How do you add DNA primer names using ST.26 qualifiers?

While there is no one right way to include the name of a primer, the possible ways depend on if the sequence to be annotated is amplified by the primer, or if the sequence is the primer itself. The answer below includes references to specific sections of WIPO Standard ST.26 which you should refer to.

If the sequence to be annotated is amplified by the primers in question:

  1. The feature key “primer_bind” (see Annex I, section 5.28) can be used to show where on the sequence the primer(s) bind.  A “note” qualifier (see Annex I, section 6.40) can be added to include the name of the primer. 

- OR -

  1. a “PCR_primers” qualifier (see Annex I, section 6.45) can be added to the mandatory “source” feature (see Annex I, section 5.37).  The “PCR_primers” qualifier value format includes the name of the primer as well as the sequence of the primer.   

If the sequence to be annotated is the primer sequence itself:

  1. A “note” qualifier could be added to the mandatory “source” feature where the value is the name of the primer.

- OR –

  1. A “misc_feature” feature key (see Annex I, section 5.14) can be added with a “note” qualifier where the value is the name of the primer.