Annual Technical Report on Patent Information Activities in 2023 submitted by the State Agency on Intellectual Property of the Republic of Moldova (AGEPI)

Please provide links to your website where the requested information can be found in English, French, or Spanish.  Alternately, you may provide text responses instead of URLs if desired.  If the information is not available on your website in an ATR language, then please provide text.

URLs in responses should meet the following requirements:


Information on the following topics is desired:

  • Outline of main policies and plans aimed at development of patent information activities and expected time frames for their realization

The draft amendment to Law No. 50/2008 on the Protection of Inventions was developed. Amendments to Law No. 50/2008 on the Protection of Inventions were introduced by Law of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova No. 98 of 27.04.2023, in order to improve and adjust the procedures of examination of patent applications and of grant of patents, and to apply the TRIPS flexibilities, namely in relation to Compulsory Licenses, which refer to Articles 28, 281-284, 29 of the Law.

At the same time, the State Agency on Intellectual Property (AGEPI) initiated a new amendment to Law 50/2008 on the Protection of Inventions. The said changes refer to the acquisition by AGEPI of the quality of Receiving Office for European Applications and to the procedure for validation of the legal effects of European patents on the territory of the Republic of Moldova, with a view of accession of the Republic of Moldova to the European Patent Convention. Along this line, it is intended to implement the provisions of Regulations 469/2009, 933/2019 and 816/2006 concerning the Supplementary Protection Certificates (SPC) and Compulsory Licenses respectively. According to the Government's Action Plan (GAP),. The deadline is December 2024.

  • New projects launched or resumed this year in the context of the policies and plans mentioned above, short description:  aims, partners, tasks

The aforesaid draft was developed at the initiative of the AGEPI, for the purpose of accession of the Republic of Moldova to the European Patent Convention and to implement Regulation No. 469/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of May 6, 2009 concerning the supplementary protection certificate for medicinal products, the Regulation 933/2019 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 2019 amending Regulation (EC) No. 469/2009 concerning the supplementary protection certificate for medicinal products and the Regulation No. 816/2006 of 17 May 2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on compulsory licensing of patents relating to the manufacture of pharmaceutical products for export to countries with public health problems. Given the fact that in national legislation there is the institute of the Supplementary Protection Certificate, provided by Law 50/2008 on the Protection of Inventions in art. 69-72, and of Compulsory Licenses in Articles 28, 281-284, 29 of the Law, the full implementation of these Regulations is necessary for the accession of the Republic of Moldova to the European Union.

  • Main areas of patent information activities and related information and communication technology (ICT) practices which were in the focus of attention last year

No comments.

  • Statistics:  changes in terms of application filings and grants with respect to previous year;  trends or areas experiencing rapid changes

The rights in an invention in the Republic of Moldova are acquired and protected by granting by the State Agency on Intellectual Property, as provided by Law 50/2008 of the following titles of protection:

  • Patent for Invention (PI);
  • Short-Term Patent for Invention (STPI);

  • Supplementary Protection Certificate (SPC);

  • Eurasian Patent (EAP);

  • Validated European Patent (VEP)

During 2023, 147 patent applications (PA) were filed with the AGEPI, of which 36 were PI applications and 111 were STPI applications. There were 140 national applicants and 7 foreign applicants, who filed 6 PI applications and 1 STPI application. In 2023, 14 fewer patent applications were filed than in 2022.

The number of the PA is, as in the previous year, decreasing, and the number of the STPA (short-term patent applications) is increasing, due to the fact that:

- the duration of examination of the STPI applications is 6 months, compared to the substantive examination of PI applications, which is 18 months;

 the novelty is a local one (the search is made in applications and national and European patents published in The Official Bulletin of Intellectual Property (BOPI) in the Republic of Moldova, applications and Eurasian patents obtained under the Eurasian Convention, obtained before it was denounced on 2012.04.26) and

 lower examination fees compared to the substantive examination of PA.

For comparison, the following data are presented: PA filed in 2022, of which 59 are PI applications, and STPA – 102 of which filed by foreign applicants  – 10 PI applications and 1 STPA, in total 161.

The distribution of patent applications for the 2023, according to the IPC sections, which reflects the interest of applicants when filing patent applications:

IPC Sections


A – Human necessities


B – Performing operations; transporting


C – Chemistry; metallurgy


D – Textiles; paper


E – Fixed constructions.


F – Mechanical engineering; lighting; heating; etc.


G – Physics


H - Electricity


The dynamics of issuances of protection titles (PI+STPI) can be viewed in comparison for the years 2021-2023













Regarding the filing of requests for validation for the year 2023, 1162 were filed, compared to the year 2022 in which 1389 were filed, down by 227 requests for validation.

The distribution of requests for validation for the years 2020-2023, according to the IPC sections, which reflect the interest of applicants when filing patent applications:


2020, %

2021, %

2022, %

2023, %

A – Human necessities





B – Performing operations; transporting





C – Chemistry; metallurgy





D – Textiles; paper





E – Fixed constructions.





F – Mechanical engineering; lighting; heating; etc.





G – Physics





H – Electricity





The dynamics of the validation of European patents in the Republic of Moldova can be seen in comparison for the years 2021-2023





Validated European Patents




In the year 2023, as the Receiving Office for PCT applications, 4 short-term patent applications were filed from natural persons, compared to 5 patent applications filed in 2022, with 1 application less than in 2022.

In accordance with Art. 97(3) of Law No. 50/2008, utility models (UM), registered in the Republic of Moldova before the entry into force of the said law, remain valid and may be renewed, even if the receipt of UM registration applications has ceased. As of December 31, 2018, of the total number of 185 UM registration certificates issued, all have expired.

Other matters and useful links (URLs): Office annual report, news page, statistics, etc.

The information concerning the filing and issuance of protection titles related to patent applications is public and can be consulted at the address –

Regarding general information about patents and other intellectual property objects, their protection and related events organized to promote them at national and international level, statistical data and their impact on the national economy, can be found in the Annual Report, published by AGEPI every year and distributed on the official website:


Information on the following topics is desired:

  • Information and support provided by the Office to applicants regarding filing on paper and/or e-filing (instructions, seminars, etc.) – URLs

Applicants can find all the necessary information about filing on paper and/or e-filing on the AGEPI website:

  • Availability of the application dossier in electronic form

Applicants have a variety of methods to fill out their applications: on paper, by fax, e-filling, on diskettes, on CD (DVD)-ROMs.

Regarding the electronic filling of applications, they can use the following web pages:


  • Classification2, preclassification3 (if applicable), reclassification4   activities; classification system used (e.g., International Patent  Classification (IPC)), matters concerning indexing of patent information

AGEPI uses the version of the IPC 2024.01.01 which is available in 2 languages English and Russian

  • Abstracting, reviewing, and translation of the information contained in patent documents

The office translates the titles and abstracts into English and reviews the titles and abstracts provided by the applicant (in Romanian and Russian) and, if necessary, amends them accordingly to WIPO standard ST.12 or in order to ensure that the abstract contains the necessary information to be a useful search tool. The abstracts and titles are published in the Official Bulletin of Intellectual Property (BOPI) and the granted protection titles are provided in 3 languages.

  • Other activities 

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Information on the following topics is desired:

  • Main types of publications of the Office (patent applications, full text, first pages, abstracts, bibliographic data, granted patents, etc.), medium (on paper, on CDs, online – URLs)

1) Online

Patent applications:

The front page containing bibliographic data, the abstract and the drawings are scanned. The original specifications are available for public inspection online in the ”Documents as submitted by the applicant” section of application details, which may be accessed at:

The front page and the specification are printed and available online on the page:

Full text search through national applications and patents, short-term applications and short-term patents or Utility Models and european patents validated in Republic of Moldova are available on the online database located on the office’s website:

At different stages of the evolution of the application, there can be found bibliographic data, description, claims, figures, cited references, search report, application and patents abstracts in 3 languages, Granted and Issued title of protection.

The database is updated monthly.

The national patent data collection in WIPO st. 36 XML (backfile and monthly updates) can be downloaded from this page:

The Authority file of published patent documents in WIPO ST.37  XML is available at and is updated annually.


National CD-ROM “Inventions of the Republic of Moldova, 1993-2014”, containing bibliographic data and abstracts in 3 languages (Romanian, English and Russian) for patent applications; bibliographic data, abstracts and specifications for patents. Since 2015 the production of this CD-rom was discarded. All the available information is available online in our public database:

3) CISPATENT - in conjunction with the IP Offices of several CIS countries (AM, BY,GE, RU, TJ, UZ) and of the EAPO issued this CD-ROM containing bibliographic data and abstracts in Romanian, English and Russian for patent applications and bibliographic data, abstracts in 3 languages and specifications in the original language for patents. The CD-ROM is issued on a monthly basis; there is also a yearly issue. Starting from January 2014 the CISPATENT CD-ROM data are only available on RUPTO ftp server

  • Official Gazettes:  main types of announcements, frequency of publication, medium (on paper, on CDs, online – URL), etc.

The Official Bulletin of Intellectual Property (BOPI) is a monthly publication, which includes official information on applications for patenting/registration of intellectual property objects (IPO) in the Republic of Moldova, applications for validation of European patents in the Republic of Moldova, validated European patents and titles of protection granted, to the changes occurred in the legal status of applications and titles of protection of IPO and the results of appeals examination in the Contestation Commission of AGEPI, court decisions on disputes over IPOs, general information. The BOPI is issued in Romanian, English and Russian languages online on the AGEPI website:

The Annual Report reflects the activity of the AGEPI during the whole year. It includes data on the registration/patenting of intellectual property objects, the most important events organised with the participation of the AGEPI as a partner, implemented projects and goals for the following year. The Publication is issued and distributed to regional IP Offices, and national public authorities in .pdf format and is available online at the following address:

Intellectus”- The Journal of Intellectual Property, Science and Education “Intellectus" is a peer-reviewed, open-access scientific publication, accredited by the Decision of the Management Board of the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Education and Research No. 23 of September 30, 2022 on the Evaluation, Classification and Monitoring of Scientific Journals, in the classification category B for the profiles: Legal Sciences; Economics; Engineering Sciences and Technologies. The journal multilaterally and competently reflects aspects of intellectual property protection, deals with modern scientific and educational phenomena, their development, promotes valuable fundamental and applied research in the fields of science, economics, education and engineering, new technologies and scientific performance results for the purpose of their innovative application, as well as scientific and methodological studies on intellectual treasury of the Republic of Moldova. The journal is included in the International Database VINITI – Russia.

The journal is available online at the following address:

  • Information products and patent document collections (coverage, medium, etc.) available to examiners, including external collections and databases

AGEPI has a complete classified paper collection of MD patent documents. This collection has been scanned and stored on file servers being available to our examiners. The full data relating to MD patent documents, except some of the old author certificates of the former URSS-based patents, are stored in the internal database.

Full-text search through national applications and patents, short-term applications and short-term patents or Utility Models, EPO validation procedure are available on the on-line database located on the offices website:

The AGEPI has a CD/DVD-ROM collection containing published/granted US, FR, DE, CH, RU, WO, EP, EA, CISPATENT and other patent documents.

The online "patents" search database, can be used by examiners and other interested persons to search through the MD published patent applications/short term applications and granted patents/short term patents, utility models, as well as through EPO validation procedure. There is also another online "Inventions" search database that contains bibliographic data of Certificates of authorship of the USSR that were published in the 1963-1992 period, available on the online database located on the office’s website:

External databases:

- EAPATIS, administered by EAPO;

- Espacenet and Espacenet Beta, administrated by EPO;

- PATENTSCOPE, administrated by WIPO.

  • Information products and patent document collections (coverage, medium, etc.) available to external users, conditions of access (e.g., free of charge, subscription, etc.)

Databases of patent documents provide users with vast possibilities and are important sources of information both for experts and inventors and for any researcher or simple student, or pupil who wants to know more in the area of interest.

In these databases the search and consultation of documents are free of charge.

Each of them has a system helping and explaining the method for conducting searches, for information on data that can be obtained following the search in the respective databases.

Users will be able to use these materials to access each database from the presented list.




Republic of Moldova

State Agency on Intellectual Property of the Republic of Moldova (AGEPI)

Inventions DB
Inventions DB (1963-1992)
National patent landscape


WIPO Reference






WIPO Directory of IP Offices


European Patent Office (EPO)

Searching for patents



The Eurasian Patent Organization (EAPO)


Cambia (BD Lens)


KnowingIPR HUB Platform





United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)

Patent Full-Text and Full-Page Image Databases


Free Patents Online, LLC


Landon IP (BD Intellogist)


Intellogist Free Patent search


Google Patents


SumoBrain (Patents Online LLC)




pat2pdf (Download U.S. patents)


Japan Platform for Patent Information (J-PlatPat)



Romanian State Office for Inventions and TradeMarks (OSIM)

esp@cenet (ro)
Publication server


German Patent and Trade Mark Office (DPMA)


Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO)

Canadian Patents Database


Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property

Patents Database

Great Britain

UK Intellectual Property Office

Search for patent



URLs of web pages of the Office’s website that provide a description of information products and services offered by the Office (e.g., patent search service(s) and patent databases), as well as information on how to access and utilize them: of access (e.g., free of charge, subscription, etc.).

  • Legal status information (kind of information, coverage, medium, etc.)

Legal status information is provided for European patents designating the Republic of Moldova and with effects in the Republic of Moldova and can be found in MD Patent Register.

Kind of information:

- Request for EP validation pending

  A request for validation of the EP patent has not been submitted but could still be filed as the time limit has not expired.

- Request for EP validation received

  Validation of the EP patent has been requested at the AGEPI.

- Patent validated

  The translation of the validated European patent specification has been published, but the annual maintenance fees have not been paid. When the fees are paid, the status will change to the Patent in force.

- Patent in force

  A patent was validated and is still valid.

- Patent lapsed - still in grace period

  The patent has lapsed but could still be reinstated as the grace period for late payment has not yet expired.

- Patent revoked

  Patent that has been published by AGEPI as patent revoked by EPO or patent annulled by the National Law Courts.

- Patent lapsed

The patent has lapsed because the annual renewal fees have not been paid.

- Patent expired

The patent has expired because the protection period came to an end (20th year).

- Patent not validated

The applicant has withdrawn the validation fee

The owner has not submitted a request for validation on time.

General information about the MD Patent Register:


- time: MD/EP validations from the 01.11.2015 onwards;

- country: MD;

- kind of patents: European patents designating the Republic of Moldova and with effects in the Republic of Moldova

Updating frequency : monthly

Availability of file inspection: No

URL to National patent register:

Availability of Deep linking to National Patent register from FRS : Yes

  • Other sources 

No comments.


Information on the following topics is desired:

  • Specific software tools supporting business procedures within the Office:  general description, characteristics, advantages, possible improvements

The Patent Office uses an in-house built IT system to handle national cases. It manages online filing, workflow electronic dossier and electronic archive, data exchange, internal and public search engines, and their monthly updates. Microsoft Word is used for various purposes like processing patent-related information and documents, generating correspondence letters, publication files and miscellaneous reports.

Correspondence with applicants who filled online or indicated their e-mail addresses is electronic, with digitally signed documents. The applicant also receives the UUID of the document, which he can use to repeatedly download the document from the page.

The Patent Office uses workstations and notebooks with Microsoft Windows 10. All devices are connected via the 100 Mb/s or 1Gb/s network into the Microsoft Active Directory 2008 Domain. AGEPI has a fiber channel link into the internet with 1 Gb/s.

  • Internal databases:  coverage, updates, interlinks with external sources

AGEPI’s patent-related IT system uses Firebird DBMS to store bibliographic and additional data regarding Inventions and short-term Inventions; Utility models (deprecated); Plant Varieties; and “EPO ValidatedPatents”. The abstracts, claims and descriptions are stored on the fileserver. Databases contain a whole range of information from the moment of founding the AGEPI (1992). The data are updated on an ongoing basis in line with the process of filing new applications, carrying out record-keeping on the procedures of application examination and keeping patents in force.

The public databases are updated monthly.

 AGEPI is exchanging data with the Russian Patent Office, the EPO, WIPO, EAPO UPOV and the IT platform for improving enforcement of ITR in the Republic of Moldova.

  • Establishment and maintenance of electronic search file:  file building, updating, storage, documents from other offices included in the search file

File building

File building of paper search files classified under the IPC and of the CD/DVD-ROM collections classified under years and countries are available online on the page: The patent documents and author certificates of the former URSS from 1924 up to 1992 are stored online database located on the office’s website:

All MD patent documents are electronically stored and searchable for internal use; all published MD patent applications (abstracts) and patents (full text) are electronically searchable for external use.


Electronically searchable files for internal use are updated permanently depending on filings; electronically searchable files for external use are updated monthly.

Storage, including mass storage media

Patent documentation on paper is stored on shelves in the AGEPI archive, CD-DVD/ROM are stored in the library and electronic data are stored on Fileservers, and on magnetic tapes, for backup.

Documentation from other offices maintained and/or considered part of the available search file

Eurasian patents, validated European patents and granted patents are mandatory search files.

  • Administrative management electronic systems (register, legal status, statistics, and administrative support)

The whole administration is built in "Patents" program and is performed by an Administrator from the Patents Department, but also by a Database Administrator for a complete administration.

  • Other matters

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Information on the following topics is desired:

  • Patent library:  equipment, collection management, network of patent libraries in the country, cooperation with foreign patent libraries

The Library holds the National Collection of Documents on Intellectual Property, which includes: DB of inventions on the electronic carrier from different countries and international organizations; patents for invention, short-term patents, new plant varieties, trademarks, industrial designs of the Republic of Moldova; books and serials on IP; Official Bulletins of the foreign offices etc.

The Library Collection is annually supplemented with new documents in various fields, which are reflected in the Electronic Catalogue and the specialized DB.


Aims of the activity:

  • - to accumulate, store and use information/documents of intellectual property in the process of serving the beneficiaries;
  • - to highly satisfy the information needs relating to the service interests of AGEPI employees;
  • - to familiarize the general public with the specificity of Intellectual Property with a view to facilitating access for potential inventors to the information in the field;
  • - to extend cooperation relationships with specialized offices and institutions in the country and abroad.


Services provided

Beneficiaries of services provided by the library shall be the experts and other collaborators of AGEPI, and any other interested persons outside the institution: counselors in intellectual property, researchers, inventors and rationalizers, teachers, students, etc.

They shall benefit from:

  • - access to the National Collection of patents, applications for patents, trademarks, utility models, and new plant varieties;
  • - information assistance in support of their creativity;
  • - possibility of using the Electronic Catalogue of the collection of books (BOOKS DB) and of the articles from the periodicals in the field of Intellectual Property (ART-IP DB), and access to electronic databases of AGEPI and offices from abroad;
  • - methodological assistance in searching for information in electronic DB;
  • - library-bibliographic servicing in “request-offer” and “information-express” regimes, by complying with the bibliographic, thematic and factual references;
  • - opportunity to participate in IP information promotion activities conducted at local and republican level.
  • Publications related to different business procedures and patent information sources available to users, for example, books, brochures, Internet publications, etc.

The AGEPI Library has collections of specialized literature structured according to objects of intellectual property, methodical and scientific literature, of legal, informative and cognitive character, including:

-    Patents for Inventions protected in the Republic of Moldova - about 16428 units (see DB “Inventions”);

-    Electronic databases on intellectual property;

-    Books in intellectual property, legal documents, normative acts, international treaties and agreements, dictionaries and encyclopedias in different branches of economy, official and methodical publications of AGEPI - more then 6000 copies.

  • Office’s initiatives on providing foreign patent information in the local language(s) (e.g., machine translation tools, translation of abstracts)

No comments.

  • Cooperation with universities, research centers, technology and innovation support centers, etc.

AGEPI has a constant relation with national institutions in the field, in particular with universities, research centers and innovation support centers. AGEPI has signed about 60 national agreements with national institutions, 20 of which are signed with the national universities and 40 with research centers, technology and innovation support centers. To promote knowledge about intellectual property and its protection, AGEPI is involved in the organization of Round tables, seminars and trainings for the representatives of universities, research and technology centers.

  • Education and training:  training courses, e learning modules (URLs), seminars, exhibitions, etc.

Starting with 01.03.2019, AGEPI launched the e-learning platform that will allow for the uploading of online specialized training courses in the field of intellectual property (IP) for different categories of users: pupils, students, professors, researchers, as well as for public authorities with responsibilities in the enforcement of IP rights, business environment.

The e-learning platform aims to improve and modernize the training process in the field of IP, promoting and disseminating information on the protection of intellectual property in the Republic of Moldova.

Access to the platform is on

  • Other activities 

No comments.


Information on the following topics is desired:

  • International exchange and sharing of patent information in machine-readable form, e.g., priority documents, bibliographic data, abstracts, search reports, full text information

The AGEPI is sending, monthly, information to several destinations:

  • European Patent Office (EPO)-(INPADOC), monthly:
  • the bibliographic data and abstracts for published applications and issued patents and full patent information for granted patents, in XML, St.36;
  • changes in legal status;
  • images of bibliographic data for published applications and full patent information in the national language for patents in bookmarked PDF (examples: published, granted);
  • Eurasian Patent Office, quarterly, bibliographic data in ACCESS database, abstracts, claims, images, in pdf files.
  • Rospatent (CISPATENT), the bibliographic data and abstracts for published applications and issued patents and full patent information for granted patents, in both XML St.36 and MSWORD formats.
  • , The bibliographic data and abstracts for published applications and issued patents and full patent information for granted patents, in XML, St.36 can be downloaded from ;

  • Participation in international or regional activities and projects related to patent information

During the year under report, the AGEPI patent experts have participated only online format in the following activities related to the patent information, events organized by the international specialized institutions:

  1. EPO-AGEPI examiners’ coaching in the field of medical devices
  2. EPO-AGEPI examiners’ coaching in the field of solar panels
  3. WIPO- IPO Green Webinar with the Israeli Patent Office (ILPO)
  4. WIPO- IPO Green Webinar with INDECOPI Peru
  5. WIPO-IPO Green Webinar with SAIP (Saudi Arabia)
  6. Webinar WIPO Green. Presentation: The Power of Hydrogen: patent, bibliometric and investment analytics on critical technologies by IP Australia
  7. Webinar WIPO Green, 11.05.2023, “Upcycling of counterfeit goods, the story continues”, South Africa IP Office (CIPC)
  8. Patent Knowledge Week
  9. PATLIB 2023
  10. IPO Green Webinar with INPI (Brazil)
  11. EPO Green Webinar “Innovation is key for green transition: a deep dive into the EPO’s espacenet clean energy platform and hydrogen patent studies”
  12. EPO Course: OS03-2023 “Assessing clarity and non-unity”
  13. UPOV meeting regarding EAM/1 electronic applications
  14. Webinar “Women and Intellectual Property: Accelerating Innovation and Creativity”
  15. WIPO Course: DL-320 Basics of patent drafting
  16. EPO Course: OS04-2023 “Assessing novelty and inventive step”
  17. IPO Green webinar “The Finnish fast track prosecution for green inventions”
  18. WIPO Webinar: Chemical searches in PATENTSCOPE
  19. Conference “How Harmonized is Patent Law in Europe?”, on-line, CEIPI, Center for International Intellectual Property Studies
  20. Conference “How Harmonized is Patent Law in Europe?” National Case Law vs. European Patent Office
  21. WIPO Webinar: Non-Patent Literature in Patentscope
  22. International Innovation Conference Women in Innovation and Business: Inspiration, Involvement, Investment
  23. Webinar “Predatory Pseudoscientific Publications as a Risk Factor for Scientific Research”
  24. Webinar “Valorization of Intellectual Property in Research and Innovation Projects Funded by the EU Horizon Europe Programme”
  25. IPO Green Webinar: “IP systems in green creativity and innovation in Argentina.” With INPI Argentina
  26. WIPO-EAPO Regional Webinar “PCT: Opening the National Phase”
  27. WIPO Webinar “Overview of ePCT for Offices “
  28. Trade and Public Health Workshop, organized by the World Trade Organization (WTO) in collaboration with the Secretariats of the World Health Organization (WHO) and WIPO
  29. 54th Session of the Committee of Experts on the International Patent Classification (IPC)
  30. 49th Session of the International Patent Classification (IPC) Revision Working Group
  31. Webinar, 8th Anti-Scam Network Annual Meeting, organized by EUIPO
  32. 50th Session of the International Patent Classification (IPC) Revision Working Group
  33. 35th Session of the Standing Committee on the Law of Patents (SCP/35)
  34. EPO Academy, Supported Self-Learning on Structured Search | OU02-2023
  35. Session of the Technical Committee, the Administrative and Legal Committee, the Consultative Committee and the UPOV Council, the EAM/2 Meeting on UPOV Electronic Applications
  36. e-Learning Center of the EPO, Searching prior art based on patent application
  37. e-Learning Center of the EPO, AS07-2021 Advanced lecture series on food technology
  38. e-Learning Center of the EPO, Search reports and written opinion
  • Assistance to developing countries
  • Other activities 


Please include any other relevant information here.


- The term “patent” covers patent for invention (PI); short-term patent for invention (STPI); supplementary protection certificate (SPCs); Eurasian patent; validated European patent and utility models.


Classification is allotting one or more classification symbols (IPC symbols) to a patent application.


Preclassification is allotting an initial broad classification symbol (e.g., IPC class or subclass, or administrative unit) to a patent application, using human or automated means for internal administrative purposes.


Reclassification is the reconsideration and usually the replacement of one or more previously allotted classification symbols to a patent document, following a revision and the entry into force of a new version of the Classification system (IPC).  The new symbols are available on patent databases.

1.Classification is allotting one or more classification symbols (e.g., IPC symbols) to a patent application, either before or during search and examination, which symbols are then published with the patent application.

2. Preclassification is allotting an initial broad classification symbol (e.g., IPC class or subclass, or administrative unit) to a patent application, using human or automated means for internal administrative purposes (e.g., routing an application to the appropriate examiner).  Usually preclassification is applied by the administration of an office.

3. Reclassification is the reconsideration and usually the replacement of one or more previously allotted classification symbols to a patent document, following a revision and the entry into force of a new version of the Classification system (e.g., the IPC).  The new symbols are available on patent databases.