Support for color drawings is important. In some cases, effective disclosure is very difficult without the use of color drawings and photographs.  Even where drawings are originally prepared in black and white, the conversions between different file formats causes degradation and is probably the largest single cause of formalities defects.

The International Bureau’s publication systems are already capable of using original color drawings for the purpose of processing XML applications. As an interim measure, an unofficial full text and color version of the application body part of the international publication will soon be made available for XML applications in many cases.  An aim of upgrading the publication processes is to allow official color publication at least for those applications filed in full text format and to ensure that systems are developed with a view to allowing further file formats to be added in the future, such as video or 3D diagrams, if the business need and technical standards are agreed.

The Task Force is requested to advise on these requirements and as necessary propose an update to Annex F and Rule 11 to enable color drawings in international applications.

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