October 21, 2022
The WIPO Green partner CleantechAlps is involved in the 5th edition of the BlueArk challenge. Organized jointly by the BlueArk Entremont Innovation Hub, The Ark Foundation and Altis, the BlueArk Challenge is back!
The aim is to solve the various water management challenges through open innovation. In the form of a call for projects, candidates will have to respond by 4 November to various challenges related to water management. The best projects will receive CHF 10,000 in cash, but above all the opportunity to co-create and implement their solution with professionals in the field. Learn more about the BlueArk Challenge.
The challenge is mainly addressed to technology providers specialized in the field of water or digitalization as well as to engineering offices. The winners will be announced on 1 December at the Smart Water Conference in Le Châble.