EDI stands for Electronic Data Interchange. It is, practically speaking, an SFTP server hosted at the PCT department at WIPO.

It is not the official Hague electronic communication channel any more, and it is not recommended to Offices willing to establish a new electronic communication channel with Hague. Such offices should implement HWS.

Existing EDI users, and IPAS users waiting for IPAS to implement HWS, will nonetheless find here the guide to establish an EDI connection with Hague. Basically the required steps are (the Office's actions are in blue, WIPO's actions are in red):

  1. create a dedicated account on the EDI server
  2. generate a 2048-bit private/public key pair by the Office's preferred mean (some are suggested in the guide)
  3. send the public key to WIPO
  4. install the public key on the EDI server

When wishing to establish an EDI communication channel with Hague, transmitting the public key, or raising any EDI related problem or question, the email address to use is pctisext.support@wipo.int, copy hague.it@wipo.int.

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