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Annual Technical Report 2003 on Patent Information Activities submitted by Republic of Moldova (SCIT/ATR/PI/2003/MD)

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The term "patent" covers utility models and Supplementary Protection Certificates (SPCs). Offices which issue design patents should report their design patent information activities in their Annual Technical Reports on Industrial Design Information Activities.

I. Evolution of patent activities

Changes experienced in terms of application filings and grants with respect to the previous year

Filing: patent applications- 299 (258 in 2002, increase of 15.9%)
utility model applications – 33 (19 in 2002, increase of 42,4%)

Granting: patents for invention – 241 (230 in 2002, increase of 4.8%)
utility model certificates – 17 (11 in 2002, increase of 35,3 %)

Trends or areas experiencing rapid changes with respect to the previous year

It is noted a stable trend in the increase of applications filing and patent granting, the highest level remaining in the fields of health, mechanics and industrial techniques. It has been noted also an increasing trend in seeking the invention protection by utility models.

II. Matters concerning the generation, reproduction, distribution and use of primary and secondary sources of patent information

Publishing, printing, copying (main types of publications of the office in the field of patent information, etc.)

1) Paper
Patent applications:
The front page containing bibliographic data, the abstract and the drawings are printed. The added specifications are reproduced.
The front page and the specification are printed, the incorporated drawings being scanned.

- CD-ROM „Inventions of the Republic of Moldova 1963-1992” containing bibliographic data for patent applications and patents
- CD-ROM „Inventions of the Republic of Moldova, 1993-2003”, containing bibliographic data and abstracts in 3 languages (Romanian, English and Russian) for patent applications; bibliographic data, abstracts and specifications for patents. This CD-ROM is renewed annually by adding the data for the last year.
- CISPATENT – in conjunction with the IP Offices of several CIS countries (AM, BY,GE, RU, TJ, UZ, UA) and of the EAPO is issued this CD-ROM containing bibliographic data and abstracts in Romanian, English and Russian for patent applications and bibliographic data, abstracts in 3 languages and specifications in the original language for patents. The CD-ROM is issued on a monthly basis, there is also a yearly issue.

3) Official Bulletin on Industrial Property (BOPI)
Bibliographic data and abstracts in Romanian, English, Russian and official notices are published in this official monthly newspaper. The Bulletin appears on paper form and on the AGEPI website in PDF format:

4) On-line database
Bibliographic data and abstracts relating to MD granted patents are available on the office website: It is a free Internet service.
From 2003 also is published the full text and drawings. From 2005 it is foreseen to publish the bibliographic data and abstracts for patent applications.

Main types of announcements of the Office in the field of patent information

AGEPI notices and changes of office procedure are done through the Official Bulletin on Industrial Property (BOPI). The most important office notices regarding patents and other IP rights are put directly on the AGEPI website ( for different kinds of users (applicants/owners, patent agents etc).

Mass storage media used (paper, microforms, optical storage, etc.)

AGEPI has a complete classified paper collection of MD patent documents. The full data relating to MD patent documents, excepting the drawings, are stored in the internal databases. From 2004 on, has begun the completion of the database by scanning of images of patent documents. From 2005 it is foreseen to scan any patent application document.

Word processing and office automation

The Patent Office uses Microsoft Office XP or Microsoft Office 2000 which provides an integrated and extensive network of applications that are available to all staff. All staff has their own personal workstation on which numerous applications are available. Word processing can be carried out using Word 2000 or Word XP; search tools including access to online databases, translation software, management and administration information etc. There is also a corporate database (Inventions) and automated production of search and examination reports.
All staff has access to the Internet and has their own e-mail and official e-mail address.

(New) techniques used for the generation of patent information (printing, recording, photocomposing, etc.)

See “Publishing, printing, copying etc.”.

III. Matters concerning abstracting, classifying, reclassifying and indexing of technical information contained in patent documents

Abstracting, reviewing, translating

The office translates the titles and abstracts into English and review the titles and abstracts provided by the applicant (in Romanian and Russian) and, if necessary, amend them in order to ensure that the abstract contain the necessary information to be a useful search tool. The abstracts are published for patent applications and granted patens in 3 languages.

Classification and reclassification activities; Classification system used, e.g., International Patent Classification (IPC), other classification (please indicate whether or not patent documents are classified by your Office and, if so, which classification is used)

AGEPI classifies patent documents using the IPC edition in force (7th edition). All patent documents published before 1 January 2002 are reclassified according the 7th IPC edition.

Coordinate indexing (domestic deep indexing systems, keyword indexing)


Hybrid system indexing

The hybrid system indexing is used as a feature of the IPC.

Bibliographic data and full-text processing for search purposes

AGEPI maintains an electronic search file for all MD patent documents, which are searchable using bibliographic data and the keyword contained in titles and abstracts.

IV. Search file establishment and upkeep

File building

File building of paper search files classified under the IPC and of the CD/DVD-ROM collections classified under years and countries is centralized at the office library. The patent documents and author certificates of the former URSS from 1924 up to 1992 is stored within National Technical Scientific Library (NTSL).
All MD patent documents are electronically stored and searchable for internal use; all published MD patents are electronically searchable for external use.


Paper and some CD/DVD-ROM search files are updated monthly, several CD-DVD/ROM search files are updated yearly. Electronically searchable files for internal use are updated permanently depending of filings; electronically searchable files for external use are updated monthly.

Storage, including mass storage media

See „File building” above

Documentation from other offices maintained and/or considered part of the available search file

See „File building” above. Patent collections from other offices are available by online search techniques; there is an electronic access to 39 databases in the field of patents.

V. Activities in the field of computerized and other mechanized search systems

In-house systems (online/offline)

The management of the patent applications is based on the “Patent” search database procedure program, developed by the AGEPI skilled persons. The database thereof is used in conducting the examination process, publication and dissemination of information.
The AGEPI “Inventions” Search database, which is opened to the public, can be used by examiners and other interested persons for electronic search through the published granted patents in the Republic of Moldova, also the Eurasian patents. The search could be done by requiring the bibliographic data, abstract (RO, RU, EN), claims and descriptions.

External databases

- VINITI (patent associated literature- bibliographic data), managing by the VINITI Institute of the Russian Federation (;
- and other specialized chemical, biotech, electrical and other databases.
See also “Documentation from other office maintained and/or considered part of the available search file”.

Administrative management systems (e.g., register, legal status, statistics, administrative support, etc.)

Register and legal status information is available through the internal database. The system also provides statistical information and management reports.

Equipment used (hardware, including the types of terminal and network used, and software), carriers used

The internal network uses a client-server arrangement on an Ethernet LAN running Microsoft Active Directory Domain. The platform used by the Patents Department uses a database server, for Interbase applications. Client PCs are used by all staff and are Pentium III or Pentium IV machines with a mixture of 15" or 17" CRT screens. Client PCs operating systems Microsoft Windows 2000 or Microsoft Windows XP. Mimosa and Diapat are software specific of the CD-ROM collections.

VI. Administration of the industrial property office library and services available to the public (relating to facilities, e.g., for lodging applications, for assisting clients on searching procedures, for obtaining official publications and registry extracts)

The office library functions simultaneously as an in-house and public library, open to a wide range of patent information users of the Republic of Moldova.

The library specialists are available to assist the public in all aspects of their work with catalogues, CD-ROMs, books, etc. The AGEPI Library is available to the public during 6 days (except Sunday) from 9:00 to 16:00.

Collecting, acquisitions, preparation

The main information sources of the Patent Collection are the official publications of the AGEPI, patent documentation and patent associated literature received through international exchange with Patent Offices worldwide and other information centers, purchase or subscription. All the received documents are registered, classified and grouped for storage purpose.

On December 31, 2003, the Library collection included 16.583,9 thousand of documents. The IP Collection of literature and documents on electronic support is stored at present on 8949 optical discs.

In 2003 the total number of acquisitions made through bilateral exchange, subscription, publication etc., was 1053257 documents, of which 1048379 documents on electronic support, 889 official bulletins, 647 books, 2487 periodicals, 470 AGEPI publications and 385 other documents.

Collection management, preservation

The Library collection is arranged along geographical-systematic-numerical lines. The conditions for storing collections correspond to the types of information carriers used:
-patent documentation on paper is stored in cassettes on shelves;
-on CD-ROM – in catalog racks;
-in automated databases.

The Library Soft “IRBIS”, for acquisition processes automation, formation of electronic catalogue “Books” and library administration, is implemented in the AGEPI Library.

The AGEPI Collection on CD/DVD-ROM available to the public is shown in the attached Table II.


Interlibrary lending, resource sharing, networks of patent libraries in the country

The AGEPI exchanges documents with the National Library and the National Technical Scientific Literature Library, which have a complete collection of the official bulletins and relevant literature in the field published by the AGEPI; the Agency also exchanges documents with other national offices and regional organizations.

The AGEPI Library cooperates intensively with 22 territorial Libraries to which the patent information and other literature in the field is furnished regularly for further dissemination in the territory.

In 2003 the AGEPI Library has published, in cooperation with the National Technical Scientific Literature Library, the Guide “National Collection of IP Documents”.

In 2003, the AGEPI Library offered to the public Libraries methodical assistance concerning the organization and utilization of IP document collections, by organizing 2 seminars, 4 visits to the libraries, publishing articles in the specialized journals.

Information services available to the public (including computerized services and search files contained in libraries remote from your Office and patent information posted by your Office on the World Wide Web)

The AGEPI Library has a general and a specialized reading room. Anyone may find there patent documentation, access the CD-ROM databases and be provided with information-bibliography services, such as thematic selection of patent documentation, search for patent families, search in automated databases, etc. are on offer to the public.

Visits to the patent Library and services offered to all categories of readers are free of charge.

The Library also provides, by payment, such services as copying the documents from CD-ROM/DVD-ROM on paper or on CD / DVD-ROM (in 2003 – 4212 documents), copying the documents form the Library paper Collection; selling the AGEPI editions.

The main features regarding the library-information services rendered in 2003 are the following: readers- 531; visits – 5882; borrowed documents – 45322.

During the year 2003, the AGEPI has rendered to the economic agents over 1130 consultations on the procedure of obtaining titles of protection of industrial property rights, organized many visits to the enterprises; it rendered a double volume of search services in the IPP field as compared with the previous year.

Information about the new acquisitions in the library collection is systematically offered on the AGEPI web site. The information provided on the AGEPI web site – – covers all general topics concerning patents (national and international legislation, preparation of application, office procedures, application forms).

VII. Matters concerning mutual exchange of patent documentation and information

AGEPI provides monthly bibliographic data and abstracts to EPO (EPIDOS). AGEPI furnished the MD patent documents and the official gazette (BOPI) on paper and/or CD-ROM to 26 IPOs.
AGEPI receives patent documentation and information from 37 countries and 2 regional patent organizations (EPO and EAPO).

Medium used for exchange of priority documents


Medium allowed for filing applications

Filing is on paper or on magnetic storage media (floppy disk, optical disk) or by electronic means (telefacsimile). If the filing is not on paper it is required that the original document be filed on paper within one month from the data of the submisson/transmisson, accompanied by a letter identifying that earlier submission/transmission.

Implementation of the Statement of Principles Concerning the Changeover to Electronic Data Carriers for the Exchange of Patent Documents (please make a status report on the extent to which your Office has changed over to electronic data carriers for the exchange of patent documents)

The Official Bulletin (BOPI) was received in 2003 by bilateral exchange from 25 countries in paper form and from 6 countries on CD-ROM (in total 889 Official Bulletins); 1173 CD-ROMs have been acquired in 2003 by bilateral exchange, as well as, 647 books and 2487 periodicals.

The Agency has furnished BOPI- Official Bulletins to 39 countries (468 copies) and 4 international organizations (48 copies). The CD-ROMs “Inventions of the Republic of Moldova” and “IP Legislation of the Republic of Moldova” was delivered to 25 countries.

VIII. Other relevant matters concerning education and training in, and promotion of, the use of patent information, including technical assistance to developing countries

During the year 2003, the AGEPI organized on industrial property protection matters 16 national seminars and 5 seminars in cooperation with regional and international organizations. The AGEPI staff participated in 53 international events such trainings, meetings, seminars, symposia, works, consultations, official visits etc. in the field.

Concomitantly, the AGEPI has held specialized courses for judges, customers, councilors in industrial property and managers of economic units of the republic.

During the year 2003, the Office participated in 18 national exhibitions and granted logistical and financial assistance for the participation of inventors in 4 international exhibitions (“Inventica”-Iaşi, Romania; “Brussels-Eureka”, Belgium; “PALEXPO” – Geneva, Switzerland; International Fair of Industrial Technologies, Methods of Production, Goods and Services from CIS Member States – Kiev, Ukraine).

The communications, interviews, reports (circa 400) made or given by the AGEPI specialists to journalists from 45 journals of the Republic, including 4 press conferences organized on the occasion of key events, 41 articles on the AGEPI activity and IPP issues, photo-video recordings placed in the national Press, Radio and TV, Internet and other information sources contributed essentially to IP promotion throughout the country.

IX. Other relevant matters

1.Classification is allotting one or more classification symbols (e.g., IPC symbols) to a patent application, either before or during search and examination, which symbols are then published with the patent application.

2.Preclassification is allotting an initial broad classification symbol (e.g., IPC class or subclass, or administrative unit) to a patent application, using human or automated means for internal administrative purposes (e.g., routing an application to the appropriate examiner).  Usually preclassification is applied by the administration of an office.

3.Reclassification is the reconsideration and usually the replacement of one or more previously allotted classification symbols to a patent document, following a revision and the entry into force of a new version of the Classification system (e.g., the IPC).  The new symbols are available on patent databases.

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