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Where is the list of organisms provided in the WIPO Sequence derived from? Or do I need to generate this list myself?

The list is provided in the tool as a series of 26 JSON files (one for each letter of the alphabet) and does not need to be provided by users.


The pre-defined list of organisms is updated annually and is derived from the scientific names at the species level and at the genus level as listed in the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) database and in the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) Master Species List

Finally, the custom organisms which organism names which are stored on the local machine will also appear as part of the organisms list shown in the tool. Currently, the names of the custom organisms included in a sequence listings are not shared with the International Bureau. The International Bureau is currently in discussion with the Sequence Listings Task Force about how custom organisms could be incorporated, after review, into the pre-defined list