February 14, 2022
The WIPO GREEN acceleration project in Latin America identifies and connects climate change needs with potential solutions from technology developers and providers. All needs and solutions identified are listed in the “LAC Climate Smart Agriculture” collection in the WIPO GREEN database.
If you have potential solutions to any of the needs mentioned here, you can contact the respective users directly in the database or write to us at wipo.green@wipo.int and we will facilitate the connection.
If your technology is not already uploaded to the database, we encourage you to do so.
Chile has experienced a decade-long drought and the steady decline of water reserves has affected the wine industry, among others, in a major way. Chilean wine farms are now seeking new ways to address this problem. While larger farms in Chile are able to rotate their farming activity during times of drought, smaller wineries find it difficult to cope.
The following climate change related needs were identified, and uploaded by our project partner, IALE Tecnología Chile Spa.
This winery is in need of new technologies and techniques to improve their diminishing water reserves for their irrigation system. This is a small winery with very specific soil requirements. As such, crop rotation, which is usually for farms with a larger land area, is not a feasible solution. Addressing the water scarcity challenge is therefore critical.
The Association of Chilean Wine Producers is looking for tools, methodologies or adjusted technologies to better adapt to the rife effects of climate change they have been experiencing during the drought in Chile.
The Cooperative depends on rainfall for their grape farming activities, which has been unpredictable and scarce during the decade-long drought that persists today. The business is in need of new solutions to optimize water resources.
Although the Santa Rita Winery grows their grapes with the help of an irrigation system, water reserve management continues to be a struggle due to the pervasive drought in Chile. The winery is in need of a low-cost water measurement tool, which will enable them to keep an eye on available water reserves in their irrigation systems, in order to better manage their water usage.
Investors and innovators with tangible solutions to the challenges described here are invited to contact the respective users who uploaded their needs, through the WIPO GREEN database. Investing in green technology is not only a financially viable option for investors, it is also crucial to the survival of our planet and future generations.