Our Partners

WIPO GREEN partners with government institutions, intergovernmental organizations, academia, and companies – from small enterprises to Fortune 500 companies. Each partner brings unique insight, expertise, and networks that are essential to our success. Through our partners, we are able to increase our influence and reach new stakeholders, facilitate collaboration, and accelerate investment in green technology.

Find out more: Core Committee | List of partners | Partnership toolkit | FAQs

Our partnership toolkit provides all the resources you need to show support for green innovation and communicate your role as a WIPO GREEN partner.

Why become a partner?

WIPO GREEN offers organizations a unique vehicle for supporting global, collective action on climate change. By working with us to unlock the economic, social and environmental benefits of green technology innovation for all, our partners contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – and reap several benefits along the way. For example, organizations can tap into our clean technology innovation eco-system to identify potential partners, enter new markets, or find solutions that meet their business needs.

Partnering with WIPO GREEN means organizations can also:

  • help developing countries find solutions to their challenges by supporting in-country projects and events;
  • gain knowledge and skills needed to successfully disseminate green technologies;
  • learn about opportunities (e.g., grants, project proposals, exhibition opportunities);
  • connect with entrepreneurs from all over the world;
  • collaborate with key players in the sector via the WIPO GREEN network.

Partner testimonials

(Photo: Kopernik)

"Working alongside WIPO GREEN in Southeast Asia in 2018, we were able to identify supply and demand, as well as generate significant momentum around green tech innovation. Through quality engagement, we have initiated a number of promising collaborations."

– Arvin Dwiarrahman, Kopernik

(Photo: KCIC)

"WIPO GREEN made it possible for us to have easy access to technologies, services and - most importantly - people with expertise and relevant information."

– Edward Mungai, Kenya Climate Innovation Center

(Photo: GTB)

"We collaborate with WIPO GREEN because we believe that technological innovation can be a key driver of sustainable development, and we need to work together to accelerate progress in this regard."

– Zhen Wang, Green Technology Bank (GTB)

Partnership principles

Support: WIPO GREEN partners are public and private sector organizations that support our mission.

Guide: To help us achieve our mission, partners are commited to advising and steering WIPO GREEN, including through the WIPO GREEN Advisory Board.

Connect: Acting as regional or national green tech focal points, our partners connect WIPO GREEN with other strategic actors that can advance its work and maximize its impact in the sector.

Collaborate: Partners collaborate with WIPO GREEN in areas where they can add greatest value, and on mutually beneficial initiatives.

Amplify: To amplify WIPO GREEN's voice, partners promote our activities through their communications channels and networks to increase WIPO GREEN's visibility.

Examples of partner contributions

  • data sharing agreement to enrich the WIPO GREEN database (AUTM)
  • co-organization of matchmaking event in 2018 (Asian Development Bank)
  • co-hosting of exhibitions during UNFCCC COP (OMPIC and INPI France)
  • pledge of 300 hours of pro bono IP services for selected WIPO GREEN users (Public Interest Intellectual Property Advisors)

If you are interested in partnering, please read our Charter PDF, WIPO GREEN Charter and then send us a mail.


Our donors support our activities and events, enabling WIPO GREEN to promote environmentally friendly innovation as widely as possible. We have received financial support from the governments of Japan and Australia through Funds-In-Trust (FIT).

Contributions from the Japan Intellectual Property Association (JIPA) accelerated the development of the WIPO GREEN database and funds-in-trust from the Government of Japan supported regional matchmaking events in Southeast Asia (2015) and East Africa (2016).
The Government of Australia sponsored a WIPO GREEN matchmaking project in Southeast Asia (2018). This recent matchmaking project sought to catalyze partnerships around clean energy, air, water and agriculture technologies in Cambodia, Indonesia and the Philippines.