February 22, 2022
The WIPO GREEN acceleration project in Latin America identifies and connects climate change needs with potential solutions from technology developers and providers. All needs and solutions identified are listed in the “LAC Climate Smart Agriculture” collection in the WIPO GREEN database.
If you have potential solutions to any of the needs mentioned here, you can contact the respective users directly in the database or write to us at wipo.green@wipo.int and we will facilitate the connection.
If your technology is not already uploaded to the database, we encourage you to do so.
In Many rural areas of Brazil, there is currently a widespread shortage of stable energy resources. The following are some of the energy-related climate change challenges you could help to solve, which were uploaded by our Brazilian project partner, AgroSuisse.
Visit the WIPO GREEN Database for a full list of needs identified in Brazil, as part of the WIPO GREEN LAC acceleration project.
The Várzea Grande e Uruçu community is in need of an affordable solar energy provider in order to optimize their water pumping system for hydroponics, a plant growing method that does not require soil. They seek to renovate and expand their existing hydroponics system, which is currently powered by grid-based electricity.
This small family farm is in need of solar-energy based solutions for water pumping, irrigation, and desalination of water for animal husbandry and other uses. The farm is currently powered by electricity on the grid, which is expensive and weak. The owners of Mares farm seek a low-cost, solar-powered alternative.
This small family farm is in need of an alternative, low-cost and strong energy source to replace their current grid-powered system, which is too weak to meet their business needs.
This farm is in need of a solar energy technology solution to power their water pump and irrigation system for their agricultural activities. The owner intends to transform the farm into a research laboratory, but the current grid-energy system that they use is too weak to power it.
Investors and innovators with tangible solutions to the challenges described here are invited to contact the respective users who uploaded their needs, through the WIPO GREEN database. Investing in green technology is not only a financially viable option for investors, it is also crucial to the survival of our planet and future generations.