Updates on Acceleration Projects in Latin America and Indonesia

October 4, 2021

New opportunities on the horizon in Latin America

The Latin America Acceleration Project in climate smart agriculture has been active since 2019 in Argentina, Brazil, and Chile. The project aims to identify needs for green technologies and match them with viable solutions, ultimately helping to address global challenges like climate change and food security.

WIPO GREEN POME Palm oil mill effluence
(Photo: Mateus Campos Felipe)

Presently, we are pleased to have received financial support from the Japanese Government which has allowed us to progress to a second phase of this Acceleration Project, this will intensify the important work of identifying needs and potential matching technologies. Going forward - Peru has decided to join the project, further strengthening participation in this exciting and interesting regional initiative.


Turning environmental liabilities into GREEN solutions in Indonesia

In Indonesia, the Acceleration Project on palm oil mill effluent (POME), funded by the Australian Government, is nearing completion. Methane emissions from POME are a source of Green House Gasses (GHGs). Our project partner, Winrock International, has duly identified several palm oil mills willing to address this. They have identified a large number of solution providers and systematically described potential corresponding green solutions.  Virtual events with industry stakeholders, including mills and technology owners, will showcase the catalogue of technologies and needs that was developed through the project, with the aim of facilitating “matches” between seekers and providers of green solutions to POME.

WIPO GREEN Latin America Acceleration Project
(Photo: Palm oil and GHG Emmissions, 2021)

All identified needs and technologies can be found in their respective collections on the database landing page. Those from Latin America in the LAC Climate Smart Agriculture collection and those from Indonesia on the POME Indonesia collection.