
The servers can be used with various sftp clients as well as the native openssh sftp binary.

Two options are being explained – setup and connection with WinSCP  client and connection using openssh sftp client binary.

WinSCP (for usage from Windows Desktop)

The client should be configured with previously generated private key.

WinSCP supports only PuTTYGen generated ppk keys but it can convert the normal ssh key to ppk format during the client setup.

Detailed steps:

Step 1


Username: ipob_<username>    (example: ipob_jsmith)

Step 2

Remove all ticks in the boxes

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

If you used a password/passphrase when creating your SSH key-pair, a prompt will show asking for the "Key passphrase"

Step 6

Finished. You are now connected and may browse, upload or download files as needed.

Openssh SFTP binary (for usage from Windows10, Linux and MacOS)

The binary is installed by default with openssh package on Linux. On Windows 10 it is also part of the Operating System but should be enabled/installed first.

To connect to the sftp just use option to point to the private key and the correct credentials:

sftp -i /home/ipob_user/.ssh/ipob_jsmith.key