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Annual Technical Report on Trademark Information Activities in 2016 submitted by Industrial Property Office CZ


Statistics: changes in terms of application filings and registrations with respect to previous year; trends or areas experiencing rapid changes

Changes experienced in terms of application filings and grants with respect to the previous year


Compared to 2015

National trademark applications


-2 % 8 434

– submitted by domestic applicants


-5 % 7 848

– submitted by foreign application


+34 % 586

International trademarks with designation of CZ according to Madrid Agreement and the Protocol


-28 % 1 960

– according to the Madrid Agreement



– according to Protocol



– according to the Madrid Agreement

and to the Protocol



National trademarks registered


-4 % 7 280

Grant of protection relating to international trademarks


-24 % 1 957

Trends or areas experiencing rapid changes with respect to the previous year

In  2016 the average registration procedure time period was 10,1 months from the date of submitting the trademark registration application. This time period includes formal and substantive examination of the applications, technical procedure concerning the preparation for publication, three month statutory time limit for opposition and registration time. In comparison with 2015 the registration procedure time has not significantly changed. 


Other matters and useful links (URLs): annual report of the Office, news page, statistics, etc.


Since 2000 the Annual Reports and statistics have been available at the Office’s website:

The Bulletin:

The Office website 

The helpdesk:


(ii) Use of electronic classification systems and pre-defined terms of the classification applied

Information on classification system

Obligation for applicants to use pre-defined terms of the classification applied

To use pre-defined terms of the classification applied is only recommended.

Bibliographic data and processing

Trademarks are searchable by application and registration number, TM wording, name of applicant or holder or licensee, previous holder (for IPO CZ employees only), representative, pledgee, Vienna classes, classes of goods and services and names of goods and services, application filing date, priority date, publication and registration date and date of termination of validity.  Representation of trademarks is also available in form of a gallery. 


Main types of publications in the field of trademark information, outline of the content and medium (on paper, on CDs, online - URLs)


Trademark bulletins of foreign offices in an electronic or paper version and ROMARIN DVDs from WIPO are received regularly. WIPO and European Union Trademarks Bulletin are available in electronic version via Internet (new volumes) and in CD/DVD or paper version (previous volumes).

Description of information products and services offered by the Office and how to access and utilize them

The Office’s website:


Official Gazettes: main types of announcements, frequency of publication, medium (on paper, on CDs, online, URL), etc.

Publishing, printing, copying techniques

The trademarks information is accessible in the Official Bulletin of the Industrial Property Office of the Czech Republic. Since from 2007 this has been published weekly in an electronic form only and the paper version has been discontinued. 

Main types of announcements of the Office in the field of trademark information 

The Bulletin is published on a weekly basis (updated every Wednesday) instead of the monthly basis as it was before. The files are downloadable free of charge with no prior registration / subscription needed.. The information as published shall be the authentic one for legal purposes. As from No. 1/2000, the Official Bulletin has been available at the web site of the IPO CZ as an electronic document in PDF format. You can find it here:

The Bulletin contains the following types of announcements:

Survey of the INID codes for identification of bibliographic data           


Other relevant data and official rectifications             
Survey of the published applications of the coloured trademarks

Mass storage media and microforms used

Mass storage media used are hard discs, magnetic tapes for backup, and physical original in paper version.

Word processing and office automation

Trademarks are searchable in the public database. It provides a range of search options including application and registration number, TM wording, name of applicant or holder or licensee, previous holder, representative, pledge, Vienna classes, Classes of goods and services and names of goods and services, application filing date, priority date, publication and registration date and date of termination of validity. Representation of trademarks is also available in form of a gallery. The public database is updated daily and automatically from database of the IPO. The public database contains trademarks (IPO CZ, EUIPO, WIPO-CZ, WIPO-EU) valid in the Czech Republic.


Other sources

Access to online trademark bulletin and to other sources of trademark information, including download of bulk trademark data

The Official Bulletin URL:


Internal databases: coverage, updates, interlinks with external sources

In-house systems (online/offline)

The Office maintains an in-house search database of all trademark applications and registered trademarks with effect for Czech Republic (national, EU, WIPO). The database is not accessible to the public but its structure corresponds to the public database. 

External databases

The Office provides free access to the database comprising the data concerning not only the Czech national trademarks but also the international trademarks (applied for or registered)  valid in the territory of the Czech Republic or EU, WIPO – 6ter and the European Union trademarks applied for or registered by EUIPO at the IPO CZ website


Administrative management electronic systems (register, legal status, statistics, and administrative support)

Planning, administration, automation, security

Applications for trademark registrations can be filed by post, in person, by fax, via data box (an upload up to 20 MB) or electronically (with electronic signature an upload up to 100 MB) to the Office. Wide range of other communications may be submitted electronically via user-friendly interface (an upload up to 100 MB).

Bibliographic details of applications are entered into SyPP2 manually if the application is filed in paper form or automatically if the application is filed via online filing facility. The applicants receive confirmation of filing via post upon their request or electronically if application is filed online. The application file can be inspected after publishing the registration via the Office´s web site

Collection management, preservation

Extended safety is secured via SSL.

Backing up of data changes is done twice a week. Full back up of data is on weekly basis. Backed up files are preserved for 4 weeks.

Information services available to the public 

The information centre and the helpdesk operate during the working days. They provide general information concerning the industrial property rights.


The Office provides full range of brochures and leaflets free of charge. They can be downloaded in PDF format from the Office´s web site, taken in the office headquarters or sent upon request. The Office publishes its own books and the Industrial Property Journal (6 issues per year) reflecting the current issues of IP rights.


Office's library (if deals with trademark information): equipment, collection management, network of libraries in the country, cooperation with foreign libraries


Education and training: training courses, e-learning modules (URLs), seminars, exhibitions, etc.

The Office presented its information activities and products at the following exhibitions and trade fairs:
  • 58th International Engineering Fair (Brno, CZ)
  • 15th International Trade Fair of Engineering Technologies FOR INDUSTRY 2016 (Prague, CZ)
  • Innovation 2016 (Prague, CZ)
  • Science Trade Fair (Prague, CZ)
  • Science Festival (Prague, CZ)
  • Invent Arena (Trinec, CZ))
  • For Interior (Prague, CZ)
  • The Science Research Innovation Trade Fair (Brno, CZ)
  • 44th International Exhibition of Inventions (Geneva, CH)
  • 19th Moscow International Inventions and Innovative Technology Salon (Moscow, RU)
  •  Euroinvent (Ias, RO). 
Training courses for national and foreign participants

The IPO CZ regularly organizes wide range of training courses and seminars - such as Trademarks  - National and International Legal Protection, Searches in the National and Foreign Trademark Databases, IP Protection and National (CZ) and International Systems of IP Protection, Intellectual Property Protection in Business (SMEs), Technology Transfer, Enforcement of Intellectual Rights, IP Jurisdiction (administrative and judicial issues),. All the educational activities are organized for public, mainly for students, academic staff of universities, representatives of SMEs or research institutions and IP professionals.


Preparatory work was completed to launch an e-learning application, which will acquaint young people with the principles, individual institutions of industrial property rights protection and their significance in an entertaining way.


International exchange of trademark information in machine-readable form (e.g., Official Gazettes)

Participation in international or regional activities and projects related to trademark information

Assistance to developing countries

Other activities


The Official Bulletin of the Industrial Property Office of the Czech Republic has been published exclusively electronically since the beginning 2007. The Official Bulletin is published on a weekly basis (updated every Wednesday) instead of the monthly basis as before. The paper version has been discontinued.
Electronic version of the Official Bulletin has been available since 2000 (Czech version, English version has been available since 2007) and accessible at the Office’s web site: (Czech version) (English version)

Various courses and seminars were organized for students and representatives of SMEs or research institutions; Groups of university students were accepted  for excursions and guided tour in the  Office’s premises.


Participation in international or regional activities and projects related to trademark information

The Office continued its cooperation with the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EU IPO) and took part in a number of multilateral projects. The IPO CZ has been included in a group of so called harmonized participants in the TMclass – Harmonized Database of Products and Services project, The complete TMclass database for classifying products and services has been made accessible to users in the Czech language. The IPO CZ was also participating in the TMview project, which has as its goal to provide users free-of-charge access to information on trademarks valid in the European Union and other participating countires through a unified search interface.


Assistance to developing countries

At the request of the Institute for Intellectual Property of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Office organized a five-days study visit for its staff members


Other activities

The Industrial Property Office continued to fulfil responsibilities resulting from the Czech Republic's membership in the European Union especially related to the area of industrial property protection. It participated in the meetings of the EU Council Working Group on Intellectual Property.

n 2014 the first results of the Convergence Program organized by EU IPO (formerly OHIM) were put into practice; its goal is the harmonization of decision practice in the trademark areas in the European Union. This is especially with regards to changes in the approach to the classification of goods and services for the purposes of registering trademarks from the point of view of assessing the specificity and accuracy of terms used, the active participation of National Offices in the setting-up and management of the TM Class common database of goods and services, the assessment of the scope of protection of black and white trademarks, and the assessment of relative grounds for rejecting trademark applications. In the following years the work on Convergence Program continued. In October 2015, the Common Communication on the common practice of distinctiveness of figurative marks containing descriptive/non-distinctive words was published and started to be implemented by the IPO CZ.