Some Offices requested further discussions on the proposed types of signatures, and emphasized the importance of more detailed descriptions of these signatures.


  • Some Offices raised the absence of clarification as to the meaning of each type of "signature" proposed and execution method, and requested more detailed explanations and definitions.
    • For example, with regard to the concept of "printed signature" and "typed signature", a “printed signature” can be an image of a person’s signature received either in electronic form (inserted as a picture) or placed on documents using printing plates that reproduce the person’s handwritten signature, while a “typed signature” can be a signature entered from a keyboard. 
  • An office requested explanations on how to determine whether a signature is authentic or not.
  • An office raised the danger of new types of signature being exploited by third parties.

Views of the International Bureau:

The requirement of "a handwritten ink signature" for paper documents has always existed in the PCT System, and its meaning appears to be have been clear to all parties concerned.  Definitions of new types of signatures should ideally be understood and executed in the same way by all parties concerned.  Thus, the International Bureau considers that it would be optimal to reach a shared understanding with one clear definition of each type of signature that will be applied by any all Offices and International Authorities during the International Phases of the PCT as a formality requirement.

Offices and NGOs are welcome to provide comments on this page, and encouraged to contribute, in particular, by providing answers to the following questions by February 28, 2022: 

-Does your national law contain any definition of "printed", "typed" or "stamped" signatures?

-How would you propose to define "printed", "typed" and "stamped" signatures?

  File Modified
Microsoft Word Document Definition and descriptions - UKIPO response.docx Feb 15, 2022 by Andrew Bushell
Microsoft Word Document Definition and Descriptions - KIPO reponse.docx Feb 16, 2022 by Dana LEE
Microsoft Word Document ES Definition and Descriptions.docx Feb 28, 2022 by Isabel Seriñá
Microsoft Word Document Definitions and Description - EPO response.docx Feb 28, 2022 by Vera Marita BURIÁNEK
Microsoft Word Document Definitions and Descriptions Response- Intellectual Property Owners Association.docx Feb 28, 2022 by Thomas VALENTE
Microsoft Word Document Definition and descriptions - CIPO response.docx Mar 02, 2022 by Andrew DAVIDSON
Microsoft Word Document Definitions and descriptions - HIPO answers.docx Mar 07, 2022 by Katalin Miklo

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1 Comment

  1. Dear all,

    -Does your national law contain any definition of "printed", "typed" or "stamped" signatures?

     No. We don’t have any definition of signatures in our national law because seals had been used for domestic procedures instead of signatures in Japan.

    -How would you propose to define "printed", "typed" and "stamped" signatures?

    RO/JP started to accept signatures as well as seals from the end of 2020. We accept not only a handwritten ink signature but also "printed" and "stamped" signatures. We define each signature on our website for users as follows;

    • Image signature - converted into image data from a handwritten ink signature by scanning, and printed it on the paper document
    • Stamped signature -made a handwritten ink signature into a stamp, and stamped it on the paper document

     The JPO thinks the PCT doesn’t necessarily need to define "printed", "typed" and "stamped" as the Madrid, the Hague and the PLT don’t have any definition of them. However, the definition might be useful for users as indicated in our previous answer on “Practical Necessity” questions. We would like to hear other offices’ opinion on this matter.

    KOJIMA Kaori (JPO)