Following task force discussions

Task Force Members are highly encouraged to follow all the relevant activities in a specific Task Force by setting “Watch this Space”.  Please follow the instructions below.

Set Watches

If you would like to be notified by email of the changes to a page, news item or even an entire space, you can do so by setting Watches.

In order to start “Watching” a Space you should:

For more details on how to set Watches please refer to the online guidelines:

Subscribe To RSS Feeds

Subscription to RSS feeds is another way to be notified of new or updated content within the Space.  You will need an RSS client or RSS-enabled web browser to get notifications.  

For more details on how to subscribe to RSS Feeds, please refer to the online guidelines:

Participating in task force discussions

A “Comment” or “Reply” should be provided only to the proposals or comments which are active or under discussion.  Please do not comment on completed discussions or other pages, e.g., Home Page.  In each specific Task Force Space, you can see which the ongoing discussions are at the top right corner of the page.

Attachments appear separately in the attachment section of the page.  Each attachment should have a unique filename;  otherwise, the system will generate another version of the already existing attachment.  It is also recommended to provide a description of the attached file.

The hyperlink to the attachment should be given in the text of the proposal or comments.  For more details on how to attach files please refer to the online guidelines:

Profile Settings

To access your Profile, click on your account icon/photo at the top right-hand corner of the page and click the “Profile” item in the menu.

 For more details on how to edit your user profile please refer to the online guidelines:


Different types of permission are given as follows: