This is the electronic forum of the PCT Working Group.

The forum provides a platform for all stakeholders (Member States, Offices, applicants and any other interested party) to propose and discuss ideas for improving the functioning of the PCT system.  The forum is divided into two main areas:

  • Current discussions - an area to present, discuss and comment on issues related to the PCT.  Discussion topics will generally be posted by the International Bureau, who will closely follow subsequent discussions and make suggestions if necessary.  Anyone interested in introducing a new discussion topic should first contact the International Bureau.
  • Ideas for Improvement  - an area to make suggestions on how to improve the functioning of the PCT system (the International Bureau will monitor this area, but will not necessarily comment on suggestions made).

The forum aims to facilitate the process of improving the PCT system to be as effective as possible for all stakeholders. Access to the forum is consequently provided as follows:

  • the forum is freely open for anyone to view;
  • anyone is welcome to make comments on the forum, but you first need to contact the International Bureau to obtain access to post the comments, or for the International Bureau to post them on your behalf.

Comments may be made in any language, but usually no translations will be made. Comments will therefore be most effective in being understood and taken into account by the International Bureau if made in English or French.

To be automatically sent notifications when new proposals or comments are posted on this page, please go to "watch this space" - from the "Browse" menu at the top of the page, select "advanced"; in the resulting page, click "Start watching this space" from the "Subscribe" box at the bottom left.


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PCT Working Group meeting documents
PCT/MIA meeting documents
PCT Legal Texts