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The Jedlik Plan, which focuses on the responsible management of intellectual property, that is, our scientific, technical and innovative, or cultural and artistic assets, is the first such comprehensive government strategy in Hungary. The document for the period 2013-2016 arranges the middle-term objectives to be realized in the field of intellectual property into the following four main pillars:

A) With industrial property for the rise of national economy

B) With copyright for the boom of the creative industries and culture


 The strategic document, which was published in Government Decree 1666/2013 (IX. 23.), defined more than forty action lines and more than hundred measures to take in line with the four pillars. HIPO included the objectives of the Jedlik Plan into its Work Plans of 2014 and 2015, as a result thereof, it continuously worked on implementing the measures listed in the national strategy, with the inclusion of professional organisations, also in 2014. Its results are contained in this annual report.


The number of design applications filed under international cooperation (under the Hague system) designating Hungary and the number of designs included in the applications was, as expected, low due to the accession by the European Union to the Hague system, however they slightly increased compared to the previous years. Last year the HIPO received and registered 17 such applications and 49 designs included therein.

The number of Community design applications keeps on increasing year by year. In 2014 the number of Community design applications extending also to Hungary exceeded 23 thousand, the number of designs included therein exceeded 87 thousand.


At the end of last year 4195 national designs were valid. The number of valid designs remained in the level of the previous years. 89% of the right holders of valid designs are Hungarian. The foreign right holders have their seats mainly in the Czech Republic, in Austria and in Germany.  According to the lifetime of valid designs, the most of the national protections are 16 years old; a large number of them are 7 years old.


Number                                                                        Number of national designs valid in Hungary (2010-2014) 








Number of valid national designs (number of designs)

4 155

4 228

4 225

4 221

4 195



Main types of publications in the field of industrial design information, outline of the content (industrial design applications, design patents, registrations, etc.) and medium (on paper, on CDs, online - URLs)

Web-based GAZETTE:

 E-SEARCH for external use:

E-SEARCH for internal use accessing  the public and non-public data.


Web-based GAZETTE is published monthly:

Information products (coverage, medium, etc.) available to examiners, including external documentation and databases


E-SEARCH (for the public):

Hague Express:

Design View:

Locarno classification:

Information products (coverage, medium, etc.) and services available to external users; conditions of access (e.g., free of charge, subscription, etc.)


Specific software tools supporting business procedures within the Office: general description, characteristics, advantages, possible improvements

The IT system provided thenecessary background for the Office’s official and service activity, and supported its tasks related to e-governance. The system supports 135 different services or service families altogether. Out of these 69 service families provide direct support for the performance of the Office’s official and central tasks, and an additional 66 services support the operational, service management, information security and ISO certification objectives of the previously mentioned functions.

In order to ensure a higher level of information security, in 2014 the Office prepared once again a risk assessment analysis of its electronic information systems and adopted a plan to reduce the risks. It classified its systems into security categories in accordance with the relevant legal provisions, and took the necessary steps in order to increase the level of security in the Office.

The IT activity of the Office is made easier by the fact that two of the three certifications of the Office belong to the IT field: the ISO/IEC 27001:2005 Information Security Management and the ISO/IEC 20000-1:2013 IT Services Management Systems.

The aim of the SZEMAFOR (‘Modular Data Base and Process Management System for IP Protection’) programme is to replace the crucial IT business management system of the Office with a new electronic system. The SZEMAFOR project was started in 2012 and financed partly from EU funds, but it was stopped by the Office for objective scheduling reasons; in June 2014 it was re-started under the name of SZEMAFOR programme within a new framework and exclusively with internal financing. So far all the official business processes of HIPO have been electronically mapped and the possible introduction of electronic payment is being considered. The digitalization of official documents continued as well: approximately 27,000 documents were digitalized in 2014.




Hardware used to supporting business processes of the Office


Accessible databases:

HUNTÉKA Onlene Online Catalog:;jsessionid=0C33EADC538177502CCB010CBBB3EF80?lang=en


Hague Express:


The customer service received 98 enquiries from other authorities, nearly three-quarters of them were submitted by the National Tax and Customs Administration and concerned trade marks (60).  

HIPAvilon also takes part in the customer service functions of HIPO by maintaining the relations with customers in order to gain new applicants and customers.


IP PANORAMA Multimedia information package for small and medium-sized enterprises for extension of their  intellectual property knowledge:

Start-up Guide:

AIDA Light: Assessment and Improvement integrateD Approach

Partner Search:


IP Valuation Forum:

Information nationwide:


Cooperation with higher education

Corvinus University of Budapest, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Eötvös Loránd University, University of Miskolc, Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, University of West Hungary, Óbuda University, University of Pécs, Széchenyi István University, Szent István University, University of Applied Sciences, Budapest, College of Nyíregyháza.

As separate subject, lectures on intellectual property were held in 11 institutions of higher education. Knowledge on intellectual property was taught at 7 universities, connected to subjects including knowledge on business/technology/law/social and/or natural science.


 Improving awareness of enterprises

The enlargement of knowledge on industrial property and copyright, the improvement of awareness on intellectual property of enterprises – especially small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) – are objectives of high importance. In case of these parties it is essential that they can have personal consultation not only at the headquarters in Budapest but they also can find information points or events close to them, in their regions, where they can receive information. In this spirit, the relations with partners continued to enlarge in 2014. HIPO cooperated with 16 chambers of commerce and industry in counties and towns, 6 PATLIB centres, 7 regional innovation agencies and 2 professional organisations (HITA, SEED) in programs related to awareness raising.


On the occasion of the jubilee of the foundation of the award, the Ministry of Human Resources offered a life achievement award of HUF 1 million (gross amount) for the recognition of outstanding achievements in the field of Hungarian design culture. On the basis of the recommendation of professional organizations, HDC awarded the prize to Stefan Lengyel, an active creator and designer, who is internationally recognized both in the world of education and industry.

For the Design Management Award competition, which was founded in 2008 and was published in English for the first time in 2014, a record number of 101 valid nominations were made. GIA Form Ltd. obtained the award for showing outstanding performance in the field of design-led innovation. The activity of a further six organizations was recognized as examples worthy of being exhibited. They are the following: Abbey Products – Eranthis Ltd., Ivanka Factory Private Company Limited by Shares, Petőfi Museum of Literature, the Association of Conscious Consumers, Sziget (Island) Cultural Management Office Ltd. and the municipality of the town of Veszprém with county rights.

The professional development of young designers is supported by the Moholy-Nagy László Design Scholarship programme, within the framework of which the Ministry of Human Resources granted three scholarships, HIPO two scholarships and the Porcelain Manufacture of Herend one scholarship to young designers.


See „Outstanding Events” in Annual Report:

Assistance to developing countries
