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In 2017 the tools realised through the mentioned projects continued to be used actively and were available not only to national Office experts but also to public. These are tools in applications DesignView (Registered designs search tool) and Quality (Centralising information on IP Office quality standards).    

More information is on the web site

In 2014 also the Project Common Central Database, implemented in EUIPO and used by experts of the Office´s Call Centre to build so-called Knowledge Database, was launched. It means that questions about EUTM or RCD or related questions are transferred by the Office´s experts to EUIPO experts to harmonise answers about EUTM or RCD.

The IPO SR cooperated in 2017 and still cooperates with the EUIPO within the project CP 7 to update the joint harmonised database for product indication – DesignClass.     

The Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic, in co-operation cooperation with an external contractor, terminated the IPO Electronic Services project in the 1st quarter of 2017 and deployed the solution in full operation. The result of the project is making electronic forms available for electronic filing, modernisation of backend systems of the Office and access to modernised Webregisters on the Office's website in March 2017.


Plans about design information relate to implementation of a new system for making data from the Office registers available on the internet (Webregisters II) interconnected with European and international  international systems (eSearch, Designview, Hague Express,etc.).


The largest number of foreign applications is from Sweden (15) and from the Czech Republic (8). Slovak applicants filed 118 applications (43.9 % increase). The share of domestic applications is 81.4 % of total number of filed applications.


Basic information for applicants related to IP subject matters applications are available on the website of the Office These are mainly application forms of particular type of industrial property right, legislation, instructions of the IPO SR and information for applicant, administrative fees, contact to expert assistance, etc. Below there are the individual areas of IP subject matters and relevant information sources with links to website of the Office, where they are available:


Since February 1, 2014 the Central Public Administration Portal offers a form serving the general agenda, by means of which electronic filings can be made to every public institution in the Slovak Republic, thus also the IPO SR. From the 1st quarter 1st quarter of 2017, the Office also made specific application forms available to users during the deployment of the IPO Electronic Services Project. These services are most commonly used for trade mark proceedings. In relation to designs, these services have been used at 14 %14%.

Availability of the application dossier in electronic form

The Office conducts the application file only in the paper form.

Classification and reclassification activities; classification system used, e.g., International Classification for Industrial Designs (Locarno Classification), other classification


The Information Centre provided the clients of the Office with general information on IP protection for individual subject matters, on filing applications and related administration fees. Within the consultations also information on IP protection in the Slovak Republic and also abroad were was provided (Community design, international application filed under the Haag Hague System for International Registration of Industrial Designs).

The information were was provided personally, by phone (+421 48 4300 131), by post and e-mail address

In 2017 the Information Centre dealt with 6 460 requests for information; 4 759 thereof were provided by phone, 1 509 1509 by e-mail, 186 personally and 6 by post.


During 2017 32 pre-diagnostics focused on innovative companies were performed; e. g. SCP Ružomberok (Mondi), HERN Ltd. (former ZTS Strojárne Námestovo), Žilinská teplárenská Inc. Besides that, employees also visited also two research facilities – VULM Ltd. and NPPC, Research Institute of Animal Production. For the first time this consultation form was provided also to universities – Jessenius Faculty of Medicine in Martin, Comenius University, Faculty of Security Engineering, University of Žilina and Department of Furniture and Interior Design, Technical University in Zvolen.


The Gazette contains design announcements arranged in following main chapters:

-       registered designs (list of registered designs and their bibliographic data arranged according to the classes of the Locarno Classification)

-       registered designs with extended term of validity (list of registered designs with extended term of validity and their bibliographic data arranged according to the classes of the Locarno Classification)

-       registered designs with postponed publishing (list of registered designs with postponed publishing and their bibliographic data arranged according to the classes of  the the Locarno Classification)

-       published registered designs after expiration of adjournment term of publishing (list of published registered designs after expiration of adjournment term of publishing and their bibliographic data arranged according to the classes of the Locarno Classification)

-       assignments and transfers of rights and other changes of owners

-       cancellation of design registrations

-       partial cancellation of design registrations

-       registered designs lapsed by abandonment

-       registered designs partially lapsed by abandonment

-       registered designs lapsed by expiry of the validity

-       extension of the validity of registered designs

-       forfeitures of protection and transfers of an owner (on the basis of the court decision)

-       changes of the rights of disposal to registered designs (lien)

-       changes of the rights of disposal to registered designs (termination of lien)

-       registration of licensing contracts

-       termination of licensing contracts

-       corrections of names, addresses, dates and mistakes


-EUIPO Community Designs Database accessible via e-search at the EUIPO portal,   coverage: RCD applications


Freely accessible national databases are:
- "Data extracted from Registers" also called  called "Webregisters" give public access to data extracted from design register, which are kept by the Office with the possibility of simple and advanced search or browsing results. Data concerning in particular pending design applications, all filed applications or registered designs in the register are daily updated.
- “Classification Systems” contains design classifications used in Slovakia, links to other classifications systems for classifying designs used in the world and other useful information
- Official Gazette "Vestník ÚPV SR" may be viewed on the address - each issue is available as a one PDF file containing the whole issue. At the same time it is divided into PDF files containing only selected parts of the gazette, e.g.: patents, designs, trademarks or official announcements. In the archive on this webpage are available the previous volumes also in PDF format. The older volumes are gradually being added.

In the part ”International and EU databases” there are links to the most frequently used on-line databases

Products and services
URL addresses providing basic information concerning the information services offered and information products issued by the Office and other relevant information relating to their accession and utilization
- IPO SR Official Gazette
- magazine “Intellectual Property”
- IPO SR and IPO CZ publications
- IPO SR E-zine
- on-line online order forms
- price list
- data extracted from register
- IPO SR reading room
- searches
- search system Designview
- Information centre
- Contacts

The Office library provides following services to the public:
- providing general information and professional consulting assistance for the public
- lending service (Official Gazettes, special monographs and reference literature) in the reading room
- sale of special monographs and periodical publications (“Intellectual Property” in paper, Official Gazette “Vestník ÚPV SR” on CD-ROM) upon request or on the place
- reprographic services upon request or on the place
- on-line online searches in Office’s search system, self-service during a personal visit
- searches upon request - orders in written and online form
- registry information provided in the reading room

Industrial design and related information on the World Wide Web:
- general information
- information about Office activities (seminars, training courses, etc.)
- application guide and forms
- administrative fees
- relevant laws
- Annual Reports
- extracted data from register
- Official Gazette
- order forms (searches, Official Gazette, special literature)
- Locarno Classification (11-th 11th edition)
- design classifications and related information
- annual technical reports on design information (2002-2017)


Information on the legal status is in the internal register of trade markstrademarks. The Office provides information on the request in the form of an extract from the Register. In addition, data of this type are also published in the IPO SR database on the internet but have only informative character and do not substitute the extract from the  the Register; similar to the system Designview where the data are mentioned by the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market based on the information from the IPO SR within the common project.


The online design database kept by the Industrial Property Office serves for national design searches and purposes of proceedings on design applications. Selected register data are is available to the public in on the Internet at:

Establishment and maintenance of electronic search file: file building, updating, storage, documents from other offices included in the search file

The Office regularly builds, keeps and completes regularly the examination file containing national registered designs via the internal system Inventio.   Selected data are is available to the public in webregisters and are being updated daily.

It is possible to carry out searches according to bibliographic data in all the databases used for designs.

Documentation from other offices maintained and/or considered part of the available search file: Design gazettes also form also part of the available search files of the Office. In 2017, within the frame of mutual exchange, the IPO SR continued in receiving design gazettes from the following states: Bulgaria and Kyrgyzstan.

The IPO SR received registered designs from JPO registered designs stored on CD-ROM in the past year.


In 2017, the Office’s reading room has been visited by 144 users. In total, there were provided 290  borrowings borrowings of patent and other literature made available to the public and 509 copies of patent documents and other industrial property documents for the manual and computer search purposes , as well as copies from technical periodicals and other associated and non-patent literature were made.  In In 2017 there were performed , 6 design searches and 8 searches on bibliographic data were performed.

The Office’s reading room serves as a WIPO deposit library as well. The deposit library fund includes 289 volumes of publications issued by WIPO, which are available for study in reading room.

The Office’s reading room including the search workstation opens open daily from 8:00 to 15:00.

In 2017, within the frame of mutual exchange of industrial-property information, the IPO SR continued in receiving of design information in the form of official gazettes. Non-patent literature was acquired mostly by purchase or as a gift and processed, stored according to librarian rules and made available via in-house database system “Knižnica” to the staff.


Since 2003 the Office has cooperated with Contact and Information Points, while some of them are also the Patent Information Centres (PATLIB). They are located in state, regional and district libraries as well as in the Slovak National Library (SNK) in Martin and Centre of Scientific and Technical Information (CVTI) in Bratislava and within the University of Žilina as the Centre for Technology Transfer. Nowadays 11 Contact and Information Points are located in Slovakia and 5 of them are Patent Information Centres. A list of centres and points is available on the Office’s web site website


The Office supported the activity of centres and contact and information points by regular sending Slovak patent specifications in paper form and the Official Gazette in electronic form, as well as all information materials and recourses resources made available to the public, publications published by the Office, information pamphlets, documents and forms relating to applying for protection of industrial property rights, access to office¢s offices databases via Internet etc.


  • Annual Report of the Industrial Property Office of SR 2016;
  • The magazine Duševné Vlastníctvo - currently is the only Slovak periodical focused on the issue of industrial rights and copyright. In 2017, the Office issued three issues of the magazine in electronic form, issue 2/2016 and Duševné vlastníctvo – selection 2017 was published in printed form.

On the occasion of the 20 th 20th anniversary of the first issue of Duševné Vlastníctvo Magazine, the festive printed edition of the Magazine: Duševné Vlastníctvo 1997 – 2017 was issued.


The website of the Office is a complex source of information for the public. In addition, it has been becoming the effective means of communication. It allows the public to quickly access quickly to information and databases related to IP. Both Slovak and English versions provide information about upcoming conferences, seminars and other events.


This year the Office participated for the second time in the competition National Prize for Design 2017 – Product Design organised by the Slovak Design Centre in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture of SR. The 14 th 14th year of the National Prize for Design (NPD) was aimed at product design in 2017.


The IPO SR representatives provided information and consultations on IP protection at the international fairs Furniture and Living in Nitra, CONECO 2017 in Bratislava, the International Engineering Fair in Nitra and the International Agricultural and Food Exhibition Agrokomplex in Nitra. For the 7 th 7th time the IPO SR participated in the European Science Festival – Researchers´ Night 2017 – in Žilina and Košice.
