December 1, 2023
In November and December 2023, the United Arab Emirates will host the 28th Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC (COP28) in Dubai. WIPO GREEN will be at COP28 with a goal to foster dialogue and exchange of ideas with partners and to share ideas and solutions on green technologies and innovation. The new edition of the WIPO Green Technology Book, which focuses on climate change mitigation technology solutions, will also be launched at COP28.

WIPO GREEN will also co-host and participate in a number of events. Here’s what we will be doing, and where you can find us:
Cities and Innovation at COP28: Expanding Climate and Innovation Agendas to Deliver 11 billion Flourishing Lives
Date and time: December 4, 2023; 1:45 – 3:15 pm Gulf Standard Time (10:45 am – 12:15 pm CET)
Venue: Climate Action Stage, Innovation Zone, COP28
Description: The climate emergency presents a multifaceted and pressing challenge, demanding bold, transformative innovations to mitigate global warming's effects and address prevalent inequalities and obstacles to prosperity. The key question is: How can we align the diverse innovation efforts at global, regional, national, and local scales with the aspirations and necessities of both humanity and the environment? Furthermore, how do we engage a broad spectrum of stakeholders in the innovation journey, fostering the development and dissemination of solutions that are effective, ethical, and fair? This session aims to delve into these issues with two panel discussions, featuring a variety of esteemed experts from academic, policy, and practical backgrounds.
Building Capacity for Demand-Driven Technology and Innovation in Cities
Date and time: December 5, 2023; 3:00 – 4:30 pm Gulf Standard Time (12:00 – 1:30 pm CET)
Venue: 5th Capacity-building Hub within COP28, Blue Zone
Description: Innovation and technology are critical elements for building low-carbon cities. While many technologies are proven and readily available, cities’ awareness of appropriate solutions and implementation know-how often presents a barrier. The session will highlight how capacity building in the form of awareness raising, access to online green technology platforms, and hands-on training are critical elements in cities’ climate action. The UNCTCN will showcase how cities can leverage their capacity building support provided as a crucial component of UNCTCN technical assistance projects. WIPO GREEN will demonstrate how the WIPO GREEN database of needs and technologies and the flagship Green Technology Book can help urban planners, developers and decision-makers identify and gain access to climate technologies and innovation.
Innovation and Technology in Climate Change Mitigation and Land Restoration: Identifying Solutions for Accelerated Uptake
Note: The new edition of the WIPO Green Technology Book will be launched at this event.
Date and time: December 6, 2023; 3:00 – 4:30 pm Gulf Standard Time (12:00 – 1:30 pm CET)
Venue: Dubai, Blue Zone SE Room 6
Description: Emerging technologies offer promising solutions to tackle climate change and land degradation. UN organizations are working with key partners to make available mitigation solutions by harnessing the power of innovation. This includes supporting the transfer from workshop to market to field, within or between countries, as well as supporting National Systems of Innovation.
Innovation and Technology for Land Restoration
Date and time: December 9, 2023; 2:30-3:30 pm
Venue: Land & Drought Resilience Pavilion, Blue Zone, Opportunities Petal, Thematic Arena 4, 1st floor, Stand 205
Description: The event will provide an introduction to relevant technology fields and showcase actual solutions in relation to land degradation, drawing on the WIPO Green Technology Book both adaptation and mitigation editions. Representatives from the Egyptian research and technology development community will present relevant cases from Egypt, and a representative from Sudan will explain about the CTCN supported project on using advanced atomic absorption to support climate resilient agriculture and food security in Sudan. Examples of technologies and solutions will be shown in fields such as: climate resilient plants, forest and ecosystem management including wildfire, livestock management, soil carbon restoration and land use, and early warning technologies.
Digital technologies and data in the service of climate change action
Date and time: December 9, 2023; 5:00 – 6:00pm Gulf Standard Time (8:00 – 9 pm CET)
Venue: MR 02 G1, Mobility Petal, Blue Zone
Description: Digital solutions are developing with unprecedented pace and are integrated in almost all aspects of society. Environmental management and climate change issues are no exception. The innovation pace is highly elevated, and the diversity of solutions produced is impressive. Climate change adaptation and mitigation are also highly diverse fields where thousands of solutions on all levels of complexity are needed and are needed to pull in the same direction. ITU and WIPO are both launching tangible initiatives and tools to support this process. WIPO will launch the 2nd edition of the Green Technology Book. This new annual WIPO flagship publication, first launched at COP27 on climate change adaptation technologies, provides an overview of solutions available in various sectors of high relevance for climate change adaptation and mitigation. The WIPO Green Technology Book brings out some of the IT based solutions available for both adaptation and mitigation and illustrates how IT can contribute.
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