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Annual Technical Report 2012 on Patent Information Activities submitted by Uzbekistan (CWS/ATR/PI/2012/UZ)

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The term "patent" covers utility models and Supplementary Protection Certificates (SPCs). Offices which issue design patents should report their design patent information activities in their Annual Technical Reports on Industrial Design Information Activities.

I. Evolution of patent activities

Changes experienced in terms of application filings and grants with respect to the previous year

The procedures of filing application, examination and patent granting have not changed in 2012.

Trends or areas experiencing rapid changes with respect to the previous year


In 2012 AIP has received 510 applications for granting patent. 257 applications are submitted by national applicants that makes 50,4 % from total number of submitted applications. Foreign applicants submit 253 applications (49,6 %), from which the applications on the international procedure (РСТ) make 94,5 %. The greatest quantity of applications for inventions from national applicants has been submitted on section A « Human necessities» of International patent classification, the foreign applicants has been submitted on section C « Chemistry, Metallurgy ». Total number of the registered inventions has made 175, from its on a share of national applicants 74,9 % ; foreign applicants - 25,1 %. It should be noted that over the past four years the ratio of registered inventions in the name of national applicants has changed in a big way: in 2009 the share was 54.9%, in 2010 - 57.8%, in 2011 - 60.3%; then in 2012 - 74.9%.

Utility models

In 2012 the total of filed applications on utility model is 183, which is the largest significative in the last five years. 173 applications (94,5 %) were filled by national applicants, on a share of foreign applicants 5,5 % from total number of submitted application. The most of number of applications were filled according section A “ Human necessities” – 51 applications and section D “Textiles, Paper”– 44 applications and B “Various technical processes; transportation” - 37 applications; the share of the submitted applications on these sections makes 72,1 % . In 2012 the total of the registered useful models has increased for 5,4 % in comparison with the last year and it has made 97 useful models from which 96,9 % are registered by national applicants and 3,1 % are a share foreign applicants.

URLs of web pages of the Office’s website that provide statistics related to patents

The statistical data on inventions and utility models are available on the following link:

II. Matters concerning the generation, reproduction, distribution and use of primary and secondary sources of patent information

Publishing, printing, copying (main types of publications of the Office in the field of patent information, etc.)

The AIP has published the following official publications in 2012:
• The official bulletin «Rasmiy Akhborotnoma» - 12 issues (on CD-ROM);
• Descriptions of inventions to patents - 145 descriptions (on a paper);
• Descriptions of utility models to patents - 95 descriptions (on a paper);
• The collection of annual indexes to the official bulletin «Rasmiy Akhborotnoma» for 2012 (sections of lists on inventions and utility models) on the electronic carrier.

Data on the registered inventions have published in sections "Inventions" and “Utility models” of the official bulletin «Rasmiy Akhborotnoma», which is posted on the Agency's website and published on CD-ROM. Data on inventions includes bibliographic data and abstracts, data on granted inventions include bibliographic data and formula and data on utility models include bibliographic data and abstract; all data are translated in Russian and Uzbek languages. Data on 508 submitted applications for invention, 171 granted inventions (patents) and 108 granted utility models are published in bulletins in 2012 year.

AIP participates also in issuing of CISPATENT, which is joint regional patent-information product on CD-ROM disks, being the collection of official publications of patent offices of the states-participants of CIS and Eurasian Patent Office (EAPO). 303 abstracts of inventions and useful models in two languages (english, russian) are prepared in 2012. Also full descriptions of inventions and useful models in Russian and the processed document files send to Federal Service for Intellectual Property, Patents and Trademarks (ROSPATENT).

Main types of announcements of the Office in the field of patent information

The most important announcements, concerning patent-information activity of the office are published in section "Official news" of the bulletin «Rasmiy Akhborotnoma» and also available on the website of the office (

Mass storage media used (paper, microforms, optical storage, etc.)

AIP has a full collection of patent documents of Uzbekistan (originals) on a paper. Furthermore all patent documents are stored in bibliographic databases and in electronic storehouses.

Word processing and office automation

During processing applications, the all the documents, concerning industrial designs are scanned and saved as facsimile form in format TIFF. Collecting chapters of the official bulletin on invention and utility models is carried out automatically on a workplace of the employee of the office of Publication Division. By specialized inquiry bibliographic data from a database (SUBD MS SQL Server 2000) are selected and sorted. The subsequent operations (page makeup, replication) are made by means of programs Word and Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Pro.

(New) techniques used for the generation of patent information (printing, recording, photocomposing, Optical Character Recognition (OCR), etc.)

Description, claims, abstract and drawings processed by the OCR ABBYY FineReader 7.0, LanImage, PhotoShop CS2. To work with different types of documents: word processing, spreadsheets, databases, and other applications used office suite MS Office 2007 Pro, which is saved in MS-Word.

URLs of web pages of the Office’s website that provide access to online publication of patent documents and gazettes, and to other primary and secondary sources of patent information, including patent publication servers and download of bulk patent data

The Official bulletin is available:

III. Matters concerning abstracting, classifying, reclassifying and indexing of technical information contained in patent documents

Abstracting, reviewing, translating

Publishing patent documents on inventions and utility models have included the abstracts in russian and uzbek languages; abstracts are published in the official bulletin on utility models also in two languages.

Classification1, preclassification2 (if applicable), and reclassification3 activities; Classification system used, e.g., International Patent Classification (IPC), other classification (please indicate whether or not patent documents are classified by your Office and, if so, which classification is used)

Applications for inventions and utility models are classified according to the International Patent Classification of corresponding edition, The 8-th edition of IPC - a base level is used since January 1, 2006.

Preliminary classification is used before carrying out the substantive examination, which is used for the internal purposes and also at the publication of applications for inventions.

Reclassification is not carried out in connection with introduction of new editions IPC.

Coordinate indexing (domestic deep indexing systems, keyword indexing)

Coordinated indexing of national patent documents is not carried out.

Hybrid system indexing

The hybrid system indexing of national patent documents is not carried out.

Bibliographic data and full-text processing

Bibliographic data are saved in the form of dynamic ХМL-documents in internal database which are supported and updated during a life of the application by all departments involved in process. Changes in base will be authorized. Interfaces of access to base are constructed on the basis of Intranet-technologies. Search on contents of text files of documents is essentially possible, but now is not accessible.

IV. Search file establishment and upkeep

File building

The search file on a paper and optical disks is formed on the basis of collection of the State Fund of the Patent Documentation, which structure includes current and retrospective files of the national patent documentation, the foreign patent documentation, which entering into the list of the countries - PCT minimum. Besides it, there is patent associated literature including the scientific, technical literature in the form of books and periodicals, reference books.
The Fund of national patent documents on a paper is presented: descriptions of inventions to patent both preliminary patents and descriptions of utility models to certificates and patents (from 1993) systematized on classification indexes of IPC and on numbers of protection documents. Storehouses of bibliographic databases and electronic file (text) for internal use are conducted. The collection of patent documents on CD/DVD-ROM is systematized by the countries and years.


Search files on a paper and a part on CD/DVD-ROM are updated monthly, some CD/DVD-ROM are updated annually.
Bibliographic data and files of documents in electronic storehouse can replenish and correct according call.

Storage, including mass storage media

Conditions of storage of fund depend mostly on kinds of data carriers: patent documents on a paper are stored in folders on metal racks, on CD-ROM and DVD-ROM - in stores in wall cases.
Bases of bibliographic, office work data and file storehouse are stored on specialized file-servers (the magnetic disks organized in the form of a RAID-file) on which with a view of preservation of data reserve copying on an additional server is carried out.

Documentation from other offices maintained and/or considered part of the available search file

In 2012 the State Fund of the Patent Documentation has replenished with patent-information publications of 19 countries of the world, WIPO, EPO, UPOV and EAPO.

V. Activities in the field of computerized and other mechanized search systems

In-house systems (online/offline)

With a view of increase of efficiency of search and processing of patents in Agency the subsystem of automation of patent search and preparation for the publication of patent documents (PIPS) functions.
PIPS - patent-search information system (conducting bibliographic bases, patent search, reports: registers, statistics, decisions of examinations).
The system of automation of search and preparation of documents of Agency has been designed on the basis of technologies Intranet with wide use of language means of the objective structured data presentation - universal language of the description of data XML/XSL and control system of databases of corporate level MS SQL Server.

External databases

Agency experts provided access to patent and non-patent databases online. The most widely used expert public patent databases on the Internet include network Espacenet, database Rospatent, the U.S. Patent Office, WIPO, the Eurasian Patent Office. Temporarily had access to the database Questel Intellectual Property Portal. The followings date bases are used widely by examiners on the Internet:,; and also searching system: Google, Rambler, Yahoo, and Yandex.

Administrative management systems (e.g., register, legal status, statistics and administrative support)

The SATOZ has a full-function system of administration, providing authorization, access to the information, safety, and management of the rights of users, groups and options of system.

Equipment used (hardware, including the types of terminal and network used, and software), carriers used

The active part of technical maintenance of the integrated automated system (the computer, network and peripheral equipment) includes in the structure:
• Workstations of series HP dx2300, dx2400, Pro M3120 MT;
• Server stations of series HP Pro Liant DL 380, HP Pro Liant ML 370;
• Network printers HP LaserJet of series P2015, P1006, P4515x, 5 SiMX, 5000DN, Canon iR 2318;
• Flatbed scanners HP ScanJet 5100C and HP ScanJet 5400C, 4010C, Fujitsu;
• The Switching equipment (switchboards HP, routers 3COM, access servers), sources of no-break power from manufacturers MGE of series Pulsar M3000, M2200.

The architectural decision of corporate network of the Agency completely is based on family of operating systems MS Windows. Operating systems MS Windows Advanced Server 2000/2003 support domain structure of network. As a base workstation system MS Windows XP Professional (SP3)/Windows 7, providing multilanguage support is chosen.
For the purpose of protection of local network against interventions from a network the Internet the local computer network of the organization is protected network by screen MS ISA (Internet Security and Acceleration) is used a kind of proxy-server and also the local network is protected by an antivirus - Kaspersky Antivirus Workstation/Server Edition for prevention infection of computers from harmful software.
With a view of improvement of quality of patent office-work in Agency the licensed software is used.
For editing and recognition of documents it is used software ABBYY Fine Reader 7.0, Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Pro and processing of images Photoshop CS2, CorelDRAW 12. For work with various types of documents: texts, spreadsheets, databases, etc. use office package of appendices MS Office 2007 Pro. For automation of translation process within the limits of a local network the network version of translation program PROMT NET Pro 7.0 and the independent version of electronic dictionary ABBYY Lingvo 10 is used.

VI. Administration of the industrial property office library, and information products and services available to the public (relating to facilities, e.g., for lodging applications, for assisting clients on searching procedures, for obtaining official publications and registry extracts)

Planning, administration, automation, security, buildings

The State Fund of the Patent Documentation (SFPD) is structural division AIP and practically unique full collection of the patent documentation in territory of Uzbekistan. On the basis of SFPD patent-information service, both expert structure of Agency, and the broad audience of the public is carried out, i.e. functions of public library are carried out.
The total area of fund, including office accommodations, reading rooms and storehouses of patent and other information, makes 231 sq. m.

Collecting, acquisitions, preparation

Collection SFPD is presented by the domestic and foreign patent documentation, official and abstract editions of patent departments, legal-patent documentation, methodical and reference books, periodicals. The volume of fund for January, 1st, 2013 made more than 74,8 million copy of patent documents on various kinds of carriers.
The basic sources of acquisition of fund are: official publications AIP; the patent documentation received on the international exchange; a subscription to periodic both specialized editions and purchase of the special literature through news agencies-subscription. All received documentation is registered, classified and grouped for the purposes of storage.
In 2012 has acted more than 3,7 million copies of patent documents on optical disks. Receipts on a paper, except for periodicals, the practical-methodical literature and patent bulletins of some countries at the same time have practically stopped. The collection of fund on СD-ROM and DVD-ROM makes more than 20,8 thousand the disks containing full descriptions of inventions to applications, the patents useful to models, official and abstract editions of patent departments.

Collection management, preservation

The collection of fund is placed on geographical-systematic-numerical principle. Conditions of storage of collection are defined by kinds of data carriers: patent documents on a paper are stored in folders on metal racks, on microfilms - in boxes in metal cupboard, and on CD/DVD-ROM disks - in stores in wall cupboard.

Interlibrary lending, resource sharing, networks of patent libraries in the country

In 2012 SFPD has cooperated on the basis of interlibrary exchange with National library named after A. Navoiy, Main library of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, State Scientific Medical Library; it has been e given out on an interlibrary exchange more than 150 documents, books and brochures.

Information services available to the public (including computerized services and search files contained in libraries remote from your Office and patent information posted by your Office on the World Wide Web)

AIP carries out bibliotheca-information and reference-bibliographic service of experts of various areas of a science, manufacture, business on the basis of SFPD. Delivery of patent documents is carried out directly in the reading room of fund combined with electronic fund, and also under the interlibrary subscription. Visiting SFPD and bibliographic service of all categories of users is carried out free of charge.
The quantity of visitings SFPD in 2012 has made from above 2,4 thousand; it has been given out more than 302 thousand patent documents, from which from above 279 thousand on CD/DVD-ROM disks. It is rendered more than 700 consultations on various questions. It is executed from above 4,8 thousand spears of descriptions of inventions.
With the purpose of expansion of patent-information service AIP carries out a lot of services under orders of the consumers including automated patent search on CD/DVD - ROM, and also patent search with use of the removed databases. Besides render services on a traditional mode - thematic a selection, selective distribution of the patent information by inquiries, copying, selection and delivery of documents by inquiries of readers, to consultation of users. More than 120 orders for patent-information services on inventions and useful models have been executed in 2012.

URLs of web pages of the Office’s website that provide information on business procedures such as: filing, publication, examination and grant procedures related to patents; opposition and appeal procedures related to patents; etc.

The information on filing and consideration of applications for inventions is available on the following link:
The information on filing and consideration of applications for utility models is available on the following link:
The information on the order of granting of patents is available on the following link:
The information on appeal procedure is available on the following link:

URLs of web pages of the Office’s website that provide a description of information products and services offered by the Office (e.g., patent search service(s) and patent databases), as well as information on how to access and utilize them

The information on products and services offered by office in on-line is available on the following link:

VII. Matters concerning mutual exchange of patent documentation and information

International or regional cooperation in the exchange of machine-readable information, e.g., bibliographic data, abstract and/or full text information

SFPD carries out the international exchange of the patent documentation with patent offices of 28 countries, also international organizations (WIPO, UPOV) and regional organization ( EPO, EAPO).

Medium used for exchange of priority documents

The process of exchanging patent documentation in various carriers is continued in 2012 and AIP has received official bulletins on a paper from one country, on optical disks - from 7 countries and EAPO. Patent documents on СD-ROM and DVD-ROM disks have been received from 17 countries, WIPO, EPO and EAPO. Official bulletin of AIP « Rasmiy Akhborotnoma » with data on the registered inventions and useful models on СD-ROM disks by way of a bilateral exchange is sent in patent departments of 28 countries, EPO,WIPO, UPOV and ЕАPO.

Medium allowed for filing applications

Works on submission applications on machine-readable carriers (as the third copy) had continued in 2012. 260 applications on the electronic carrier were submitted.

VIII. Other relevant matters concerning education and training in, and promotion of, the use of patent information, including technical assistance to developing countries (please indicate URLs of web pages of the Office’s website wherever appropriate)

Training courses for national and foreign participants, use of audiovisual means

According to the Decision of the President of Republic Uzbekistan № PP-1536 dated May 24, 2011 “ On formation of Agency on Intellectual Property of Republic Uzbekistan” it is created by State Unitary Enterprise under the Agency “Education Center on retraining and improvement of professional skill of the staff in sphere of intellectual property of Agency on Intellectual Property of Republic Uzbekistan”. In 2012 courses of improvement of qualification of the staff “Basis of intellectual property” and “Copyright and related rights” are organized, on which were trained 125 person from the various enterprises and the organizations of Republic.
Training center developed and approved "State requirements for retraining and advanced training of staff in the field of intellectual property."
During the year, the staff of the Training Center conducted a number of training sessions in the Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations, Investments and Trade, the Attorney General's Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The staff of the Training Centre took an active part in the scientific-practical conference "Development and implementation of modern pedagogical approaches and methods on improve the quality of teaching training courses", organized by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
In the Navoi city was held field training program courses "Basis of Intellectual Property" for employees of the Mining and Metallurgical Combine of Navoi.
Experts of Agency read lectures concerning intellectual property in various educational institutions of republic; in 2012 lecture and practical employment have visited over 600 listeners.

Promotional activities (seminars, exhibitions, visits, advertising, etc.)

In a view of increasing awareness of the role and importance of IP in stimulation creation and innovation and sharing knowledge in field of rights IP among public, the AIP organizes a different kind of competitions, seminars, meetings for representatives of government, science-research organization, Higher Education, patent attorney, enterprisers and developer of technology.
In accordance with the Decision of President of Republic of Uzbekistan dated July 15, 2008 №PP-916 “Additional measures on stimulation encouragement innovation projects in technology” the AIP participated in V Republic fair of innovation ideas of technology and projects (May 3-5, 2012). It was organized the exhibition of patent-information resources including banners concerning legislation in the field of legal protection of IP objects and cooperation AIP with international and other organizations, publications of AIP (collections of legal acts, scientifically-practical magazine «IP Management», the collection «Perspective Inventions and utility models of Republic Uzbekistan», Official bulletins, and etc.), foreign publication. As a handout were presented booklets on the activities of the Agency, SUE «Intellekt-Ekspert» and SUE «IP-Center», also the booklets describing the objects of intellectual property and the order of their legal protection in the country. Experts of AIP gave a consultations to participants of Fair concerning the legislation in the field of legal protection of IP objects, registration of applications for IP objects, license contracts, etc.
Within the limits of the actions, devoted to the International day of intellectual property (on April, 26th, 2012),on April 25-26th, 2012 AIP organized and held a scientifically-practical conference « Problems and challenges of the development of intellectual property ». Organizers of conference: Judicial Training Center of Republic Uzbekistan, International Legal Cooperation Foundation of Germany, AIP of Republic of Uzbekistan. At a plenary the questions, concerning legislations in the field of protection of the rights to intellectual property in the European Union and CIS countries, improvement of legislation in the field of intellectual property and etc. were discussed. The conference was attended by scientists, experts in the field of intellectual property, law enforcement and educational institutions.

The Republic Annual Competition “NEW INTELLECT” was organized and held on the best objects of intellectual property on nominations: "The Best Invention", "The Best Utility Model" and "The Best Industrial Design". Rewarding of winners of competition took place in the Palace of creativity of youth in December, 2012; awards of Agency in the form of monetary premiums, and also diplomas and memorable gifts have been handed over to winners of competition.

It is held a regional seminar on theme «Protection rights of objects of intellectual property» in Karshi city, which organized by the Agency cooperative with khokimiyat of Kashkadarya. At a seminar were discussed the questions, concerning legislations in the field of protection of the rights to intellectual property in Uzbekistan, also suppression of smuggling and trafficking of infringing goods in the territory of Republic.

In connection with making amendments in the constituent documents of scientifically- practical magazine "IP Management" held its re-registration, currently the magazine is published under a new name - «Intellekt-Info». In 2012 are published four numbers of magazine, which more than 20 scientifically-practical articles are issued on the concerns of intellectual property.

Work on rendering assistance in creation of conditions for development of scientific and technical creativity among youth proceeded. Employees of Agency have taken part as judges on competition of youth which are held in the Republic in a direction:
- Information technologies, technical development and efficiency proposals of " Republican competition of youth « Kelajak Ovozi », organized by the Center of youth initiatives «Kelajak Ovozi» at Fund «The Forum of culture and art of Uzbekistan» (Fund " FORUM.UZ ") and social movement of youth «Kamolot»;
- Competition «Йилнинг энг яхши иктидорли, ижодкор ёш ихтирочиси» (“The best talented, youth creative inventor of the year”) for the students of schools, high schools and colleges of the Republic, organized by the Center for Technical Creativity of Youth "Barkamol avlod" and the University of Information Technologies of Tashkent.

With a view of informing the public on the most important inventions and the useful models created by the Uzbek inventors in 2012, the fourth release of the collection « Perspective inventions and useful models of Republic Uzbekistan » is released. Inventions and the useful models included in number perspective, correspond to priority directions of development of a science and technologies in Uzbekistan.

To improve the patent and legal expertise in the field of protection of intellectual property Agency has published the manuals: "How to get a patent for an invention, its legal protection and defense of the Republic of Uzbekistan", "How to get a patent for utility model, its legal protection and defense of the Republic of Uzbekistan" "How to get a design patent, its legal protection."

In mass media of republic the materials reflecting actions, spent by Agency, and also on various questions of a right protection of intellectual property (56 publications) were on a regular basis placed. Employees of Agency took part in transfers of teleradio channels "Uzbekistan", «Toshkent», «Youth» (7 performances).

Representatives AIP accepted active participation in the various actions spent by the foreign organizations of republic.

IX. Other general information related to the Office that is available on the Internet -- URLs of web pages of the Office’s website that:

provide information on legislation related to patents

The information under the legislation on inventions is available on the following link:
and utility models:

contain the Annual Report of the Office

The Annual Reports of API is available on the following link:

contain patent-related news regarding the Office

Official information on invention and utility models is available on the following link:

X. Other relevant matters

1.Classification is allotting one or more classification symbols (e.g., IPC symbols) to a patent application, either before or during search and examination, which symbols are then published with the patent application.

2.Preclassification is allotting an initial broad classification symbol (e.g., IPC class or subclass, or administrative unit) to a patent application, using human or automated means for internal administrative purposes (e.g., routing an application to the appropriate examiner).  Usually preclassification is applied by the administration of an office.

3.Reclassification is the reconsideration and usually the replacement of one or more previously allotted classification symbols to a patent document, following a revision and the entry into force of a new version of the Classification system (e.g., the IPC).  The new symbols are available on patent databases.

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