WIPO GREEN Selects SMEs to Exhibit at COP22
October 31, 2016
WIPO GREEN received over 180 applications from SMEs representing more than 40 countries to exhibit at an innovative climate change solutions fair at COP 22 in Marrakesh, Morocco. With the selection criteria indicating the need to demonstrate a significant interest/application potential in the African market and the intention to support local innovators, we were pleased that over 80% of the applications came from 22 African countries, and covered innovations from a broad range of sectors.
Selected SMEs
- Egypt: Central Laboratory for Agricultural Climate (CLAC), agricultural-residue-based fertilizer
- Ethiopia: Anicytor, animal powered tractor for agriculture and transportation
- Ghana: Recnowa Initiative, solbag solar backpack, a portable solar backpack designed for off-grid users that incorporates a detachable solar panel
- Kenya: GreenWize, MwangaBora solar lamps
- Malawi: Peacock Seeds, drought resistant maize
- Niger: Tech-innov, tele-irrigation system
- Nigeria: Green Energy Biofuels, ethanol cooking gel and cook stoves
- Nigeria: University of Nigeria, mimosa weed solar panel
- Rwanda: TEKUTANGIJE, sustainable clean cook stoves
- Saudi Arabia: White Energy Ltd., high efficiency vertical axis wind turbine
- South Africa: Eco-V, hybrid solar off-grid heating system
- Uganda: Tusk Engineers, bio latrine with biogas capture
WIPO GREEN @ COP22 – Exhibit and roundtable flyer
Meet the jury
As the WIPO GREEN team processed the 180+ applications we received from all around the world, we reached out to representatives from some of our most active Partners to act as jury members. The jury provided their recommendations based on an initial broad shortlist compiled by WIPO. The final selection of innovative SMEs was carried out by the WIPO GREEN team.
Marc McArthur is an expert in innovation networks, technology commercialization and economic development after having worked with companies, researchers, government agencies, investors and other stakeholders over the past decade to advance the commercialization and adoption of clean technologies. Mr. McArthur leverages insight gained in these experiences to convene, inspire and manage multidisciplinary teams towards triple bottom line outcomes. In addition to specialized knowledge and networks in clean technology commercialization, deployment and sustainability from a variety of stakeholder perspectives Marc brings a background in mechanical engineering, project management, technology entrepreneurship, organizational improvement and media relations to bear on every assignment.
Crosstaff Solutions is a boutique consulting firm based in Ottawa, Canada that puts green innovation to work for our clients. They support governments and corporations by translating business and operational challenges into opportunities and strategies to engage and develop the best sustainable technology solutions to those challenges.
Rajiv Garg works as Network and Capacity Building Manager. He is responsible for developing partnerships and twinning arrangements for implementation of technical assistance through a network of institutions. He has more than 20 years of experience in technology deployment, scale-up and transfer issues and is versed in how to solve these issues using integrated system based approaches. Prior to joining CTCN, he managed the climate change mitigation portfolio for UNEP in Asia and the Pacific and was also the lead in designing the industrial emissions "Cap and Trade" scheme while working for Indian government. He has a master’s in engineering, a post-graduate certificate in pollution prevention and control and is also a certified energy auditor and manager.
The Climate Technology Centre & Network (CTCN) is the operative arm of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Technology Mechanism. The CTCN promotes the accelerated transfer of environmentally sound technologies for low carbon and climate resilient development at the request of developing countries. It provides technology solutions, capacity building and advice on policy, legal and regulatory frameworks tailored to the needs of individual countries. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) hosts the CTCN in collaboration with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and the support of a consortium of partners.
Min-Gon Kim is currently working for KOrea TEchnology finance Corporation (KOTEC), which is a public enterprise specializing in technology financing, credit guarantees, evaluation and transfer, among other activities. His main work is in the area of tech transfer and evaluation for small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). He received his BSc from Ajou University, and his PhD degree from the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Republic of Korea. He attended the University of Melbourne, Australia, as part of an overseas exchange program in 2008, where he researched the integration of wireless and wired technologies. From 2010 to 2012, he worked as a researcher and research professor for Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology (DGIST), and KAIST. His research interest is in efficient management of broadband wireless access systems, specifically mobile device, systems, and network perspectives. As a result, he has authored and co-authored more than 40 technical papers.
Since it was founded in 1989, KOrea TEchnology finance Corporation (KOTEC) has been playing a leading role in providing credit guarantees for tech-oriented SMEs which have compelling business cases but do not have sufficient financial capabilities. Simultaneously, it has been building a comprehensive framework of business support for technologies by providing a wide range of services including investment based on technology evaluation and transfer.
Omer Hiziroglu is a General Partner with Diffusion Capital Partners, an early stage technology venture capital firm. Previously, he was the General Manager of Inovent, Sabanci University’s technology transfer fund of and the first of its kind in the country. He is a board member of LES International and a founding member of the Galata Business Angels Network (GBA) – the first business angel network in Turkey. He has a BA in economics and international relations from Tufts University, an LL.M from the University of Lausanne and a Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree from Suffolk University. He is also a member of the Istanbul, New York and Massachusetts bars and a Certified Licensing Professional (CLP). Omer is among IAM World’s 300 Leading IP Strategists in 2015 and 2016.
Diffusion Capital Partners is Turkey’s first technology transfer and seed-stage venture capital fund manager. They exclusively invest in technology- and IP-intensive projects and start-ups. They aim to work side-by-side with great entrepreneurs and scientists to build business from the ground up and accelerate diffusion of innovations from lab to market.