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Latest Offices joining WIPO DAS

Latest Offices joining WIPO DAS and extensions of scopes of existing participating Offices are:

Notification of new Office ParticipationOperation typeIP TypeEffective date
Monaco Industrial Property Office of the Business Development Agency

The Belgian Intellectual Property Office (IPObel) notified the International Bureau, in accordance with paragraph 10 the Framework Provisions of the Digital Access Service, that it would extend the scope of its operations as a depositing Office for patents within WIPO DAS , with effect from September 1, 2024.



industrial design

patent applications

September 1,

National patent applications

National trademark applications

November 1, 2020

National utility model applications

The National Institute for the Defense of Competition and Protection of Intellectual Property (INDECOPI) becomes a Depositing and Accessing office of the WIPO Digital Access Service as from July 1, 2024


National industrial design applications

July 1,

National patent applications

National utility model applications

PCT international applications




industrial design applications

July 1, 2024

National patent applications

National utility model applications

The State Patent Bureau of the Republic of Lithuania

Depositing National patent

PCT international applications


The Cuban Industrial Property Office (OCPI) notified the International Bureau in accordance with paragraphs 10 and 12 of the Framework Provisions that it would commence operation as a depositing and accessing office of the WIPO Digital Access Service with effect from January 1, 2024.


Hague international applications

January 1,
National industrial design applications
National patent applications
National trademark applications
National utility model applications
PCT international applications

The Patent Office of the Republic of Poland




international applications

January 1,
National industrial design applications
National patent applications
National trademark applications
National utility model applications
PCT international applications

Intellectual Property Center (IPC) of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property notified the International Bureau in accordance with paragraphs 10 and 12 of the Framework Provisions that it would commence operation as a depositing office of the WIPO Digital Access Service with effect from December 1, 2023.DepositingNational
industrial design applications
December 1,
PCT international
National patent applications
China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA)

The National Institute of Industrial Property of Argentina (INPI) will extend the scope of its functions as an accessing Office for WIPO DAS, as of September 1, 2023 and as a WIPO DAS Depositing Office, as of November 1, 2023, for Trademark Priority Documents as well as Industrial Designs and Models.


National industrial design applications

November 1,

National patent applications

March 2, 2020

National trademark applications

November 1, 2023

National utility model applications

PCT international applications
March 2, 2020
Hague International

National industrial design applications

May 5
September 1,


industrial design

patent applications

October 1,



trademark applications

September 1, 2023

National utility model applications

Full list of offices participating in WIPO DAS(joining or extension):


Monaco Industrial Property Office of the Business Development Agency


The State Patent Bureau of the Republic of Lithuania


The Patent Office of the Republic of Poland


The Intellectual Property Center (IPC) of the Islamic Republic of Iran


The Turkish Patent and Trademark Office (TURKPATENT) started operation as a depositing office on June 1, 2022


The Intellectual Property Office of Ireland (IPOI) started operation as an accessing Office on February 17, 2022


The Canadian Intellectual Property Office extended its access to patent applications as a depositing office on February 1, 2022


October 1, 2019

The National Institute of Industrial Property of Brazil (INPI) extends its operations as an Accessing office for National Industrial Design applications and Hague International applications


National industrial design applications 

August 3, 2020

National patent applications 

December 1, 2017

National trademark applications 

August 3, 2020

PCT international applications 

December 1, 2017

National patent applications 

April 1, 2018

Hague International applications

August 1, 2023

National industrial design applications

August 1, 2023

The Danish Patent and Trademark Office (DKPTO) would commence operation as both a depositing Office and an accessing Office


of WIPO Digital Access Service with effect from 01.09.2023 in respect of industrial designs priority documents and trademark priority documents.


Hague international applications

September 1, 2023

National industrial design applications

September 1, 2023

National patent applications

November 1, 2011

National trademark applications

September 1, 2023

National utility model applications

November 1, 2011

PCT international applications

November 1, 2011

National industrial design applications 

September 1, 2023

National patent applications

June 1, 2018

National trademark applications

June 1, 2018

National utility model applications

June 1, 2018


The SAKPATENT National Intellectual Property Center of Georgia extended its access to trademark applications as both a depositing Office and an accessing Office on September 17, 2021


The French National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) extended its access as a depositing Office, adding trademark and industrial design applications on July 5, 2021


The Patent Office of the Republic of Latvia will start operation as both depositing Office and accessing Office on July 1, 2021


The French National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) started operation as a depositing Office only on December 1, 2020


The Mexican Institute of Industrial Property started operation as both a depositing Office and an accessing Office on November 3, 2020



The Austrian Patent Office started DAS operation as both depositing Office and accessing Office on October 1, 2020


The EUIPO started DAS operation also as an accessing Office on September 12, 2020


The Superintendence of Industry and Commerce of Colombia started DAS operation as both depositing Office and accessing Office on August 28, 2020


The EUIPO started DAS operation as a depositing Office on July 11, 2020


The Israel Patent Office extended its scope to Industrial Design applications as depositing office and accessing office, from July 1, 2020


The National Institute of Industrial Property of Argentina (INPI-AR) began operating both as an accessing Office, starting October 1, 2019, and as a depositing Office, starting March 2, 2020


The International Bureau (IB) extended its scope as a depositing Office, adding Hague international applications from January 15, 2020


The Norwegian Industrial Property Office (NIPO) became depositing and accessing office on January 1, 2020


The JPO extended its scope, adding industrial design applications from January 1, 2020


IP Australia extended its scope, adding trademark and industrial design applications from November 1, 2019


The Canadian Intellectual Property Office extended its scope as an accessing office of the WIPO DAS for patent priority documents as of October 30, 2019


The Israel Patent Office (ILPO) became depositing and accessing office on May 1, 2019


The EPO extended its scope as a DAS depositing office by adding PCT international applications on April 1, 2019


The Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO) became depositing and accessing office on April 1, 2019


The SAKPATENT National Intellectual Property Center of Georgia became depositing and accessing office on April 1, 2019


The European Patent Office (EPO) became depositing and accessing office on November 1, 2018


INAPI Chile became depositing and accessing office on October 1, 2018


The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) extended the scope of its DAS digital library to Industrial Designs on September 12, 2018


The Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO) extended the scope of its DAS digital library to Industrial Designs July 19, 2018


The Danish Patent and Trademark Office became an accessing Office on June 1, 2018

(IPTO) extends the scope of its operation as an Accessing Office in the WIPO DAS.


National industrial design applications

October 1, 2020

National patent applications

National trademark applications

National utility model applications

PCT international applications

AccessingNational industrial design applications September 1, 2023
National patent applications
National trademark applications
National utility model applications
PCT international applications

The State Patent Bureau of the Republic of Lithuania, as an Accessing and Depositing Office, extends its scope to Industrial Design and Trademark priority documents 


National industrial design applications

July 1, 2023

National patent applications

January 1, 2023

National trademark applications

July1, 2023

National industrial design applications

July 1, 2023

National patent applications

January 1, 2023

National trademark  applications July 1, 2023

PCT international applications 

January 1, 2023

Monaco Industrial Property Office of the Business Development Agency


National industrial design applications

February 1, 2023

National patent applications

National trademark applications


National industrial design applications

February 1, 2023

National patent applications

National trademark applications

National utility model applications

The State Patent Bureau of the Republic of Lithuania


National patent applications

January 1, 2023


National patent applications

PCT international applications


The Netherlands Patent Office started DAS operation as both an accessing and a depositing Office on June 1, 2018


The National Institute of Industrial Property of Brazil (INPI-BR) became an accessing Office on April 1, 2018
