1. ¿Se aplica la norma en la práctica de su Oficina/Organización? (Por favor seleccione una de las opciones)

  • Completamente
  • Parcialmente
  • No se aplica

2. Si la respuesta es “Parcialmente”, explique brevemente la práctica de su Oficina/Organización.

3. Si la respuesta es “No se aplica”, ¿tiene previsto su Oficina/Organización aplicar la norma?

4. Commentarios (facultativo)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

No, The concerned technology is out of date.

4. Comments (optional)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

NO. Currently not planned

4. Comments (optional)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

The Patent Act, 2016 has been drafted complying the WIPO standards and it is in final stage for enactment. After completing the new Patents Law we can take strategy to implement the standard.

4. Comments (optional)

CA/Canada | st21

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

CIPO does not utilize Microfiche (one recommendation) nor do they do photo-reduction (second recommendation) on priority document copies.

4. Comments (optional)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

CN/China | st21

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

No. Currently the priority documents are mainly exchanged via system. 

4. Comments (optional)

1. ¿Se aplica la norma en la práctica de su Oficina/Organización? (Por favor seleccione una de las opciones)

  • Completamente
  • Parcialmente
  • No se aplica

2. Si la respuesta es “Parcialmente”, explique brevemente la práctica de su Oficina/Organización.

3. Si la respuesta es “No se aplica”, ¿tiene previsto su Oficina/Organización aplicar la norma?

En la actualidad la Oficina está implementando un Nuevo sistema, en el cual se estimula a la no utilización de papel “CERO PAPEL”, con el fin de favorecer al medio ambiente. Son pocas las solicitudes que se reciben en medio físico, sin embargo, dichas solicitudes también son digitalizadas. Por lo tanto, todas las solicitudes que ingresan a la Oficina se encuentran en medio digital para ser reproducibles y legibles, además de ser de fácil y rápida transferencia de información entre Oficinas.

4. Commentarios (facultativo)

CZ/Czechia | st21

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

We do not use both-sides printing nor two-page-to-one printing. Partly, it goes against ST.22 art 11.

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

DE/Germany | st21

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?


We do not consider this standard to be applicable to our practice. In particular, the microfiche alternative seems outdated. We are currently checking alternatives like WIPO DAS for electronically exchanging priority documents.

4. Comments (optional)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

 No plans to implement. We consider this standard to be outdated, alternatively EAPO uses WIPO DAS for the electronic exchange of priority documents.

4. Comments (optional)

EC/Ecuador | st21

1. ¿Se aplica la norma en la práctica de su Oficina/Organización? (Por favor seleccione una de las opciones)

  • Completamente
  • Parcialmente
  • No se aplica

2. Si la respuesta es “Parcialmente”, explique brevemente la práctica de su Oficina/Organización.

3. Si la respuesta es “No se aplica”, ¿tiene previsto su Oficina/Organización aplicar la norma?

La oficina ecuatoriana actualmente no exige la presentación de solicitudes de prioridad en papel dado que la presentación de solicitudes es en línea.

4. Commentarios (facultativo)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

No. It is a standard for patents only.

4. Comments (optional)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

Not relevant for Patent Information

ES/Spain | st21

1. ¿Se aplica la norma en la práctica de su Oficina/Organización? (Por favor seleccione una de las opciones)

  • Completamente
  • Parcialmente
  • No se aplica

2. Si la respuesta es “Parcialmente”, explique brevemente la práctica de su Oficina/Organización.

3. Si la respuesta es “No se aplica”, ¿tiene previsto su Oficina/Organización aplicar la norma?

4. Commentarios (facultativo)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

No, we do not consider this standard is applicable to our business processes. Our preferred option is to promote the support of WIPO DAS for the supply and retrieval of electronic priority documents. 

4. Comments (optional)

GE/Georgia | st21

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?


4. Comments (optional)

1. ¿Se aplica la norma en la práctica de su Oficina/Organización? (Por favor seleccione una de las opciones)

  • Completamente
  • Parcialmente
  • No se aplica

2. Si la respuesta es “Parcialmente”, explique brevemente la práctica de su Oficina/Organización.

3. Si la respuesta es “No se aplica”, ¿tiene previsto su Oficina/Organización aplicar la norma?

4. Commentarios (facultativo)

HR/Croatia | st21

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?


4. Comments (optional)

HU/Hungary | st21

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

IL/Israel | st21

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

IT/Italy | st21

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

Yes. No planned

4. Comments (optional)

JP/Japan | st21

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

In view of readability of documents, JPO does not employ measures that aim at reducing the volume and has no plan to employ the measures in the future.

4. Comments (optional)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

No., this Standard is limited to paper-based applications.

4. Comments (optional)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

We issue and receive certificates of priority only on paper but not on microfiche

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

MX/Mexico | st21

1. ¿Se aplica la norma en la práctica de su Oficina/Organización? (Por favor seleccione una de las opciones)

  • Completamente
  • Parcialmente
  • No se aplica

2. Si la respuesta es “Parcialmente”, explique brevemente la práctica de su Oficina/Organización.

Aunque el contenido y extensión de un documento de prioridad puede ser el mismo que el de cualquier otro tipo, se tiene la práctica de digitalizarlos y sy consulta se realiza mediante el sistema VIDOC, SIGA, y otros medios en internet. Asimismo la utilización del sistema PCT se ha extendido considerablemente, reduciendo significativamente este tipo de documentos

3. Si la respuesta es “No se aplica”, ¿tiene previsto su Oficina/Organización aplicar la norma?

4. Commentarios (facultativo)

OM/Oman | st21

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

Standard is outdated and not used.

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?


4. Comments (optional)

SE/Sweden | st21

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

No, not at the moment.

4. Comments (optional)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?


4. Comments (optional)

1. ¿Se aplica la norma en la práctica de su Oficina/Organización? (Por favor seleccione una de las opciones)

  • Completamente
  • Parcialmente
  • No se aplica

2. Si la respuesta es “Parcialmente”, explique brevemente la práctica de su Oficina/Organización.

3. Si la respuesta es “No se aplica”, ¿tiene previsto su Oficina/Organización aplicar la norma?

La adopción de esta norma debe de decidirla las altas autoridades

4. Commentarios (facultativo)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

TN/Tunisia | st21

1. La norme est‑elle appliquée dans la pratique de votre office ou de votre organisation? (Veuillez choisir une des options)

  • Complètement
  • Partiellement
  • Non

2. Si vous avez répondu “Partiellement”, expliquez brièvement en quoi consiste la pratique de votre office ou de votre organisation

3. Si la réponse est “Non”, votre office ou votre organisation prévoit‑il d’appliquer la norme?

4. Commentaires (facultatif)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

The Office accepts only the most current priority document but not the previous ones.

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

UA/Ukraine | st21

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

No. Irrelevant at present.

4. Comments (optional)

UG/Uganda | st21

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

No, This technology is outdated.

4. Comments (optional)

1. Is the Standard implemented in your Office's/Organization's practice? (Please choose one of the options below)

  • Completely
  • Partly
  • Not Implemented

2. If the answer was "Partly", please explain your Office's/Organization's practice briefly:

3. If the answer was "Not Implemented", does your Office/Organization plan to implement the Standard?

4. Comments (optional)

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