July 24, 2024
The United Kingdom Intellectual Property Office (UK IPO) has joined as a WIPO GREEN partner, bringing the total number of WIPO GREEN partners to 156.
The partnership was finalized during the Sixty-Fifth Series of Meetings of the Assemblies of the Member States of WIPO, in the presence of Sarah Roberts-Favell, Deputy Director of International Policy, UK IPO, and Edward Kwakwa, Assistant Director General, Global Challenges and Partnerships Sector, WIPO.
In this spirit, the UK IPO is committed to bringing its expertise to the initiative, we cannot address the urgency of the climate crisis without coordinated global action,” Sarah Roberts-Favell said. “This platform speaks directly to this goal as well as supporting growth and economic development.
IP Offices can be key enablers for green innovation ecosystems. Therefore, it is great to see the UK IPO taking tangible steps to contribute to global efforts to address climate change together with WIPO GREEN
noted ADG Edward Kwakwa
By joining as a WIPO GREEN partner, the UK IPO aims to leverage synergies with WIPO and accelerate investment and development in this critical area. WIPO GREEN currently has 156 partners from around the world.
WIPO GREEN partners with government institutions, intergovernmental organizations, academia, and companies – from small enterprises to Fortune 500 companies. Each partner brings unique insight, expertise, and networks that are essential to our success. Through our partners, we are able to increase our influence and reach new stakeholders, facilitate collaboration, and accelerate investment in green technology.