figurative elements of Russian Federation trademarks in the sub-system of linguistic description and image similarity search, SILOIZ.  The search results are provided to examiners of industrial designs in a specialized interface for the preparation of reference materials based on the results of examination of industrial designs.


In 2019, subscribers were provided with the Industrial Designs Official Gazette, based on official Rospatent information, on CD/DVD with search system.  They are distributed with a frequency of 12 issues (disks) per year. 


Examiners are able to work with all industrial design databases.  Access to the industrial design databases is provided to third-party users on a contractual basis.


In 2019, users made more than 135,608 thousand  page page views of "Open Registries", of which:


Automated database subsystems for determining legal status use data from official publications that contain information on newly registered protection titles or amendments.  Following publication of each Gazette, data on legal status are posted on the Rospatent website in the Information Resources section.  The status of industrial design patents may be “valid”, “may terminate validity”, “validity terminated, but may be restored”, and “validity terminated”.


It continues to operate a hardware and software system that allows for remote viewing of claims and objections in the Chamber of Patent Disputes for inhabitants of the regions.  Participation in the hearing is provided through a browser, and no additional software installation is required for external participants.  Implementation of the system received a favorable response among patent attorneys.


The list of available databases is located in the internal network and is updated regularly.  The list contains information about industrial design resources of countries and organizations included in the minimum scope of the search, as well as additional resources.  Additional resources cover industrial designs information of about 30 countries and organizations, including the EUIPO.  For each resource there is information about Internet address, retrospective, and a brief description of search and browsing options.


The industrial designs collection is intended both for examiners and other categories of users.  Information on industrial designs in the All-Russian Patent and Technical Library (VPTB) is provided to all categories of users on a fee-free basis.


The collection of applications and contracts for the results of intellectual activities and means of individualization includes applications for industrial designs.  As of December 2019 this part of the applications collection consists of 33,571 copies on paper and micro carrier . (the reduction of this part of the collection is associated with the writing off of documents in 2019 due to the expiration of storage periods).


The VPTB patent law collection includes books and periodicals on a broad range of issues of legal protection and use of industrial designs in Russia and overseas.  The collection is available electronically and in hard-copy, and also includes publications found on the official Rospatent and FIPS websites, and contains different types of information sources: national and international law, commentaries and reviews, guidelines, training aids, standards, patent office reports, conference and seminar materials, compilations of court decisions and collections of statistics, etc. 


On May 30-31, 2019, the VII TISC Congress in the Russian Federation was organized and held at the site of FGBOU VO “Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University” (Veliky Novgorod).  93 TISCs, heads of regional authorities and business entities from 47 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, representatives from the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Uzbekistan attended the Congress.


In accordance with the Consolidated Plan on Internal Training of Employees in 2019, signed by the Head of FIPS, 7 group sessions were organized with 420 FIPS specialists attending.  Moreover, 252 sessions were organized directly in FIPS departments.  In 2019, the main focus during the study organizational process was placed on studying new normative legal acts in the field of providing public services, as well as on the amendments to the Provision on patent and other fees.


In this period during the sessions of the Scientific and Technological Council of FIPS there were developed and approved 25 advanced training programs and 3 professional retraining programs, all aimed at improving the level of the professional competence of employees in the intellectual property field.  Leading FIPS state IP experts, as well as external specialists and practitioners, are invited to teach.


In 2019, VPTB FIPS held 2 thematic meetings on the issue of “Training to work with the electronic filing system for industrial design applications”.  The other 6 thematic meetings touched upon the following issues: “The features of using FIPS website search engine to search for information on various objects of intellectual property”, “Filing and consideration of applications for industrial designs in accordance with the Hague Agreement concerning the international registration of industrial designs”, “Discussing the issue of amending Clause 2 of the Requirements for documents of an application for a patent for an industrial design related to the requirement of unity of an industrial design”, “Promoting patent activity of applicants in respect of industrial designs”, “Actual issues of the practice of patenting of industrial designs”, “Using patent analytics in patenting inventions, utility models and industrial designs”.


On October 30 to November 1, 2019 Rospatent took part in the 8-th 8th Session of Working Group on the Legal Development of the Hague System for the International Registration of Industrial Designs for the second time  in capacity of a full-fledged member.

In the course of the session the Russian delegation supported a proposal submitted by the IB for a new Rule to provide for the addition of a priority claim after the filing date.  The proposal allows the applicant or holder, prior to completion of technical preparations for publication, to add a priority claim to the contents of an international application or international registration by submitting a request to the International Bureau within two months from the filing date.


On the initiative of the Rospatent delegation the Working group discussed possible options for the introduction of new languages into the Hague system bearing in mind two languages: Russian and Chinese.  The Working Group requested the International Bureau to prepare, for discussion at its next session, an advanced study of the cost implications and technical feasibility of the introduction of the Chinese and Russian languages into the Hague System.  The Working Group also requested the International Bureau to prepare, for discussion at the next session, a paper on criteria for the selection of additional languages for introduction into the Hague System.

In discussing a possibility of increasing time limits for standard publication of international application made by the IB in the WIPO Bulletin the Rospatent delegation supported the proposal submitted by the Working Group to request the International Bureau to consult with user groups and report back on the findings at the next session of the Working Group.  The Rospatent delegation informed the Working group of its intention to consult the Russian users.


Besides, several round-table discussions on the use of the Hague system by Russian applicants were held in Moscow in the framework of the 23-d 23rd International conference on Intellectual Property.


Rospatent has no special programs to help developing countries.  Assistance is provided in response to individual requests from the Offices of developing countries.
