Intellectual Property Offices are key actors in green innovation ecosystems.

They deliver patents and other intellectual property (IP) rights, provide services and guidance to entrepreneurs, and publish data and analysis. With the green transition rapidly becoming a priority for governments everywhere, IP Offices work in concert with other agencies to deliver on green goals. Their role typically involves programming to support green innovation and effective IP management by entrepreneurs working in this space.

IPO GREEN is an initiative that supports IP Offices to enact green policies and programs.

Launched in 2022 with funding from the Japan Patent Office, the initiative brings IP Offices together to share their experiences and insights. It also provides research and analysis about IP Offices’ activities that help to stimulate the development and deployment of new green technology solutions. We welcome your ideas and feedback to make it a valuable resource for IP Offices in all regions.

Background research provided by our research partner Innovation Insights.

Wind turbines on the shore of a lake
Image: Sjo/E+/Getty Images

Spotlight: IP Office Initiatives

IP Offices have already launched a broad range of policies and programs to accelerate the green transition. For those IP Offices that are looking for ways to get involved, we have prepared initial descriptions of the types of policies they might consider.

The concept notes are living documents, and we welcome feedback, your experience with an initiative, or a new initiative not yet covered here.

IPO GREEN Webinar Series

The IPO Green Webinar Series ran from Spring 2022 to Summer 2023 and its purpose is to inspire IPOs to implement activities and procedures in support of a green economy transition. In the webinars, IPOs from across the globe share their experience and best practices with implementing IP related initiatives. The webinars last approximately one-hour and consist of a presentation and discussion session. The target audience are IPOs interested in the topic under discussion.

To receive invitations of future IPO Green activities please contact us.

To watch recordings and presentations of previous webinars please see below:

Watch the webinars

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IPO GREEN Launch Webinars

IPO GREEN was launched at two webinars in March 2022 addressing the eastern and western hemispheres. Here we presented the findings of our research, and selected IP Offices showed examples of green programs.

WIPO’s report on implementing the SDGs in national IP systems

This research study, commissioned by WIPO Japan Office, sponsored by Funds-In-Trust Japan Industrial Property Global1 and in collaboration with WIPO’s Special Representative on the UN SDGs, aims to identify the relationship between IP policies/engagements and SDGs in various countries and measures being taken by national and regional IP offices to motivate the creation, protection and exploitation of IP that contributes to achievement of SDGs. It focuses particularly on patents and trademarks, but also considers how the offices themselves are responding to the need to be more sustainable in the way in which they operate.

The IP Office of Singapore’s Patent Fast Track Programme

In May 2020, the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (“IPOS”) piloted a new patent acceleration program to expand support for innovation to all sectors, named the SG Patent Fast Track program.