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Outline of main policies and plans aimed at development of patent information activities and expected time frames for their realization

The main policies and plans of the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland related to patent information include among others implementation of new services, adaptation and improvement of aims at the development of patent information activities within cooperation with PATLIB centres, the European Patent Office, the World Intellectual Property Organisation and the European Commission.  Within the above mentioned cooperation, the Office implements new services as well as adapts and improves the existing services and tools, .  Main policies and plans of the Office include among others activities aimed at supporting innovativeness of SMEs, commercialisation of intellectual property and development of entrepreneurship.  Those activities are implemented by such measures as improving business skills in patent information usage, especially in creating strategies of enterprises, creating cooperation platform between business and scientific environment as well as platform for exchanging experience and knowledge.

In 2019, the PPO implemented a number of advanced IT projects necessary for performing its statutory tasks in view of the ongoing fast technological progress.

The PPO actively participated in the development project of the new Electronic Services Platform (PUEUP).  The project covers implementation of new electronic services and the improvement of the existing ones.  In total, 7 electronic services are to be implemented:


The following modules of PUEUP platform were prepared: e-Baza Wiedzy (knowledge database), e-Profil (user profile), e-Platności (payments), e-Powiadomienia (user message system), e-Wyszukiwarka (search system) and Infrastruktura (infrastructure).  During 2019, the contractor and managers together with their project teams from the Polish Patent Office carried out tasks to enable production launch of the system.

In 2019, the PPO maintained development to pass files with description of patents and utility models from Publication Server to new folders of PUEUP e-Search.  The e-Search is currently available at

The PPO continued to pass files of descriptions of patents and  and industrial designs in the XML format.


In 2019, the PPO actively participated in the field of e-administration services taking part  part in the development of functionalities related to the use of the governmental Electronic Platform of Public Administration Services (ePUAP).  The PPO dealt with maintaining  the the existing forms in terms of their functionality and reliability and prepared to switch to new forms available on the upcoming Electronic Services Platform (PUEUP).

In 2019, the PPO actively worked to improve and extend the functionalities of the PPO Industrial Properties Search System and Publication Server.  The existing mechanisms were to be shifted to the new e-Search module from the PUEUP platform.  These systems were available in 2019, but we have now switched to the new PUEUP system, which is currently available at


In 2019, a new base of industrial properties was created to enable the presentation of data on European Patents in the PPO Industrial Properties Search System.  Additionally, SPC patents and utility models were added. We have now switched to the new PUEUP system, which is currently available at

Earlier, in cooperation with the WIPO, the system adaptation project called IPCRMS was carried out to implement the centralized translation of International Patent Classification (IPC) into Polish.  Additionally, The the IPC server was replaced with a new one allowing for the installation of a new version of IPC application and creation of archives of old IPC versions (2006–2017 versions are available in pdf format).  In 2019, a new version of classification was added.

 The PPO continued to maintain Patent Attorneys and Applicants List searchable.  Only small adjustments in the data structure were introduced and the system was adapted to the existing legislation.


In 2019 the PPO started a project, the objective of which is to automate the process of classifying inventions and utility models by performing a preliminary analysis and classification of applications with AI system support and submitting them for substantive assessment by relevant experts.

The most advanced project in 2019 was the implementation of the new Electronic Services Platform (PUEUP).

 The Search System in Document Libraries which was used previously to collect all documents published by Polish Patent Office in separate document libraries in PDF format will be replaced by the PUEUP platform which will have the same functionality.  Therefore in 2019 the maintenance of Search System in Document Libraries was finished and the PPO ceased to import new data to that system.


The Register Plus software application for patents was further developed and enhanced in 2019.  The quality of data was improved and a wider range of presented data was introduced.  Throughout 2019 the arrangements to change the search system to new e-Wyszukiwarka module on PUEUP platform were ongoing.

As the continuation of work on the main search engine of industrial property items in the year 2019, amendments requested by users were introduced.  They were aimed at improving the functionality of the search engine.  It is linked to other search systems in the portfolio of the Office (Search System of Industrial Properties, Publication Server, Register Plus, etc.).  At the same time, the new Search System was developed under the PUEUP project.  This new system will replace the existing ones eventually.


In 2019, the PPO received 3,999 patent applications under the national procedure, out of which 3,887 were filed by domestic applicants and 112 by foreign applicants.  A decline of almost 7.5% was recorded in comparison with 2018 when 4,322 patent applications were submitted under the national procedure, including 4,207 by domestic and 115 by foreign applicants.


On 31 December 2019, 91,974 patents remained in force, including 18,336 patents granted under the national procedure, as well as 73,638 European patents protected on the territory of the Republic of Poland.  This means an increase in comparison with 31 December 2018 when 82,618 patents remained in force, out of which 64,366 were European patents.


Management of the contacts in 2019   (phone + mail) was performed  performed through a software:

1)         Personal contacts (CRM system);

2)         Within Register IP Info Center customer contacts (OSCC, CRM systems);

-           4,038 emails were received


The CRM system is shared between 15 departments in contact with the public.  A change of version was introduced for :


- interfacing with other applications (Computer Telephony Integration, callback, meetings time and visits) to facilitate the customer relation management.  Tool for measuring the customers’ satisfaction.  IP Info Center has a non-verbal communication system to improve information service for deaf and hard hearing customers.


In 2016, the Publications Department started to prepare and make available in PDF format translations of the European patents.  In 2019, the Publications Department prepared 13,806 translations of European patents.


Announcements on patents and utility models are primarily published in the official gazettes available on paper and online: "Biuletyn Urzędu Patentowego. Wynalazki i wzory użytkowe" - Bulletin of the Patent Office. Inventions and Utility Models (information on patent and utility model applications) and in "Wiadomości Urzędu Patentowego" - Communications of the Patent Office (information on granted patents and granted protection rights for utility models).  Announcements containing ordinances of the President of the Patent Office, official announcements and communications are published in the Official Journal of the Patent Office.

In 2019, 3,611 announcements on filed patent applications and 764 announcements on utility model applications were published in Bulletin of the Patent Office.  Inventions and Utility Models and 3,119 announcements on granted patents and 707 announcements on granted protection rights for utility models were published in Communications of the Patent Office.

Announcements regarding non-procedural matters, but connected to the Office's activity like: general information on the PPO's tasks, references, organizational structure, HR matters are published on the Internet version of "Biuletyn Informacji Publicznej" (Public Information Bulletin) on the official PPO's website.  Many non-regular, important announcements are immediately published on the website.

All publications are available free of charge in PDF format on the PPO Online Services Portal (  The website was available in 2019, but we have now switched to the new PUEUP system, and it is currently available at


- Search System in Document Libraries - a search system giving possibilities of free full text search on patent documents distributed in PDF format.  As a part of its functionality,                             the system allows to search Polish industrial designs descriptions.  Available at:  Free of charge.

- Publication Server - Polish patents (B), utility models (Y) and EP translations into Polish (T): (user interface in 3 languages - PL, EN and FR): ;


- Espacenet – Worldwide database of patents and utility models containing collections of  of PL (bibliographic data in English): Polish interface available at;


The PPO provides access to patent literature in the reading room where external users can also search free of charge in online databases and databases on CD and DVD.  The latter include: bibliographic databases, databases of full text patent documents, thematic databases of patent and technical literature.


- Online Services Portal: IP information on industrial design, access to patent papers, classifications, e-fillings and catalogues of patent attorneys.  Available at:  Free of charge; This system was available in 2019, but we have now switched to the new PUEUP system, which is currently available at

- Search System of Industrial Properties – a search system that provides free, open access to patent information and texts of Polish and European Patents and Polish utility models.  Documents are distributed in PDF format.  Available at:  Free of charge;

- Search System in Document Libraries – industrial designs (since October 2019):  Free of charge;

- Publication Server – a portal that provides free, open and wide access to patent information.  The server uses integrated devices to search full texts of Polish patent specifications, Polish utility models, Polish industrial designs and translations into Polish published by patents of  of the European Patent Office, which are valid in Poland.  Documents are distributed in PDF format.  Available at:  Free of charge;

- Register Plus available at:  Free of charge.

The four products mentioned above (Search System of Industrial Properties, Search System in Document Libraries, Publication Server and Register Plus) were available in 2019 at their respective web addresses provided above, but we have now switched to the new PUEUP system, which is currently available at;


In order to make entries on the legal status of exclusive rights protected on the territory of Poland, the following registers are held: patent register, utility model register.  Registers include information necessary to establish the subject and scope of protection (e.g. date of filing, title), entity (or entities) entitled to rights concerning a given subject of protection (e.g. holders, licensees, securities, seizure) and other useful information (e.g. applications for revocation).  Everyone who submits a relevant application and pays a fee to the account of the Office can obtain excerpts from the register.


EPOQUE Net is a professional patent information retrieval tool which supports the processes of searching and granting patents.  The tool consists of a bundle of searching applications and tools and is accessible for Patent Offices via the Patent secure network.  EPOQUE Net is continuously improved by the European Patent Office and distributed to National Offices.

In 2019, a new version of Espacenet was introduced.  One of the new functionalities is the introduction of full-text search.  Currently, training in the functionality of the new version is being carried out.


All network connections are based on CiscoFortiNet and Extreme Networks equipment with 500 Mb/s redundant access to the Internet (two separate Internet connections).  The availability of services published on the Internet is supported by the FortiNet WAF cluster and Barracuda Load Balancer cluster.  Security is also provided by McAfee IPS and Fidelis Cybersecurity and Forcepoint antispam systems.

The server infrastructure  infrastructure is supported by local UPSs and secured by the main power supply unit for the PPO.  The main IT infrastructure units are located in a secure server room equipped with a fire alarm, CCTV system, redundant air-conditioning and a technical floor.


The main electronic administrative system Soprano (work-flow) supports the process of granting protection rights to patents and utility models (national procedure, SPC and the European patent validation procedure). The system is adopted to work together with ePhoenix which stores electronic files and Electronic Document Management System (EZD), which facilitates the processing of incoming and outgoing correspondence. External users have access to registry information and legal status via Register Plus system.  Settlement Module (MR) is used as a supplementary system for managing fees and payments.


Patent documentation on paper is stored in the Office storage rooms on movable bookshelves, in numerical and class arrangements, and is grouped separately according to respective countries.  Class collection is stored in special files, adjusted to this type of collection.  Numerical collection is stored in bound volumes.  The storage rooms meet all the requirements for the collections’ safety.  Polish patent documents arranged according to the patent classification symbols are available in the Office's general reading room.

Collection of patent documents on CD-ROM and DVD is stored on specially adjusted bookshelves.  It is available in the reading room, also to external users.


The Polish Patent Office cooperates with 26 27 PATLIB information centres, most of them located within libraries of schools of higher education.  The centres provide patent information and consultancy and employ patent attorneys.  They also conduct free of charge seminars and trainings for those interested in patent information.

The Patent Office supplies the centres with patent literature and informational materials on paper and electronic carriers for further dissemination.


As part of promotion of knowledge on industrial property, the Patent Office issues various publications such as guides, informational-promotional brochures addressed to wide audience, among others to entrepreneurs, students, school youth.  Those publications are available free of charge both in electronic version and PDF format as well as on paper at the premises of the Office.

The publications include the following titles: Intellectual Property – Entrepreneur’s Booklet, Your World of Intellectual Property, What Is Intellectual Property, Inventor's Guide, Inventions in SMEs Activity, Inventions and Patents.  Use the Past to Create Future, Industrial Protection in a Nutshell, Inventions in Your House, Patents (comic book).


- collaboration with science and business-related institutions, including Association of Polish Inventors and Rationalisers, Polish Federation of Engineering Associations (NOT), Polish Chamber of Patent Attorneys; National Information Processing Institute, National Chamber of Commerce, Polish Agency for Enterprise Development,   Institute of Industrial Design, Polish Confederation of Private Employers Lewiatan, Kielce Technology Park, Agency for Industrial Development S.A., etc.;


In 2019, the PPO organised 38 various events, including symposia, conferences, workshops, trainings, consultation and information meetings and competitions, which were attended by around 2,600 persons representing science, business, business environment institutions, school youth and university students, as well as government administration units.  Online transmissions of some events also enjoyed huge popularity.

The PPO participated in trainings and conferences, both in-house and online, organised by the European Patent Office.  The topics of webinars included Patent families, PATSTAT online, EP patent information and CPC taxonomy as linked data, Introduction to the European Patent Register, Patent Information from EPO validation states, Introducing the new Espacenet, Protection beyond the expiry of the patent after 20 years: supplementary protection certificates in Europe and patent term extension, Accessing court decisions on patent across Europe with ECLI, Overview of new Espacenet, New Espacenet: advanced features, INPADOC basic, INPADOC advanced, Introduction to the European Patent Register, Asian Patent Information.


-          Seminar on “Image Protection in the Intellectual Property Law”, May 2019;

-                     12th International Conference on Innovation and Creativity for Economy – “Corporate Image Design”;

-                     International conference on the occasion of the World IP Day, “Whose is the genome? Biotechnology and intellectual property protection”, organised in cooperation with the World Intellectual Property Organisation;


In 2019, the PPO maintained the Internet Educational Platform ( which is a compendium of knowledge about intellectual property issues.  The target group includes enterprises (especially MSEs) and businesses related to public institutions (including schools of higher education) and other entities.


  • The Knowledge Zone includes information, publications and other materials addressed both to entities with advanced knowledge on IP issues as well as those ones looking for basic information on IP protection, procedures and management.
  • Training Zone includes an e-learning course divided into 10 modules on the protection of intellectual property.  Each module ends up with a test verifying the acquired knowledge.


A non-verbal communication system was maintained in the form of online sign language translation services.  The purpose of the project was to remove barriers in communication with people with hearing impairment.


The Office provides several patent offices and organizations with its bibliographic data and abstracts in the flat text machine-readable format, and also xml format.  Full-text information is provided in PDF fully searchable format.  Electronic filings submitted to the PPO under the EP and WO procedures are transferred to the EPO and WIPO respectively.


Following the creation of the Visegrad Patent Institute (WIP), the website design and the necessary functionalities of the application were designated to handle the affairs of the Institute.  As part of the work, the e-mail service for the Institute was prepared and deployed via the Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 e-mail system as well as the procedures of servicing e-mail accounts for the @ domain was developed.  In 2019, the above website design was operated and maintained by the PPO’s employees.
