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Annual Technical Report 2002 on Patent Information Activities submitted by Republic of Korea (SCIT/ATR/PI/2002/KR)

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The term "patent" covers utility models and Supplementary Protection Certificates (SPCs). Offices which issue design patents should report their design patent information activities in their Annual Technical Reports on Industrial Design Information Activities.

I. Evolution of patent activities

Changes experienced in terms of application filings and grants with respect to the previous year

In 2002, the number of patent applications was 106,136, a slight increase of 1.4 percent over the 104,612 applications of the previous year, while the number of patent registrations reached 45,298, a considerable increase of 30.6 percent over the previous year’s 34,675 registrations.

For utility models, however, the number of applications reached 39,193, a decrease of 4.0 percent over the 40,804 applications in 2001, while the number of registrations was 39,957, a decrease of 8.9 percent over the 43,842 registrations in 2001.

By industrial field, the electricity and communications field accounted for 53,226 applications or 50.5 percent of all patent applications, while the machinery field accounted for 9,033 applications or 23.1 percent of all utility model applications.

Among domestic enterprises, Samsung Electronics filed the largest number of applications (8,376) and was granted the largest number of registrations (3,833). Among foreign businesses, Koninklijke Philips Electronics NV ranked first in applications with 996, while International Business Machines Corp ranked first in registrations with 552.

Trends or areas experiencing rapid changes with respect to the previous year

Business method applications

Due to the latest economic depression and a decrease of venture start-ups, the number of business method (BM) applications in 2002 was only 4,239, a decrease of 29 percent over the previous year. The number of BM applications by domestic applicants was 3616, a decrease of 33 percent from the 5,388 applications in 2001; however, the number of applications by foreign applicants was 623, slightly more than the 574 applications in the previous year. The number of BM applications by legal entities was 2,494, representing 59 percent of the total applications; personal applications totaled 1,745. Among legal entities, venture companies filed the majority of applications; while for personal applications, the representatives of small-sized venture companies not registered as businesses filed the majority of applications.

PCT applications

The number of PCT international applications by Korean applicants in 2002 was 2,552, an increase of 10.1 percent over the previous year. The top ten domestic legal entities filed 465 applications or 18.5 percent of the total. This result was due to the 185 applications filed by Samsung Electronics, which is an increase of 111.5 percent over the previous year, and the 140 applications filed by LG Electronics, which is an increase of 97.2 percent over the previous year.

II. Matters concerning the generation, reproduction, distribution and use of primary and secondary sources of patent information

Publishing, printing, copying (main types of publications of the office in the field of patent information, etc.)

Gazette publication

• Hard copy: Until April 1998 hard copies of official gazettes were published two or three times a month and disseminated to the general public by mail for public inspection of applications. The official gazettes include the Registered Patents Gazette, the Registered Utility Model Gazette, the Unexamined Patents Gazette and the Unexamined Utility Models Gazette.

• CD-ROM: From May 1998 to June 2001, the official gazettes were integrated into two gazettes, namely the Unexamined Patents and Utility Models Gazette and the Registered Patents and Utility Models Gazette. These were published on CD-ROM with a mixed-mode data format and a user-friendly interface using the EPO’s Mimosa software, and they were distributed inside and outside the country. The CD-ROM gazette was issued in PDF format with SGML data. It included a Korean language font for foreign users and supported English installation for users with an English operating system. The Korean language version of the Adobe Acrobat Reader had to be installed for making gazette inquiries.

• Internet: In July 2001, KIPO began posting daily PDF gazettes on its Web site. This on-line version has replaced the CD-ROM version though a master CD-ROM of each publication is archived. With this IT breakthrough, KIPO expeditiously and inexpensively provides information to its customers while cutting down publication expenses and allowing users easy access to information via the Internet.

Data Conversion Center

In January 2001, KIPO began operating the Data Conversion Center for digitizing paper-based applications for patents, utility models, trademarks and industrial designs, along with intermediate documents such as amendments, written opinions, objections, registrations, trials and paper-based gazettes at its Daejeon headquarters and the Seoul branch office; the Seoul office receives 70 percent of all applications. In 2002, the center digitized 324 kinds of paper-based documents, totaling 407,809 items; the average digitization period has been shortened from 20.7 days in 2001 to 4.2 days.

Main types of announcements of the Office in the field of patent information

KIPO’s Web site

On KIPO’s Web site, applicants can find information on the following:
• announcement of undelivered notifications due to an applicant’s change of address
• advance notice of patent expiry due to non-payment of fees
• other notices such as changes in laws or fees

Internet gazette search service

In July 2001, KIPO launched an Internet gazette search service at its Web site . After the publication date, applicants can freely refer to PDF documents via the Internet at any time during the opposition request period. Even after the opposition request period, they can find information on the Web site of the Korea Institute of Patent Information (KIPI) . KIPI is a specialized intellectual property rights (IPR) information service agent founded by KIPO in 1995. The search service enables applicants to be notified about their interests through a push-mail service.

To help correct the specifications or drawings of an application, KIPO has published the full text of the corrected applications on its Web site since November 2002, whereas previously it had only published relevant parts of the applications.

Word processing and office automation

Since its launch, the KIPOnet system has been continually improved through the development of its subordinate systems. Computerized searches and on-line examinations have streamlined KIPO’s internal administrative processes; and electronic applications have enhanced the transparency of KIPO’s approval process.

KIPO now communicates examination results to applicants via the Internet or mobile telecommunication service; it also publishes official gazettes on the Internet and handles most registration and opposition procedures on-line. In addition, by developing the On-line Trial System in 2002, KIPO has now computerized all IPR administrative procedures except for the parts that require human judgment.

Thanks to KIPOnet’s efficiency in intellectual property (IP) administration, KIPO was awarded first prize ahead of other Korean government agencies in the 2002 Public Sector Innovation Contest.

On-line Trial System

KIPO began to set up its On-line Trial System in March 2002 and launched it in July of the same year. The system has improved KIPO’s customer service level by enabling IPR trials, along with the transfer of relevant documents, to be administered on-line through a link to the examination system.

On-line Registration Request System

On-line payment of the initial fee, registration fee and annual registration fee has been possible through Internet banking since the launch of KIPOnet in 1999. With the completion of the On-line Registration Request System in July 2002, other official fees can now be paid on-line; for example, the fees related to the change of content in the register and transfer of rights such as exclusive or non-exclusive licenses.

On-line Opposition Request System

With the commencement of the On-line Opposition Request System in July 2002, anybody can submit an opposition to an application after the application has been laid open for public inspection. Furthermore, KIPO examiners can use this system to confirm and give a final decision on proceedings involving oppositions to registrations and petitions to cancel registrations. As a result, this system helps reduce the examination period and it minimizes the risk of losing documents during their transfer.

On-line Certificate Issuance System

Since December 2002, KIPO has issued certificates in real time through its Web site. This service allows applicants to request and receive various kinds of certificates on-line and to check the progress of their requests. The kinds of documents the service now handles have increased from 13 to 15.

Electronic Approval and Routing System

KIPO’s Electronic Approval and Routing System has enabled electronic approval for IPR administration and general administration. The system comprises two major parts: an approval system for IPR examinations, which was introduced with the KIPOnet system in 1999; and an approval system for general administration, which was launched in June 2000. In 2002, the ratio of electronic approval was 99.1 percent. The system has been used for the following:
• Electronic approval: preparation, approval, dispatch and receipt of electronic documents, management of document box, and the circulation of documents.
• Electronic mail: preparation, transmission, receipt, and management of e-mail.
• Electronic board: posting and reading notices on an electronic board.
• Management of records: preservation of records.

III. Matters concerning abstracting, classifying, reclassifying and indexing of technical information contained in patent documents

Abstracting, reviewing, translating

Data Management Center

Since May 2002, KIPO has managed the Data Management Center. The center compiles high-quality data through systematic analysis; it generates and processes data, and fixes data errors. In 2002, data analysis was conducted on the following:

1) Data generation
• Rejections: patents (22,599 items of data from 1987 to 1999), utility models (15,153 items of data from 1990 to 2000).
• Registrations: patents (13,842 items of data from 1989 to 1999), utility models (6,537 items of data from 1992 to 1999).
• Trials: patents (4,648 items of data from 1994 to 2002).

Regarding image files of registrations, the existing PDF or TIFF files on magnetic optical disk were converted into standardized TIFF files for the KIPOnet database. A total of 373,000 items of data were recorded on CD-ROMs.

2) Data consolidation
Data consolidation was needed for accuracy of the search database and the IPR administration database.
• Inspection of the search database: 69,000 patents and utility models from 1993 to April 1998
• Comparison of the search database with the IPR administration database: 16,244 patents and utility models from 1993 to April 1998.

3) Data analysis
To understand the causes of data errors and to prevent any delays or errors, KIPO analyzed more than one million items of data on patents and utility models in the KIPOnet database and fixed 1155 data errors using the SQL program.

Korean Patent Abstracts

For the international exchange of patent information, KIPO has published CD-ROMs of Korean Patent Abstracts (KPA) in English since 1997 and distributed them domestically and abroad. In 2002, from a total of 376,703 patents, KIPO published 61,455 unexamined patents in English, including 17,871 foreign applications and 9704 registered patents.

Classification and reclassification activities; Classification system used, e.g., International Patent Classification (IPC), other classification (please indicate whether or not patent documents are classified by your Office and, if so, which classification is used)

International Patent Classification

KIPO uses the International Patent Classification (IPC) as its official classification system. The preclassification has been outsourced to KIPI and each examiner confirms which subgroup an application should be classified under. In 2002, 140,000 applications for patents and utility models were classified in accordance with the IPC. Although the IPC is revised every five years, KIPO does not reclassify the previous applications.

Bibliographic data and full-text processing for search purposes

Since first publishing gazettes on CD-ROMs in May 1998, KIPO has used the searchable SGML format for its search system. It has also converted earlier data into SGML format. Currently, KIPO’s examiners can search the full text of unexamined patents and utility models published as far back as 1983; they can search examined patents and utility models issued since 1947; and they can search gazettes from the JPO, the EPO and the USPTO.

IV. Search file establishment and upkeep

File building

KIPO continues to construct a database of information from the following sources: the Unexamined Patents and Utility Models Gazette, the Registered Patents and Utility Models Gazette, the JPO’s Patent Gazettes, Search Master and PAJ, the EPO’s FPD and IFD, and the USPTO’s Patent Specifications.

In 2002, the amount of data in the KIPOnet search system reached 85 million items comprising nine million domestic items and 76 million foreign items of IP information. The data was extracted from domestic and foreign gazettes and literature on science and technology, including 376,000 items of KPA data. In 2002, KIPO also converted to SGML format hard copy data that includes 63,000 items from registrations, rejections and trial dossiers, and 150,000 items from design catalogs.

Storage, including mass storage media

Storage configuration

KIPOnet’s storage configuration is divided into two sections: IP administration and the search system. Since electronic applications are original copies and comprise the majority of the operating data, the storage of electronic applications is essential to the operation of the KIPOnet system. Consequently, KIPO has applied a mirroring of the Raid 1 method to the storage disk.

Search systems apply Raid S or Auto Raid according to the kind of storage disks. The Raid S method takes the parity up to 25 percent, which is the fundamental means for protecting data. Auto Raid, however, has automatic parity that can be adjusted to the volume of data.

Documentation from other offices maintained and/or considered part of the available search file

Foreign data available through KIPO’s search system consist of the following:
• Bibliographies: Search Master (JP/1975~), FPD (EP/1974~), IFD (EP/1974~)
• Abstracts: Japanese Patents (JP/1975~1996), FPD (EP/1974~)
• Full Texts: Japanese Utility Models (JP/1975~), USAPat (US/1975~), Espace-A (EP/1978~), Espace-B (EP/1990~), Espace-world (EP/1978~).

V. Activities in the field of computerized and other mechanized search systems

In-house systems (online/offline)

KIPO Patent Search System

In January 2000, KIPO launched the New Patent Search System (NPS), a Web-based patent retrieval system. The NPS was designed to retrieve data from domestic and foreign patent databases by entering any keyword or technical classification. KIPO also applied the high-performance search engine K2 Enterprise, produced by Verity Inc., and a Japanese-Korean translation tool to produce an efficient and easy-to-use system. The NPS was renamed the KIPO Patent Search System (KIPASS) in January 2002.

KIPO made a significant breakthrough in January 2002 by integrating independently developed retrieval systems. To make the search system user-friendlier and to satisfy the needs of patent examiners, KIPO enabled the search system to present integrated user-interfaces with a variety of new functions such as a user dictionary, a single-query search facility, a clustered display, individual databases and a meta-search facility for non-patent literature. The system also links search systems on a unified digital certificate, and it activates a single viewer that allows examiners to view various electronic formats such as SGML, TIFF and HTML within a single application. Changing the programming from the Common Gateway Interface to the Java Server Pager has enhanced the high-performance, stability and security of the retrieval system.

KIPASS visual manual

KIPO produced a KIPASS user manual. With the manual, it saves time training new examiners, it gives efficient notification of system changes, and it explains each function in detail.

Multi-language processing

To overcome the limitation of foreign-language processing for the Web-based KIPASS, KIPO changed the character code of foreign documents to Unicode to improve the search capacity in Japanese and English, thereby supporting multi-languages on a single Web browser and enabling links to other Web viewers. KIPO plans to enhance the search service for western European languages.

Searching the FTerm code and Japanese patent literature

KIPO enhanced the FTerm code search function to enable searches of Japanese patent literature. Previously, examiners seldom used this function because they were unfamiliar with the FTerm. KIPO consequently introduced an IPC mapping table customized for examiners; the examiners can now search for relevant classifications through the improved FTerm code search function.

Single-query retrieval

To expedite mass searches using KIPASS, which covers the data for 25 million patents and utility models, KIPO developed a single-query search function. The new function allows examiners to quickly retrieve the results of a search using a single query.

Search Reservation System

To reduce the workload of the search engine during normal working hours and to expedite the search results, KIPO introduced the Search Reservation System. The system reserves search requests and delivers the results to customers through batch work after hours. Linked to the Examination System, the system also analyzes the contents of applications, automatically generates search queries, and enables examiners to confirm the search results.

Individual database

For the convenience of examiners, KIPO developed a program to establish reference individual databases in accordance with the IPC. Examiners can download IPC data to their own PC, manage the data individually, and refer to the data at any time.

Clustered display

KIPO provides examiners with a clustered display of search results in real time; the results, which are classified by IPC, date and keyword, are organized into a tree form. Examiners are not required to put together search queries to get the desired results; and they use the search results more frequently as statistical data in real time.

Priority application search

When examiners fail to input an exact priority number corresponding to an application, they cannot get search results because of the various formats of priority numbers. For easier and more convenient searches of priority applications, KIPO provides an index of priority numbers consisting only of numerals; non-numerical characters from previous priority numbers are excluded.

External databases

Apart from KIPO’s search system, examiners have used the CA system since 1977 and the IEL system since 1988.

Administrative management systems (e.g., register, legal status, statistics, administrative support, etc.)

With the establishment of the KIPOnet system, all IPR administrative procedures have been automated. KIPO uses the following subsidiary systems of KIPOnet to manage the data produced in each phase of the procedure, to deal with matters that originate in the transfer of data to the next phase, and to speed up the administration of searches:

General Information Management System

The General Information Management System outputs a variety of statistical and policy data related to various types of industrial property such as patents, utility models, trademarks and industrial designs. It does this by using a variety of information retained by KIPO in database form. The system’s tools efficiently manage large-volume data and provide various features for end-users.

Data Management System

The Data Management System simplifies the procedure for correcting users’ input errors and for changing data in the old systems. It maintains a history of data changes, and guarantees correct data changes to promptly meet the requests of applicants and KIPO departments.

Applied Process Monitoring System

The Applied Process Monitoring System aims to prevent problems caused by delays in work processing. It also provides information on the problem-managing status according to application type and application form. The system analyzes the cause of problems and establishes measures to handle them.

Quality Management System

KIPO has strengthened the function of the KIPOnet Quality Management System introduced in December 2000. The system enhances work productivity by establishing standardized processes; it enables efficient use of resources through systematic process management; it also balances the workload of individuals with the workload of developers through a coordinated distribution of workloads among departments. Moreover, it facilitates efficient quality management and process improvement through continual inspection of the system and improvements in customer satisfaction.

In November 2001, KIPO was granted an ISO9001 Certificate by the Korean Foundation for Quality for its development, management and servicing of the KIPOnet system. This certificate assures that KIPO will maintain the excellent reliability and credibility of the system.

Knowledge Management System

The Knowledge Management System facilitates the sharing of information among staff members through integrated management of a variety of information and intellectual property held by KIPO. It also provides this information optionally through personalized portals. The system is dedicated to the efficient management of the knowledge and information retained by KIPO. It helps activate knowledge management by improving the productivity of IP administrative processes through the existing evaluation and reward system for knowledge-based activities.

By the end of 2002, KIPO had posted about seven thousand individual items of information on relevant Web sites, foreshadowing the construction of an infrastructure for knowledge management. The Web sites were searched 6000 times per month. In addition, on four occasions KIPO awarded 150 of its staff for adopting mileage of its use.

Information strategic plan for developing KIPOnet II

To cope with rapid changes in the technical and legal trends of the global IPR environment, KIPO formed a task force in early 2002 to set up an information strategy plan that would present the vision and direction of KIPOnet II. The new system is expected to include a 24x365 service to the public, a work-at-home system and a customized service for examiners. In 2003, the task force will analyze the requirements and design the system. To attain high efficiency and flexibility, KIPO is considering using cutting-edge IT such as integrated middleware and XML. KIPOnet II will be operational in 2005.

Equipment used (hardware, including the types of terminal and network used, and software), carriers used

By improving the IT infrastructure of the KIPOnet system such as the server, disks and common software, KIPO has accelerated its business processing.


The hardware of the KIPOnet system comprises four parts: servers, storage, peripherals and networks. The server consists of 31 UNIX servers (Enterprise), one workstation, 11 NT servers and eight small servers. The storage capacity is 21 terabytes and RAID 1, 5, S and Auto RAID are used according to the method of data protection. The peripherals consist of four backup devices, 20 jukeboxes and 252 items of network equipment. In 2002, KIPO continued to replace and integrate existing servers with enhanced servers. For the backup drive, in particular, a new STK L20 was introduced and 12 LTO drives were supplemented.

For greater availability of the KIPOnet system, KIPO constructed a clustering system between the Receiving Server and the Sending Server, between the Application Administration and the Registration Server, and between the Examination-I Server and the Examination-II Server.

The Application Administration Server, for example, has a set of programs that enables the administration of registrations to cope with the unexpected problems of the Registration Server. In other words, in case of system failure in the Registration Server, the Application Administration Server temporarily substitutes for the Registration Server. The interoperability of clustering allows time to address the problem.

Since servers based on the clustering structure use the same databases when applying the Oracle Parallel System, the accuracy and suitability of data is maintained if any failure occurs in the servers.

Proxy server

In the early stage of the KIPOnet system, one of its strong points was security. The reliability of its security came from physically separating the external and internal networks. The separated networks bring in a bunch of batch processes that transfer all incoming applications to internal servers on the night of the receiving date. Many IP procedures take no more than two days due to the effectiveness of the overnight batch processing.

However, because this system requires several administrative procedures such as checking the application status in near time, KIPO introduced proxy servers that could instantly indicate the application status. Through the introduction of proxy servers, KIPO provides prompt IP service with tightened security.


For storage sharing among servers, a storage area network was introduced to the KIPOnet system. The storage area network improves the efficiency of data storage and reduces the workload of disk management.

In 2002, to improve the function of the Internet application network, KIPO upgraded the network from 2 Mbps to 10 Mbps and changed to a double-line system. The backbone switch of the IP administration network was changed from an ATM to a Gigabit Ethernet switch. For the network of e-Patent Portal System, a new double-line backbone switch was introduced.


In 2001, KIPO set up software for managing customer requests for its e-Patent Portal System. It also adopted the Gdomino application for handling the connection with other governmental offices related to the electronic approval system.

In 2002, KIPO enhanced the KIPOnet system by upgrading its software as follows:
• Oracle: from version 8.0.6 to version 8.1.7
• Database management software: PreciseSQL 32 bit version to 64 bit version
• DBMS· backup software: NetBackup 3.1.1 to version 3.4.2
• Test management software: WinRunner 7.0 to version 7.5.

The OLTP middleware WebtoB was adopted for the On-line Trial System, the On-line Registration Request System and the On-line Opposition Request System. In December 2002, common software was installed to monitor the Web Application Server of the E-filing System (Weblogic).

VI. Administration of the industrial property office library and services available to the public (relating to facilities, e.g., for lodging applications, for assisting clients on searching procedures, for obtaining official publications and registry extracts)

Planning, administration, automation, security, buildings

Operation of KIPOnet system

KIPO's System Management Team provides 24-hour emergency services aimed at stabilizing the server and network. The team regularly monitors the system and immediately recovers it in times of system failure. An outsourced SI company has been assigned 88 worker-months to operate the application software and hardware. In particular, the company operates 44 subsystems, including the e-filing, internal administration and search systems; it also maintains the main server, the storage media and the network equipment.

To raise the efficiency of the KIPOnet system and for the convenience of applicants and clients, KIPO extended the on-line filing hours by three hours. It now operates from 8:00 am to 9:00. For the full operation of the KIPOnet system, KIPO has strengthened its accident-prevention measures, constructed an around-the-clock monitoring system, and continued to improve the performance of the system.


The security system of KIPO is based on the public key infrastructure for the encryption and decoding of applications. In addition, KIPO has applied the single sign on system for tighter security in accordance with the standardized Internet protocol called Directory Access Protocol and public key-based security.

Collecting, acquisitions, preparation

IP Library
The IP Library archives patent documents such as bibliographic data, abstracts and full texts in a variety of media such as paper, microform and CD-ROM. The documents are obtained through an exchange agreement with 26 countries and four international organizations. The collection of patent documents includes 10,277 CDs, 276,562 films, 103,299 volumes of paper documents and 725 DVDs from the USPTO and WIPO.

The library also possesses non-patent documents donated by or purchased from other sources. This material, which comprises 23,379 volumes and 500 periodicals related to science and technology, along with CD-ROMs of annual reports and statistics, is arranged by class or numerical order. All of this material can be searched by KIPO's examiners or by the public. An electronic database is provided at the Internet corner of the IP Library. The library also provides a service for purchasing copies of original electronic material such as electronic journals and e-books.

Interlibrary lending, resource sharing, networks of patent libraries in the country

Agreement on exchange of information resources

Since KIPO became a member of the Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information in 1978, it has been provided with an interlibrary loan service and document delivery service for a variety of IP-related publications.

In 2002, KIPO agreed with the National Assembly Library to exchange information so that examiners could do on-line searches of more than three million volumes of theses, government publications, seminar materials and old books.

National Digital Science Library

In 2000, KIPO joined the National Digital Science Library. The Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology runs this service, which provides access to academic theses and scientific journals of 200 domestic libraries and information centers.

Information services available to the public (including computerized services and search files contained in libraries remote from your Office and patent information posted by your Office on the World Wide Web)

e-Patent Portal System

KIPO established the e-Patent Portal System to transform KIPO's Web site into an on-line service for the cyber community. For on-line registration, applicants can get e-signatures and codes via the Internet.

Through a unified portal, all kinds of intellectual property can be filed on-line with the ease of sending e-mail. Customers can pay their fees through Internet banking; and they are informed of the legal status of their applications through e-mail or mobile phone. At KIPO’s Web site, they can also get diverse certificates and search IPR information. Moreover, “by one call or by one click” customers can get answers to most questions concerning intellectual property rights. This interactive process has overcome the limitation of the one-way notification system.

Enhancement of the Korea Industrial Property Rights Information Service

Since KIPI’s independence in December 2001, the Korea Industrial Property Rights Information Service (KIPRIS) has provided a specialized IPR information service. In 2002, free online access was provided for approximately twenty million items of IP information, including 11 million items of information from abroad. The number of users increased from 3.3 million in 2001 to 3.8 million in 2002.

KPA search service

Since July 2001, searchable KPA data has been available to the general public at KIPO’s English Web site,, and through KIPI’s KIPRIS. With weekly updates, the Web site allows applicants to get up-to-date information on the legal status of their applications.

IP Mart

In April 2000, KIPO launched the Internet Patent Mart, called the IP-Mart, to create opportunities for transferring patented technology on-line and to overcome the limitation of short-lived brick and mortar technology fairs. The IP-Mart’s URL is The mart also gives a variety of IP information to individual inventors and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) for the purpose of promoting innovation.

The IP-Mart’s database was enlarged from 42,000 in 2001 to 50,000 in 2002. In 2002, the number of users reached 16,000; the database structure was improved; and related organizations cooperated in exchanging information.

Expansion and enhancement of local patent information support centers

To publicize the IPR system and disseminate IPR information on a national scale, KIPO set up 15 Local Patent Information Support Centers in 2000. These centers disseminate IPR information in areas where IT illiteracy is widespread, as well as in industrial complexes and SME-concentrated areas.

In 2002, seven new centers were established. This brought the total up from 18 centers in 2001 to 25 in 2002. The number of users climbed to 114,000 from 93,000 in 2001. Moreover, 7,343 participants received free IPR education through a local program, and a service was provided for local SMEs on analyzing patent information.

Call Center

To integrate scattered windows for counseling and promptly provide technical advice, KIPO established its Call Center in March 2002. The Call Center presents a single window of services to IP clients and KIPOnet users. IP procedures and technical advice are available via the telephone, email and on-line meetings. The Call Center was computerized with the incorporation of the Customer Relationship Management System. As a result, KIPO can accumulate clients' feedback for better policies and IT strategies for the future.

VII. Matters concerning mutual exchange of patent documentation and information

International or regional cooperation in the exchange of machine-readable information, e.g., bibliographic data, abstract and/or full text information

IT cooperation between KIPO and the JPO

KIPO has held regular IT experts meetings with the Japan Patent Office (JPO) since 2000. They agreed on the electronic exchange of priority documents and free access to their respective IPR databases at the third and fourth meetings in 2001. They also exchanged information pertaining mainly to technical matters such as the electronic filing of applications, network and data exchange, retrieval systems and retrieval databases.

In 2002, KIPO purchased equipment from the USPTO to establish the KIPO-JPO network. It also installed a security system for linking the network to TriNet, and it finished testing the network in May. At the fifth meeting in April 2002, both offices agreed on details of the network connection for exchanging data such as priority documents and retrieval databases; they started the on-line exchange of priority documents through the network in August.

IT cooperation between KIPO and the EPO

Since 1978, KIPO has complied with the agreement between the EPO and KIPO to supply free bibliographic data from official gazettes to EPIDOS for the INPADOC database in machine-readable format.

KIPO and the EPO have strengthened cooperation on IP automation through IT experts meetings since 2000. At the Fifth Heads Meeting between both offices in April 2002, they agreed on establishing an experts group in the areas of documentation, automation, and patent information. Such activities will extend IT and IP cooperation between the two offices, and enable them to exchange views and concerns on relevant areas.

IT cooperation between KIPO and IP Australia

At the IT experts meeting in October 2002, KIPO and IP Australia agreed to cooperate on the following IT projects: assistance for office automation of developing countries, technical assistance for mutual exploitation of examination results, electronic exchange of priority documents, electronic international applications under the Madrid Protocol and PCT.

Cooperation with the USPTO and CIPO

In 2002, the USPTO agreed to provide KIPO with its full text of patent specifications from 1920 to 1979. KIPO also recognized the importance of cooperation on IP automation, IT policies, e-filing and information dissemination. It basically consented to exchange IT experts with the USPTO and CIPO to discuss these issues.

Cooperation on PCT automation with WIPO

KIPO discussed with WIPO the electronic exchange of PCT documents, the format of such documents and the development of PCT-SAFE. It also agreed to use WIPO's system of Systematic Communication and Specific Communication. Under this system, KIPO can electronically receive four major types of PCT documents: pamphlets, priority documents, international preliminary examination reports and declarations. The system increases efficiency in handling related affairs and reduces storage requirements.

Activities related to the WIPO SCIT and the WIPO Standards

With experiences learned from developing KIPOnet system, KIPO has positively participated in improving the WIPO Standards through its task force teams under the SCIT Standards and Documentation Working Group (SDWG), particularly, in six fields including ST.6, ST.8. At the second meeting of the SDWG in December 2002, KIPO proposed that existing WIPO Standards on trademarks be revised or new standards be introduced. The SDWG agreed to revise the WIPO Standards. They established the Trademark Standards Task Force under the leadership of KIPO.

Moreover, KIPO is eager to contribute to WIPO IT projects such as PCT e-filing and IMPACT. Accordingly, it has dispatched an IT expert to WIPO to help develop and test the PCT e-filing project. The IMPACT project supports the production and exchange of PCT documents in electronic form.

Medium used for exchange of priority documents

Exchange of priority documents with the JPO

According to an agreement for the electronic exchange of priority documents with the JPO, KIPO developed a system of managing priority documents in June 2001. Since July 2001, priority documents had been exchanged on CD-ROM before beginning the on-line exchange through TriNet in August 2002.

Electronic receipt of priority documents from WIPO

Since December 2001, KIPO has received PCT priority documents on DVDs from WIPO, which have been produced under the WIPO IMPACT project. In February 2002, KIPO developed a system that enables electronic documents on DVDs to be used within its internal system.

Medium allowed for filing applications

KIPO permits applicants to file applications on-line, on paper or on floppy disk. All paper-based applications are converted into electronic format. Specifications and drawings submitted to KIPO, as well as bibliographical data on a floppy disk, are uploaded to the KIPOnet system.

For e-filing, applicants can easily prepare electronic documents in SGML format using software called Korean Electronic Applications Preparation Software (KEAPS), and then file their applications via the Internet. Launched in 1999, the e-filing software has been continually developed.

In December 2001, KIPO completed the development of a state-of-the -art Web-based editor for form processing. As a result, applicants can make electronic documents with a commercial word processor such as MS Word and Hangul (Hangul is the most popular word processing software which has been produced since late 1980s in Korea.), along with KEAPS. Revisions to relevant laws and regulations enabled a greater variety of documents to be filed on-line. With this improved public service, more than 95 percent of application forms can now be filed on-line. Furthermore, simpler preparation procedures have enabled applicants to more easily file applications through the KIPOnet system.

In February 2002, KIPO introduced a real-time service that issues digital signatures, which had formerly been issued off-line. KIPO has also been encouraging the widespread use of digital signatures by authorized organizations. The requirements for e-filing such as the assignment of an application code and the declaration of firest e-filing are now available on-line. In 2002, the e-filing rate for all IPRs climbed to an average of 83 percent from 74 percent in 1999. Significantly, 93.9 percent of patent applications were filed on-line.

Promotion and support for e-filing

To promote e-filing, KIPO conducted an awareness campaign that combined education, positive reinforcement, face-to-face contact, and PR via newspapers, e-mail, and posters.

KIPO also dispatched a troubleshooter to help applicants with their e-filing. This service is for patent attorneys and applicants, including legal entities and natural persons. The troubleshooter helps to solve problems related to the installation and use of e-filing software. In 2002, the troubleshooter was dispatched 326 times and provided on-the-spot help to 3059 applicants.

In addition, the Korean Invention Promotion Association and Local Patent Information Support Centers gave occassional explanatory meetings and free e-filing education on 201 occasions for more than 10,000 individuals.

Implementation of the Statement of Principles Concerning the Changeover to Electronic Data Carriers for the Exchange of Patent Documents (please provide a status report on the extent to which your Office has changed over to electronic data carriers for the exchange of patent documents)

For a variety of IP information including gazettes and priority documents, KIPO prefers on-line exchange. Previously, it used CD-ROMs or DVDs.

VIII. Other relevant matters concerning education and training in, and promotion of, the use of patent information, including technical assistance to developing countries

Training courses for national and foreign participants, use of audiovisual means

Cyber International Patent Academy

The Cyber International Patent Academy,, is an on-line training course. The academy completed its contents and database by the end of 2001, and opened the on-line service in May 2002. It trains a diverse group of people interested in IPRs and inventions—from elementary students to senior citizens. In the courses, experts in industry, law, administration and education present relevant IP information, including basic knowledge of IPRs. Currently, the academy runs 15 courses including one course titled ‘A little Edison’ and holds more than 10,000 users.

Assistance to developing countries (sending consultants and experts, receiving trainees from developing countries, etc.)

Technical Cooperation Project for developing countries

At the APEC Intellectual Property Rights Experts Group in March 2002, KIPO proposed a three-year IT project to support the IPOs of developing countries in the APEC region, namely, “Technical Cooperation Project of IP Automation in APEC Region”. It hopes to bridge the digital divide between the IPOs of developed and developing countries, and to promote the efficiency and transparency of IPR administration. The ultimate objective of the project is to build a database of information strategy plans (ISPs).

The scheme of KIPO’s technical cooperation project, which aims to facilitate the implementation of IP automation for all APEC member economies, involves the following steps:
• categorizing developing APEC member economies into groups based on their automation level and application volume
• selecting a representative member economy in each group and delivering IT consulting services
• building a database containing standardized output from the consulting services and presenting it to all member economies.

By sharing the experience of IP automation, the benefits of technical cooperation will be maximized. Using the know-how gained from building the database will enable member economies to minimize trial and error in adopting harmonized IPR administration processes; it will also help them comply with IT standards in the global IPR community, and eventually lead to successful implementation of IP automation.

The APEC Budget and Management Committee tentatively approved KIPO’s requested budget of US$750,000 for the project, covering the period from 2003 to 2005. The budget was approved in a meeting held at Singapore from 30 July to 1 August 2002. Consequently, in 2003, KIPO plans to implement support projects worth US$250,000 for APEC’s developing countries.

Technical consultation for the IPOs of developing countries

In 2002, KIPO delivered ISP consulting services to the IPOs of Papua New Guinea and the Philippines. It analyzed the IP procedures and IT status of these two offices, and established an ISP to give direction to their policies on IP automation.

The consulting results and KIPO's experience acquired during the development of KIPOnet show that a universal automation vision could be applied to all IPOs with the help of efforts to harmonize IPR administration. Most problems that IPOs face during system development can be prevented by common strategies because the problems stem from similar causes.

Promotional activities (seminars, exhibitions, visits, advertising, etc.)

Presentation of the KIPOnet system at international events

In December 2002, KIPO held an international forum on Partnership Opportunities and Technical Cooperation on IP & IT. Participants from seven countries including Taiwan, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam discussed the overall environment of IP automation, the industrial and economic impact of IP automation, and the significance of disseminating patent information. At the forum, KIPO also outlined the beneficial effects of the KIPOnet system and the APEC Technical Cooperation Project proposed by KIPO.

KIPO reiterated the efficiency of the KIPOnet system at the following events:
• the international forum on innovation in the public sector, which was held in May 2002, with participants from 15 foreign countries including the USA, Great Britain and Canada
• the APEC e-government exhibition at Seoul in July 2002
• the annual EPIDOS conference in Copenhagen
• the Korea/Mercosour E-Government Seminar in Brazil in November 2002.

International Intellectual Property Training Institute

In 1987, the International Intellectual Property Training Institute (IIPTI) was established in Seoul as an affiliated organization of KIPO; it initially offered 11 IPR training courses. It moved to Daedeok Science Valley in Daejeon with the support of WIPO and the UNDP in February 1991. In June 2000, it offered a new training seminar for foreigners on IPR enforcement. Currently, it offers the following three courses for foreign participants:

Training course for foreigners

Since 1987, the Korean International Cooperation Agency has funded a biannual training course for foreigners. Targeting IPR officials from developing countries, the course explains in detail the Korean IPR system and the development of Korean IPR laws and policies.

In 2002, the course featured the development of IP laws, international trends of leading IPOs, and new issues such as biological patents, BM patents, and technology transfers and licensing. Held from April 13 to 26, the course attracted approximately 12 public officials from eight countries including Panama, Peru, and Vietnam.

WIPO Asian Regional Seminar

The WIPO Asian Regional Seminar has been held every year since 1988 in cooperation with WIPO. It aims at assisting the development of the international IPR system. The discussion topics include recent IPR trends and hot issues and IPR-related treaties.

The theme of the 2002 seminar was IP strategy for SMEs in the 21st century. Held from November 26 to 28, the seminar attracted 62 participants from 25 countries including the USA, Australia, Germany, Mongolia and Nepal. Participants discussed policies on the efficient promotion and use of IPRs and IPR information exchange.

Instructors course on IP training

In conjunction with WIPO and the JPO, the IIPTI established in 2001 an instructors course on IP training. The course was designed for public officials from the Asia-Pacific region who were engaged in IP training. To raise the skills of trainers, the course offers opportunities for exchanging information and sharing training experience.

From 18 to 22 March 2002, a total of 43 participants from 23 countries, including China, India, Malaysia and the Philippines, exchanged views on policies, teaching materials, IPR educational methods, and recent issues such as the Internet, e-commerce and BM-related inventions.

Studies to identify trends in new technology, e.g., by the use of patent statistics, preparation of monographs, etc.

Survey, Analysis and Dissemination of Patent Information

KIPO plans to institutionalize a survey of relevant patent information for the formulation and implementation of a national R&D policy. The aim is to establish a policy for disseminating patent information for the national technological revolution. In addition, KIPO presented to 24 relevant organizations and enterprises its policy for disseminating patent information.

In June 2002, KIPO published a report on patent competition titled 2002 Report on Korean Patent Application Trends. The report covers the patent trends of 618 technologies from 30 countries, including the USA and Japan. In the report, KIPO analyzed the trends of 677,835 patent applications (except non-disclosed patents) for the 18-year period from 1983 to 2001. The applications were analyzed by technology, academic field, region and company. A free Korean version of the report will be available as a PDF file at the KIPO Web site from March 2003.

Patent Information Analysis System

In 2002, KIPO has upgraded its Patent Information Analysis System. The new 2.1 version, which aims to draw up and analyze patent maps, has been disseminated to research institutes and the private sector, including SMEs, venture businesses, academies and individual inventors. The Web site,, was constructed to provide real-time service for patent map results of core technologies. Furthermore, the Associate of Trends Analysis of New Technology and Patents has published the reports of 24 technology areas and posted them on the KIPO Web site,

The new version was designed to expedite data loading and analysis, to solve frequent bugs such as deactivation of the reservation button and filtering data errors, and to prevent the input of unnecessary data.

IX. Other relevant matters

1.Classification is allotting one or more classification symbols (e.g., IPC symbols) to a patent application, either before or during search and examination, which symbols are then published with the patent application.

2.Preclassification is allotting an initial broad classification symbol (e.g., IPC class or subclass, or administrative unit) to a patent application, using human or automated means for internal administrative purposes (e.g., routing an application to the appropriate examiner).  Usually preclassification is applied by the administration of an office.

3.Reclassification is the reconsideration and usually the replacement of one or more previously allotted classification symbols to a patent document, following a revision and the entry into force of a new version of the Classification system (e.g., the IPC).  The new symbols are available on patent databases.

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