1. ¿Se aplica la norma en la práctica de su Oficina/Organización? (Por favor seleccione una de las opciones)

  • Completamente
  • Parcialmente
  • No se aplica

2. Si la respuesta es “Parcialmente”, explique brevemente la práctica de su Oficina/Organización.

3. Si la respuesta es “No se aplica”, ¿tiene previsto su Oficina/Organización aplicar la norma?

4. Commentarios (facultativo)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

IP Australia does make some use of the ST.36 data elements and structures, but the compliance level is relatively low.

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

NO, planed in future developments

4. Comments (optional)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

The Patent Act, 2016 has been drafted complying the WIPO standards and it is in final stage for enactment. After completing the new Patents Law we can take strategy to implement the standard.

4. Comments (optional)

XML is being used by WIPO provided IPAS software in back end server.

CA/Canada | st36

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

CN/China | st36

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

SIPO has the corresponding standard, which partly refers to ST.36, but not completely the same. Our data has been processed based on this standard.

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

1. ¿Se aplica la norma en la práctica de su Oficina/Organización? (Por favor seleccione una de las opciones)

  • Completamente
  • Parcialmente
  • No se aplica

2. Si la respuesta es “Parcialmente”, explique brevemente la práctica de su Oficina/Organización.

3. Si la respuesta es “No se aplica”, ¿tiene previsto su Oficina/Organización aplicar la norma?

4. Commentarios (facultativo)

CZ/Czechia | st36

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

DE/Germany | st36

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

EC/Ecuador | st36

1. ¿Se aplica la norma en la práctica de su Oficina/Organización? (Por favor seleccione una de las opciones)

  • Completamente
  • Parcialmente
  • No se aplica

2. Si la respuesta es “Parcialmente”, explique brevemente la práctica de su Oficina/Organización.

El Ecuador se encuentra trabajando en el inventario de la información que se remitirá en formato XML.

3. Si la respuesta es “No se aplica”, ¿tiene previsto su Oficina/Organización aplicar la norma?

4. Commentarios (facultativo)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

No. It is a standard for patents only.

4. Comments (optional)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

Products/services covered: EP full-text data, DOCDB, EBD, INPADOC

ES/Spain | st36

1. ¿Se aplica la norma en la práctica de su Oficina/Organización? (Por favor seleccione una de las opciones)

  • Completamente
  • Parcialmente
  • No se aplica

2. Si la respuesta es “Parcialmente”, explique brevemente la práctica de su Oficina/Organización.

3. Si la respuesta es “No se aplica”, ¿tiene previsto su Oficina/Organización aplicar la norma?

4. Commentarios (facultativo)

La utilizamos tanto en los sistemas de solicitud electrónica como en los sistemas de tramitación y sistemas de publicación de Patentes (envío de datos púbicos a sistemas internos y externos).

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

Only our bibliographical and abstract data are available in xml for internal processing and data sharing purposes. Publically the full patent specifications are published in PDF format from our website (www.ipo.gov.uk/p-find-publication.htm

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

GE/Georgia | st36

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

1. ¿Se aplica la norma en la práctica de su Oficina/Organización? (Por favor seleccione una de las opciones)

  • Completamente
  • Parcialmente
  • No se aplica

2. Si la respuesta es “Parcialmente”, explique brevemente la práctica de su Oficina/Organización.

3. Si la respuesta es “No se aplica”, ¿tiene previsto su Oficina/Organización aplicar la norma?

4. Commentarios (facultativo)

HR/Croatia | st36

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

HU/Hungary | st36

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

Our office has implemented ST.66. for filing and data exchange process, but has not implemented for processing and publication activity. 

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

IL/Israel | st36

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

IT/Italy | st36

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

Only principal recommendations

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

JP/Japan | st36

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

We partly use this Standard considering our bibliographic and publication data. 

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

We are using SDOBI in our data exchange.

MX/Mexico | st36

1. ¿Se aplica la norma en la práctica de su Oficina/Organización? (Por favor seleccione una de las opciones)

  • Completamente
  • Parcialmente
  • No se aplica

2. Si la respuesta es “Parcialmente”, explique brevemente la práctica de su Oficina/Organización.

3. Si la respuesta es “No se aplica”, ¿tiene previsto su Oficina/Organización aplicar la norma?

4. Commentarios (facultativo)

OM/Oman | st36

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

Currently, the Standard is used for XML processing in a patent office proceeding, at the publication, in electronic registers. It should be noted that the Standard does not provide the possibility to describe all cases of the Russian office proceeding, so the national extensions are used.

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

SE/Sweden | st36

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

ST.36 is at present only used for exchanging some bibliographic and classification data.

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

Yes, during 2017.

4. Comments (optional)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

Yes. Not decided yet.

4. Comments (optional)

The Standard ST.36 has not been used for patent and utility model data exchange yet. The internal systems have been adapted for the export of data in accordance with ST.36 in the future (Espacenet and INPADOC database).

1. ¿Se aplica la norma en la práctica de su Oficina/Organización? (Por favor seleccione una de las opciones)

  • Completamente
  • Parcialmente
  • No se aplica

2. Si la respuesta es “Parcialmente”, explique brevemente la práctica de su Oficina/Organización.

3. Si la respuesta es “No se aplica”, ¿tiene previsto su Oficina/Organización aplicar la norma?

Si nos interesa aplicar esta norma

4. Commentarios (facultativo)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

No, we use RDBMS Database

4. Comments (optional)

TN/Tunisia | st36

1. La norme est‑elle appliquée dans la pratique de votre office ou de votre organisation? (Veuillez choisir une des options)

  • Complètement
  • Partiellement
  • Non

2. Si vous avez répondu “Partiellement”, expliquez brièvement en quoi consiste la pratique de votre office ou de votre organisation

3. Si la réponse est “Non”, votre office ou votre organisation prévoit‑il d’appliquer la norme?

4. Commentaires (facultatif)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

Could be implemented in the future.

4. Comments (optional)

UA/Ukraine | st36

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

UG/Uganda | st36

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

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