Introducing the WIPO GREEN Experts Database (formerly ROSP)

October 28, 2016

WIPO GREEN is in the process of creating a database of professionals from around the world, capable of providing essential services in the area of business, engineering, finance, IP law, and more. Users will be able to find the local expertise they need to take their green technology projects to the next level.

Once launched, the WIPO GREEN Experts Database will be accessible to the public free of charge. Registration for experts who are interested in having their services listed on the Experts Database is now open.

Why sign up?

Benefits include having your services and expertise promoted within one of the world’s largest networks of climate change stakeholders – including directly to the people who need it the most.

How will it work?

  • Experts register for the database, providing information about themselves and their services.
  • The WIPO GREEN team will let applicants know whether their application has been approved or rejected.
  • If approved, the relevant information is entered into the Database.
  • Users of the Database search for experts by field of expertise, technology sector, and region – and by clicking on "Contact" will be able to get in touch with their chosen expert(s) directly.

Join the Experts Database

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