1. ¿Se aplica la norma en la práctica de su Oficina/Organización? (Por favor seleccione una de las opciones) 

  • Completamente
  • Parcialmente
  • No se aplica

2. Si la respuesta es “Parcialmente”, explique brevemente la práctica de su Oficina/Organización.

3. Si la respuesta es “No se aplica”, ¿tiene previsto su Oficina/Organización aplicar la norma?

4. Commentarios (facultativo)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

CA/Canada | st3

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

CN/China | st3

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

1. ¿Se aplica la norma en la práctica de su Oficina/Organización? (Por favor seleccione una de las opciones) 

  • Completamente
  • Parcialmente
  • No se aplica

2. Si la respuesta es “Parcialmente”, explique brevemente la práctica de su Oficina/Organización.

3. Si la respuesta es “No se aplica”, ¿tiene previsto su Oficina/Organización aplicar la norma?

4. Commentarios (facultativo)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

We need to keep former codes (e.g. CS,SU) for archive purposes and due to obligation of having official codes and names also in Czech, which WIPO does not provide.

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

1. ¿Se aplica la norma en la práctica de su Oficina/Organización? (Por favor seleccione una de las opciones) 

  • Completamente
  • Parcialmente
  • No se aplica

2. Si la respuesta es “Parcialmente”, explique brevemente la práctica de su Oficina/Organización.

3. Si la respuesta es “No se aplica”, ¿tiene previsto su Oficina/Organización aplicar la norma?

4. Commentarios (facultativo)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

Products/services covered: EP full-text data, European Patent Bulletin, DOCDB, EBD, INPADOC

ES/Spain | st3

1. ¿Se aplica la norma en la práctica de su Oficina/Organización? (Por favor seleccione una de las opciones) 

  • Completamente
  • Parcialmente
  • No se aplica

2. Si la respuesta es “Parcialmente”, explique brevemente la práctica de su Oficina/Organización.

3. Si la respuesta es “No se aplica”, ¿tiene previsto su Oficina/Organización aplicar la norma?

4. Commentarios (facultativo)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

1. ¿Se aplica la norma en la práctica de su Oficina/Organización? (Por favor seleccione una de las opciones) 

  • Completamente
  • Parcialmente
  • No se aplica

2. Si la respuesta es “Parcialmente”, explique brevemente la práctica de su Oficina/Organización.

3. Si la respuesta es “No se aplica”, ¿tiene previsto su Oficina/Organización aplicar la norma?

4. Commentarios (facultativo)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

IL/Israel | st3

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

IT/Italy | st3

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

JP/Japan | st3

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

MX/Mexico | st3

1. ¿Se aplica la norma en la práctica de su Oficina/Organización? (Por favor seleccione una de las opciones) 

  • Completamente
  • Parcialmente
  • No se aplica

2. Si la respuesta es “Parcialmente”, explique brevemente la práctica de su Oficina/Organización.

3. Si la respuesta es “No se aplica”, ¿tiene previsto su Oficina/Organización aplicar la norma?

4. Commentarios (facultativo)

La Aplicación de los códigos de dos letras es una práctica regular para identificar a los estados y organizaciones

OM/Oman | st3

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

Currently the Standard is applied in a patent office proceeding, at the publication, in electronic registers and at the international exchange.

If necessary, country codes not included in the list of Standard ST.3 are used.

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

SE/Sweden | st3

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

1. ¿Se aplica la norma en la práctica de su Oficina/Organización? (Por favor seleccione una de las opciones) 

  • Completamente
  • Parcialmente
  • No se aplica

2. Si la respuesta es “Parcialmente”, explique brevemente la práctica de su Oficina/Organización.

3. Si la respuesta es “No se aplica”, ¿tiene previsto su Oficina/Organización aplicar la norma?

4. Commentarios (facultativo)

Se comenzó a utilizar desde la implementación de los sistemas informáticos (finales de 1980) y se actualizan según la necesidad

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

Thai language

1. La norme est‑elle appliquée dans la pratique de votre office ou de votre organisation? (Veuillez choisir une des options)

  • Complètement
  • Partiellement
  • Non

2. Si vous avez répondu “Partiellement”, expliquez brièvement en quoi consiste la pratique de votre office ou de votre organisation

3. Si la réponse est “Non”, votre office ou votre organisation prévoit‑il d’appliquer la norme?

4. Commentaires (facultatif)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

UG/Uganda | st3

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

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