Keep up to date with your international registrations. Follow the status of your international application or trademark registration; access detailed information on all trademarks registered through the Madrid System; and keep an eye on competitors' trademarks.
Madrid Monitor Help
Madrid Monitor is a new service provided by WIPO combining the search, WIPO Gazette, Madrid E-alert, Designation status, Madrid Realtime status tools into a single, simple tool.
Video tutorials are available to help you learn about all the features available in Madrid Monitor.
The page is divided into three tabs:
- The search tab is your basic interface to find records of interest. It has four options: The simple Search (the default), advanced search, realtime search, and image search.
- Gazette is the official publication of the Madrid System. Every week the International Bureau publishes data regarding new international registrations, renewals, subsequent designations and modifications affecting existing international registrations. Note that the same information should be available by searching, which is updated daily, but the gazette provides an easy way to see all the official information published by WIPO each week.
- Support contains general information and this help file to help you use this system.
You'll notice that each time you enter a new search term or filter, both the list in the Search Results area and the numbers shown in the Filters area are immediately updated to reflect your change, allowing you to quickly narrow your search to particular areas of interest, or spot trends and correlations you might have missed.
Each area of the page contains a small help icon to link you directly to details specifically about that area, with in-depth explanations of the contents and functionality provided. If you run into any problems, or have questions not addressed in this help file or the FAQ, don't hesitate to contact us with your question.
Simple Search
Simply enter the terms you are looking for, and the system will automatically determine what sort of search you are performing. As you type, possible matching terms will be suggested, and which fields you are searching in will be shown below your term. If you want to specify the field you want to search in instead of relying on automatic selection, just select the field from the list by clicking in the menu. You can select as many fields from a single category as necessary. After you've entered as many terms as you require, just press the 'search' button to perform your search.
- If you want to search for an exact phrase, surround your term in quotes. e.g. "world intellectual"
- You can use more advanced operators like boolean logic, proximity and range operators if you surround your term with parentheses '()' to group them together. e.g. (world NOT intellectual)
- If you want to go back and change a term you've already entered, just click it and you can edit it to change it to something else.
Advanced Search
The advanced search option allows for more complicated searches in more fields than the simple search area. Each field supports the same set of operators and wildcards, and provides automatic suggestions for terms that may match what you are typing. Each category in the search area contains several fields by default, and a drop-down menu that allows you to select from additional, less commonly used, fields. For more specific information about the specific search capabilities of each area, see the help for each individual area: Numbers, Mark, Name, Date, Class, Country and Other.
Realtime Search
Data searched via the Simple and Advanced search options are only updated once per day. For most purposes, this will give you all the information you need, but if you want to get the latest, most up-to-date data associated with your registration, check on its progress through the examination process, or search for information not yet inscribed in the Madrid Registe of another request, or other procedural issue. r, use the real-time status option.
Image Search
Note: See the image search demo video.
The image search feature allows you to rank the results of your search by their visual similarity to an image you specify. You may, of course, use an image as your sole search term, thus ranking the entire collection of images by their similarity to your source image, but the sorting of the millions of images in our collection may take a few seconds to process.
Filtering by image is broken down into three steps:
- First, specify an image to compare to. You can do this by either:
- Click the browse button and select an image file from your local computer. Please note that we can only analyze JPG, GIF, BMP and PNG files
- Drag an image from your desktop or another browser window directly into the image filter.
- Drag an image from your result set directly into the image filter to use an image already in the database as your source image
- Next, select an image comparison method. Each method has advantages and disadvantages, and works better for particular types of source images, and particular desired results. You can try each strategy and see which works best for your search
Concept This method uses Artificial Intelligence to identify concepts represented in your image, and find other images which are determined by AI to contain the same concepts. Only those images which are identified as representing similar concepts will be returned, so this method will return a smaller set of results than other methods, but can provide results not otherwise possible. - Shape This comparison method looks only at the distribution of lines in your source image, and looks for similar images in our collection. Color is completely ignored for this type of search.
- Color This comparison method looks only at the colors in the image, and how they are distributed in the image. It's not as effective at matching shapes as the Shape method, but is the most accurate for matching colors.
- Composite This option uses both color and line information in it's analysis, but since it uses both simultaneously, it's not as accurate as other options, but you may still receive interesting results.
- Thirdly, you may (optionally) select a type or types of image to search against.
- Verbal These are marks that are determined to have only a textual element of some form, without being noted as having a design element. You can find any of these marks by searching in the Mark field. Note that these are only records which contain an image. If the brand is purely textual and doesn't have an associated image, this filter will not match.
- Nonverbal This will match images that are determined to have no textual element at all, but only some form of device, shape, color, scent or sound.
- Combined This will match images associated with records that are determined to have both a textual and non-textual element.
After completing these three steps, click the filter button, and your results will be sorted according to their visual similarity to your source image. This is most effective if you choose the Grid view from your display options so you can easily page through large sets of results to see if any records are of interest.
Operators / Search Syntax
In Madrid Monitor, each query is divided into terms and operators. Terms can either be single words (e.g. syringe) or a multiple words surrounded by quotes (e.g. "hypodermic needle"). Terms can then be modified or combined together to perform a more complex query using one of the following types of operators:
- Boolean operators -- <term> AND, OR, NOT <term> -- are simple logical operations to combine terms. Use AND between to terms to find records containing both terms, OR between to terms to find record containing either term, and NOT between to terms to find records containing the first term, but not the second. If you don't include an operator between two terms at all, OR will be assumed. Note that if you want a multi-word phrase instead of two separate terms, surround your words with quotes ("s).
- Grouping operators -- (<term> OR <term>) AND <term> -- allow you to control the logical order in which operators are applied. Any group surrounded by parentheses will be treated separately, and combined with other terms as a unit. e.g. (dog OR cat) AND collar will search for records that contain both 'collar' and either 'dog' or 'cat', whereas dog OR (cat AND collar) will search for records containing either dog or both cat and collar.
- Wildcards -- <term>*, <term>? -- allow you to match single or multiple characters within words. The '?' wildcard will match any single letter in your term, and the '*' wildcard will match either 0 or multiple letters in your term. e.g. te?t will match both 'test' and 'text', and text* will match 'text', 'texts', 'texting', etc. Note that you can use the wildcards in the middle or beginning of your term as well. e.g. *text OR te*t.
- Proximity operator -- "<term> <term>"~<distance> -- allows you to search for two or more words within a specific number of words of one another. If you search for "fruit juice"~10 you'll find all records where the word 'fruit' occurs within 10 words of the word 'juice'. Note that without the ~10 at the end of the term, the exact phrase 'fruit juice' will be the only valid match.
- Fuzzy match -- <term>~ -- allows you to find records where a term is spelled similarly to the term you enter. For example, alco~ will find 'also', 'alcoh', 'asco' and many others. By default, adding a '~' will allow for a single character of difference between your search and a matching term, but if you add ~2 to your search term, any word with only two characters of difference will match.
- Range searches -- [<term> TO <term>] -- let you find terms matching a range of values. Enter a range by using the 'TO' operator, and surrounding your terms with square brackets '[]'. e.g. [1012222 TO 1012235] in the registration number field will match any records with registration numbers between those two values, including 1012222 and 1012235. If you wish your range to not include the boundary values, use braces '{}' instead of square brackets.
Note that entering date ranges is most easily done using the calendar provided and selecting the Date range option.
If you search using stemming, the system will try to match all the different forms of the term(s) you enter. e.g. 'teach' will also match 'teaches' and 'teaching'.
Phonetic Search
Using the Phonetic option lets you search for terms that sound like the term you enter. e.g. Searching for coco will match 'koko', 'cocoa', 'choko' and many others. This type of search is only available in the Mark field. You can identify a phonetic term in the field by its MARK_P: field.
Number Search
The Number search area lets you search for numbers associated with each record. The fields are contained in this area are:
- The International Registration Number field will search for the numbers assigned to the record at the time of publication. This is the most common reference number used to describe a particular record.
- The Basic number field will search for the basic registration or application number associated with each international registration. If you want to specifically search in just the basic registration or basic application fields, these options are also available.
- The Priority Number field will search for the priority number listed in any of the priority information fields listed for the record
- The Gazette field searches for records that have any transaction that was published in the gazette. This should be formatted like: 2012/2.
- The Original Gazette field searches for only the original gazette the registration was published in, ignoring any subsequent transactions in other gazettes.
- The Reference Number field will search for international marks associated with a particular internal WIPO reference number. This number is typically only of interest to the holders of marks, and can be found in the Realtime status tab of each individual record.
Mark Search
The Mark Search tab lets you search for text terms directly related to the trademark. The fields are contained in this area are:
- Trademark lets you search for textual elements of the mark. As you type, suggestions will pop up to help you find terms that might find a match in our database. Just to the right of the Trademark label, a menu allows you to select the type of search you want to conduct in this field.
- Normal searches for exact matches to the term(s) you enter. You can still use wildcards and operators to modify your query if you wish, but the terms will otherwise be interpreted exactly as you have entered them.
- Phonetic searches for terms that sound like the term(s) you enter. See the Phonetic Matching section for further details. For ease of use, this option is also shown as the Phonetic field.
- Fuzzy searches for terms that are spelled similarly to the term(s) you enter. See the Fuzzy Matching section for further details.
- Stemming option enables matching other forms of the term(s) you enter. See the Stemming section for further details.
- The Transliteration field lets you search for any transliterated text associated with the mark. The field is optional; even if the mark was not originally submitted in a non-latin alphabet, it may not include a transliteration.
- The Transliteration fields lets you search for any translations of the words in the mark. This field is optional; even if the mark was not originally submitted in a different language, a translation may not exist
- Description lets you search for text in the description of the mark. Note that many, if not most international registrations do not include any description, so only use this field if you are relatively certain it applies to the records you are looking for.
Name Search
The Name search area lets you search for names associated with each record. The fields are contained in this area are:
- The Holder field will search for names contained in the holder of each record.
- The Representative field will search for names listed as legal representatives in each record
- The Prev. Holder field will search for names contained in the previous holder of each record, if the mark has been transferred.
Date Search
The Date search area lets you search for dates associated with each record. As you click in each field, a dialog will pop up allowing you to enter a date or date range using a calendar. Otherwise, you can type dates using the 'YYYYMMDD' format, and ranges using the 'TO' operator. The fields available in this area are:
- The Registration Date field matches each record's registration date, if it has one. Records that are pending may not include a registration date.
- The Expiration Date field matches the expiration date of each record, if it has one. Records for which an expiration date is not available, or which correspond to types of records which do not expire will have no expiration date.
- The Publication Date field matches each record's publication date.
- The Priority Date field matches the date listed in any of the priority information listed for the registration.
Note: Though the YYYYMMDD date format is preferred, you can also use shortcuts like 'today', 'now', or other date formats like 01.Jan.2001, 2006* and others, and your query will still work.
The Classification area lets you search for any classifications and related information associated with the records in our database. The types of classification information fields available are:
- Nice Class contains numerical codes that describe the Goods and Services associated with the brand. You can search either directly for nice codes (i.e. '30') or enter terms that are contained in the official Nice classification standard (i.e. 'coffee'). Further information on the nice classification system is available on the Nice website
- Goods/Services contains the actual text of the list of goods and services associated with each registration. By default, this will search all available languages (English, French and Spanish) together, but you can also select to search only particular language fields
- Vienna Class contains numerical codes that describe the visual appearance of the image associated with each record (if any). You can search for classifications that match descriptive terms (i.e. 'dog') or codes (i.e. '03.08'). There is a complete description of the vienna classification system available on the Vienna website.
Country Search
The Country Search area lets you search for any countries associated with each record. You can enter standard country codes (i.e. 'AR' for Argentina) or enter the name of the country, and select from the drop-down whichever country you wish (i.e. 'ar ... Armenia'). The fields contained in this area are:
- Origin contains the country of origin for the record. This is usually the national office of the original applicant
- Designation contains countries that have been listed as affected by the record. The exact meaning of this is a complex legal issue, and you should consult the details for each record to determine its particular status.
- Priority contains the office of origin for any priority information associated with each record.
- Holder Country contains the country code of the address associated with the holder on the mark.
Other Search
The Other search tab lets you search for other types of information available about a record, that doesn't quite fit into one of the other categories. The fields available in this area are:
Colors Claimed contains the colors claimed as part of the mark for the record. Many marks in color do not actually specifically claim each color as part of the mark, so searching for 'red' here wouldn't necessarily get you all the red trademarks.
Type of mark contains indicators, supplied by the applicant during filing, as to the type of mark. These indicators can include any of:
- Mark consists of standard characters
- Sound Mark
- Mark consists exclusively of one or several colors
- Three-dimensional mark
- Collective, certificate of guarantee mark
- The words contained in the mark have no meaning
Note that you can also use the Type of Mark filter to narrow your search in this field.
Transaction The transaction fields let you search for particular transactions contained in the history of the registration, by type of transaction, relevant office and date/gazette. The types of transactions are:
Code Meaning APNE No request for review or appeal has been lodged APNL A request for review or an appeal has been lodged APNW Withdrawal of request for review or appeal CBNP Cancellation effected for some of the goods and services at the request of an Office of origin in accordance with Article 6(4) of the Agreement or Article 6(4) of the Protocol CBNT Cancellation effected for all the goods and services at the request of an Office of origin in accordance with Article 6(4) of the Agreement or Article 6(4) of the Protocol CBN1 Judicial actions or proceedings under Rule 22(1)(b) CEN Continuation of effect CLCN Cancellation of the Recording of a License CPN Partial assignment CPNCP Partial assignment to specific Contracting Parties CPNGS Partial assignment of particular Goods and Services DBN Division/Merger of basic registration DIN Accepted with reserve EEN Designated contracting party(ies) for which the second installment has been paid (Rule 40(3)) EENN Designated contracting party(ies) for which the second installment has not been paid (Rule 40(3)) ENN Registration EXN Subsequent designation FBN Replacement of national registration by an international registration FINC Final decision confirming the refusal of protection FINCD Final decision confirming the disclaimer FINO Other final decision FINT Statement indicating that protection of the mark is refused for all the goods and services requested FINV Statement indicating that the mark is protected for all the goods and services requested FDNP Further statement under Rule 18ter(4) indicating the goods and services for which the mark is protected FDNT Further statement under Rule 18ter(4) indicating that protection of the mark is refused for all the goods and services requested FDNV Further statement under Rule 18ter(4) indicating that protection of the mark is granted for all the goods and services requested FUN Merger of international registrations GP18N Statement of grant of protection made under Rule 18ter(1) where no notification of provisional refusal has been communicated GPN Grant of protection GPON Grant of protection subject to opposition HRN Restriction of the holder's right of disposal of the international registration INNP Partial invalidation INNT Total invalidation ISN Ex Officio examination completed but opposition or observations by third parties still possible, under Rule 18bis(1) LIN Limitation LLCN Change in the name or address of the licensee LNN Declaration that a limitation has no effect NLCN New licence OBN Subsequent designations resulting from Conversion (Rule 24(7)) OPN Opposition possible after the 18 months time limit P2N Cancellation effected with respect to a designated Contracting Party following the non payment of the second part of the individual fee (Rule 34(3)) PCN Cancellation effected for some of the goods and services at the request of the holder under Rule 25 R18NP Statement of grant of protection following a provisional refusal under Rule 18ter(2)(ii) R18NPD Statement of grant of protection following a provisional refusal (acceptation with reserve) under Rule 18ter(2)(ii) R18NT Confirmation of total provisional refusal under Rule 18ter(3) R18NV Statement of grant of protection following a provisional refusal under Rule 18ter(2)(i) RAN Cancellation effected for all the goods and services at the request of the holder under Rule 25 RCN Complementary renewal REN Renewal REN2 Designated contracting party(ies) which has not been the subject of a renewal (Rule 31(4)(a)) REN3 Designated contracting party(ies) which has not been the subject of a renewal (Rule 31(4)(b)) RFNP Partial refusal of protection RFNT Total refusal of protection RHR Removal of restriction of the holder's right of disposal of the international registration RNN Renunciation RTN Declaration that a change in ownership has no effect SEN Balances of fees SNNA Seniority Claimed Subsequent to the International Registration SNNR Final refusal of seniority claim UFINO Other final decision - Awaiting translation before publication URFNP Partial provisional refusal of protection - Awaiting translation before publication There are four types of date information you can search, and each is in its own field. If you want to search for transactions in a particular gazette (GAZNO), use the 'Transaction' field; for those with a particular date of effect (REGEDAT), use the 'Transaction (effect)' field; for those with a particular date of notification (NOTDATE), use the 'Transaction (notification)' field; for those with a particular publication date (PUBDATE), the 'Transaction (publication)' field; and for those with a particular date of recordal (REGRDAT), the 'Transaction (recordal)' field.
Note that you can search for any combination of the three elements in any order, just use quotes (") to surround your search if you include more than one element. One restriction to this is that the phrase cannot contain any form of wildcard ('*') anywhere except for at the end.
e.g. To search for total refusals of protection with a publication date of February 1, 2012, search for: "RFNT 20120201" in the Transaction (publication) field. To narrow this further to just total refusals from France on that date: "RFNT FR 20120201". To include a wildcard to match any date in a particular year, you could use "RFNT FR 2012*". You can also search for a range of dates by using a range as the right-most term: ""RFNP FR [20120201 TO 20120415]". Note that Transaction (gazette) will search by gazette number, not dates, so a search in that field may look like "RFNT FR [2012/17 TO 2012/19]"
The Filter area on the left of the results page displays information about the records that match your current search, and allows you to narrow your search to only particular categories without entering additional search terms. Each filter divides the matching records into categories, and lists the number of records in your search matching each category. You can use this purely for information, or open a filter, select one or more itemss, then click the 'filter' button at the lower right to add/modify the filters applied to your results.
The filters currently offered are: Status, Origin, Designation, Nice Class, Type of Mark, Registration Year, Vienna class, Holder Name, Representative Name, Expiration, Email Status.
Status Filter
The Status Filter lists the current status of records matching your search.
- Active is any record that is currently in force
- Pending is any record that is not yet in force, but is pending examination
- Inactive is any record that has been removed from Active status through expiration, withdrawal or other means. Note that for Madrid registrations, records remain in Active status for 6 months after the expiration date.
Origin Filter
The Origin Filter lists the origin of each record, usually the national office of the original applicant. You can use the drop-down menu to select either a comprehensive list of all the countries of origin (sorted by number of matching records), or a graphical representation showing the distribution of countries around the world or in a particular area (darker colors mean more records). You can hover your cursor over the country either in the list or the map to see full details.
You can click on as many countries as you wish in the list view before clicking the 'filter' button to add that list to your current filters.
Designation Filter
The Designation Filter contains the countries designated in each record. You can use the drop-down menu to select either a comprehensive list of all the designations (sorted by number of matching records), or a graphical representation showing the distribution of countries around the world or in a particular area (darker colors mean more records). You can hover your cursor over the country either in the list or the map and see full details.
You can click on as many countries as you wish in the list view before clicking the 'filter' button to add that list to your current filters. Clicking on a country in the map view will immediately filter your results to just that country.
Nice Filter
Filter by the nice class of goods and services assigned to the record. For further information on the definition of Nice classes, please see the Nice classification section of our website.
Type of Mark Filter
Type of mark contains indicators, supplied by the applicant during filing, as to the type of mark. These indicators can include any of:
- Mark consists of standard characters
- Sound Mark
- Mark consists exclusively of one or several colors
- Three-dimensional mark
- Collective, certificate of guarantee mark
- The words contained in the mark have no meaning
Expiration Filter
The Expiration Filter divides the records matching your current search by their date of expiration. Note that some records do not contain expiration dates, and therefore will not be included in the categories in this tab. Pending records do not yet have an expiration date assigned, for example.
Registration Year Filter
Filter by the registration year of the record. Note that for pending applications, no registration date may have yet been assigned, so adding any registration date filter will immediately exclude these records.
Vienna Class Filter
Filter by the vienna class and subclass associated with each record. The top 50 most common classes matching your current search will be displayed.
Holder Name Filter
Filter by the name of the holder of the record. The top 50 most common holder names matching your current search will be displayed. These names are not regularized, so, for example, World Intellectual Property Organization and WIPO would be listed separately, despite referring to the same entity.
Representative Name Filter
Filter by the name of the representative (if any) for the record. The top 50 most common names matching your current search will be displayed. These names are not regularized, so, for example, World Intellectual Property Organization and WIPO would be listed separately, despite referring to the same entity.
Email Status Filter
Filter by whether or not WIPO has an email address for the holder and representative for each record. If you are the holder or representative for a registration, please provide an e-mail address via Contact Madrid to receive electronic communications under the Madrid System. Any record in your result list which is missing an email address for both holder and representative will appear with a small envelope icon ().
Current Search
The current search area serves two purposes: It displays all of the terms and filters you have currently entered, and it lets you manipulate those terms to change your search quickly and easily.
All of your search terms are displayed in individual boxes at the top of the results screen. A record must match the terms in this area to be displayed in the results area below. The logical connections between the terms is shown on the left of each term (AND, OR, NOT), and these terms are applied from left to right. You can change the logical connector by hovering over the left side of each term. If you click the close icon (x) in the top right of any term's box, just that term will be removed from your search. The edit icon () takes you back to the search you entered to let you edit your terms, whereas the restart icon () clears the terms you've already entered. If you click on individual terms, you will be taken directly to the associated input for that term for easier editing.
All of your current filters are displayed in individual boxes in the filter area on the left of the screen. Each filter adds to the last, so a record must meet all of the filter criteria to be included in your results. You can click the close icon in the top right of any filter's box to remove it, and modify it by using the associated filter Filter area below, easily reachable by clicking on a particular filter. The trash icon will immediately delete all the contents of that section, letting you start from scratch.
All changes you make by manipulating terms or filters in these areas will be immediately reflected in the Results area.
If you hover your cursor over the Current Search or Current Filter labels, a tooltip will appear giving the complete details of how your search was performed, as sometimes the specific details can differ slightly from the shortened version displayed for convenience.
The results area displays the records that match your current search. It's divided into three main sections, the function area at the top contains buttons to allow you to refine by image, download and monitor your results, the pager bar that lets you navigate through your result set, and the record list that displays details of each record.
The pager bar shows a quick summary of your result set, and lets you navigate between pages of results. It's divided into several areas:
- First, your position in your result set is shown, e.g. 1 to 10 / 637,944. This means you are currently viewing records 1-10 out of a total of 637,944.
- Next you can choose the format in which you wish to display your results. The List view (the default) shows many details of each record, one record per row. The Grid view shows just the mark from each record, and you can see further details of each record only by hovering your cursor over a record of interest.
- Next, the number of records you are viewing per page can be changed from the default (10) to 30 or 50, depending on your wishes.
- The next area lets you navigate between pages of records. The text box lets you enter a specific page of results you are interested in, or you can use the navigation buttons around the box to move to the next/previous or first/last pages of results.
If you are viewing records in the List format, the pager bar will also include an options button to let you show/hide and reorder the columns in the record list.
If you are viewing records in the Grid format, a Sort Order menu will appear just below the top bar to allow you to order your records as desired.
- List format (the default) shows the Mark, Image (if any), Status, Country of Origin, Holder Name, Registration Number, Registration Date, Vienna Class, Nice Class and Relevance Score. You can click on some of the headers (Status, Score, Origin, Reg. Date or Number) to sort your results by that column. Also, you can resize each column by dragging the edge of the column header. Hover your cursor over the image to display an enlarged version of that image for easier viewing. Clicking anywhere in a particular row will bring further details of that that record in Record view mode.
- Grid format shows just an abbreviated display of each record, consisting of just the mark to begin with. If you hover your cursor over a particular brand, a window will pop up displaying an enlarged version of the mark, Status, Registration Date, origin and holder. Clicking anywhere in the window will bring up further details of that record in Record view mode.
Record Icons Legend
Each record in your result list may contain a small icon denoting additional information for this record. The current list of icons and their meanings are:
- ★ - This specific result is on your alert list
- - WIPO does not have an email address on record for this specific result
Status Icons Legend
Each record in your result list and detailed record display will contain an icon denoting status information for each record. These icons are based on the TM5 Common Status Descriptors. The current list of icons and their meanings are:
- Active: International registration in force
- Pending: Application or Subsequent Designation in pre-examination stage
- Pending: Application or Subsequent Designation in formalities examination, irregularity letter or translation stage
- Pending: Application or Subsequent Designation has been abandoned
- Inactive: International registration expired due to non-renewal
- Inactive: International registration cancelled at the request of the holder
- Inactive: International registration cancelled at the request of the Office of origin or any other non-specified reason
Record View
The Record View mode displays all of the details available for each record in your record list. You can navigate to the next/previous records in your result set using the buttons on the top of the page, or return to your search results using the 'back' button. The source of each record is displayed in the top bar, and you can find further information on each source by clicking on the logo.
Note: Please do not use your browser 'back' button, as this will navigate away from the system.
Designation status
This tab displays the status of protection of your international trademark registration in each designated contracting party. Transaction history can be complicated; the status and Nice classes listed can vary between designated contracting parties.
The designation status table lists the name of each contracting party and with status of protection, and, relevant classes and dates.
The 'Status' column can contain several values:
- Protection Granted: Protection has been granted for this designation
- Pending application: WIPO is still examining the initial application
- Under examination: WIPO is still examining the subsequent designation
- Awaiting decision: The designation has been communicated to the office, but WIPO has not yet received a reply
- Provisionally refused: The office has provisionally refused the designation, but has not yet confirmed that refusal with a final decision
- Transferred: The designation has been transferred to another registration or registrations
- No longer in effect: The designation has expired, been totally refused, or no longer has effect
- Complex: Due to the specifics of the history of transactions, status cannot be calculated reliably
Similarly, the 'Nice class' column will contain different values for each contracting party:
- The list of Nice classes per instance (e.g. 01, 02, 10)
- 'Complex' if the precise list of Nice classes cannot be calculated reliably
- Blank if Nice classes are not relevant to the status, as with 'No longer in effect'
You may occasionally notice that a designated contracting party has multiple statuses.
If you click on any row, the details for that contracting party will expand, showing a longer and more detailed description of the status, and the full history of transactions affecting that contracting party used to calculate the status.
The status 'Protection Granted' can arise from several circumstances, including grants of protection, tacit acceptance and more. These details will explain the legal provisions that have led to this status. Click on any transaction in the history to see access full details.
The full list of Nice classes, and the terms within each Nice class relevant to the designation, are also given. As limitations, cancellations, transfers, and other transactions can affect designations differently, you may notice that the list of classes and terms therein varies between designations. If there are any complex circumstances or errors in processing the history of transactions, the details of those errors will be reported to you.
If the status is shown as 'Protection Granted', and the Nice classes can be reliably calculated from the list of transactions recorded, a link will be provided to download a PDF certificate of protection for your future reference. This certificate will contain the basic information of the mark, along with the summary of status and Nice classes and goods and service terms protected.
Note: The status calculation is based on the electronic register's contents, which may be incomplete, especially for older trademarks. If you note any discrepancies between the status reported in the designation status tab and your understanding of the history of transactions affecting the designation, please 'Contact Us'. Certified extracts from the register are available through our extract service for any court proceedings or other legal purposes. Find out more.
Realtime status
Realtime status provides real time information directly from the register regarding trademark documents being processed by WIPO. This list includes every transaction associated with the record you are viewing, including those not available elsewhere like older transfers of ownership or irregularity letters.
The 'Status' column can contain several values:
- Abandoned: An irregularity was not remedied and the application, request or communication was deemed abandoned
- Awaiting examination: The application, request or communication has been received and has not yet been assigned to an examiner.
- Being translated: The application, request or communication has been examined and is now being translated
- Cancelled: Application, request or communication has been dismissed, possibly due to being a duplicate
- Irregular: There is an irregularity in the application, request or communication that must be remedied
- Paid: Second part fee has been paid for this designation.
- Recorded: The application, request or communication has resulted in a recording in the International Register.
- Registered: The application has resulted in a registration in the International Register.
- Under Examination: The application, request or communication has been assigned to an examiner
Download your results
The download button allows several options for downloading the currently visible page of results in various formats, according to your needs. PDF, CSV, Excel (XLSX), HTML and XML will download summary files of the current page of results in the specified format. The 'ZIP' link will download a zip file containing the XML source files and associated mark images as JPGs for the current page of results.
Madrid E-alert (Monitor your results)
Madrid Electronic Alert (MEA) is a free alert service designed to inform anyone interested in monitoring the status of certain international trademark registrations. You will receive an email alert any day when a change is recorded in the International Trademark Register concerning one of your watched registrations.
Click the star icon ☆ on the top right of a record to add that record to your watch list. Any records you are already watching will show a filled star icon ★ at the top right, as well as in your record list. Click the icon at the top right of a record again to remove it from your watch list.
If you click the 'monitor' button at the top of any search result page, a pop-up window will show the full list of International Registrations on your watch list, and remove them directly if you wish. In this pop-up window, you can also click the 'View' button to see the list as a normal search result for easier reference and browsing, or further refinement.
- How often is Madrid Monitor updated?
- Madrid Monitor is updated each day as soon as that day's transactions are made available on our ftp site. Full details are avalable on the Download Madrid Monitor update files page. This update usually occurs in the afternoon Geneva time (CET).
- When viewing details of a record, what does each tab mean and which one do I need?
- The
Full Details tab provides all data pertaining to the International Registration under the Madrid System, while the Summary tab provides an abridged version of this data.
Under the Office tab, you can view data specific to a particular designated office. The Documents tab enables you to access certain decision documents (refusals, grants of protection) transmitted by designated IP offices. The Realtime status tab provides real time information directly from the register regarding trademark documents being processed by WIPO. Further information is available in the Realtime Status section. - What data and documents are not searchable in Madrid Monitor?
- Madrid Monitor does not include the capacity to search the complete prosecution history of an International Registration made under the Madrid System. For example, it does not search the detail of all transfers of ownership; only the most recent transfer. For a complete history of all transactions associated with a particular record, use the Realtime Status tab in each record view
- Can I download your entire data set for my own uses?
- The complete Madrid backfile is available for a fee, but we cannot at this time provide free access to the full collection. Further information regarding downloading update files is available on the Download Madrid Monitor update files page.
- I want to integrate your database into my project, do you have a public API for direct search access?
- Not currently. The database is a free-of-charge public service, and to maintain quality of service for all, our terms of use specifically disallow direct automatic querying. It is possible to bookmark individual records in our system by using the URL from the link (
) at the upper right of each details page. You can also link directly to search results by using the 'link to search' link (
) at the top of each search result page.
API Documentation
Note: Requests to the old API format will be, whenever possible, automatically translated and redirected to Madrid Monitor. Please update your API calls as possible, but report any problems with requests using the old formats and we will provide any assistance necessary.
Link Type | Old Format | New Format |
Direct link to registration using an IRN | | |
Direct link to registration using a basic registration number | | |
Direct link to registration using a basic application number | | |
Direct link to documents by reference number | | |