Why use Hague Web Services?

HWS is the reliable, secure, automated, M2M channel into the Hague System. It is a REST API set of endpoints that require secure authentication, as explained in details in the documentation below.

Why switch from EDI to Hague Web Services?

EDI is a legacy SFTP solution owned by the WIPO PCT department, and upon which the Hague department has no control or supervision. The Hague department depends on the PCT for granting accesses and exchanging files with IP Offices. In addition to this, exchanged files consequently undergo several transfers over several systems before they end up in the Hague System, increasing the risk of security leaks, data losses and human errors, with potentially important legal consequences.

On the contrary, HWS is an M2M protocol with one entry point on the office's side and another one in the Hague System, bound together by a state-of-the-art authentication and security protocol.

Moreover, EDI is on a sunset phase and bound to be decommissioned in the not so distant future.

How to transition from EDI to HWS?

Under construction.

English, 2021-10-01

French, 2021-10-01

Spanish, 2021-10-01

Chinese, 2021-10-01

Russian, 2021-10-01

Arabic, 2023-04-01

Technical documentation

Presentation from the HWS webinar on May 11th, 2022

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