Webinar: Best Practices for Youth Engagement in Green Innovation
October 22, 2020
Join WIPO GREEN for a discussion on empowering young people to participate in green innovation initiatives.

On November 12, 2020, WIPO GREEN will host an online discussion on youth in green technology. The webinar will bring together young green tech innovators and global experts in youth empowerment and sustainable innovation, including the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), the World Economic Forum, World Food Programme, and EIT Climate-KIC.
The Covid-19 pandemic has challenged economies and societies globally to embark on a green recovery pathway. Simultaneously, the role youth play in promoting and advancing sustainable development is becoming increasingly prominent. With its newly launched youth engagement initiative, WIPO GREEN aims to increase visibility of young entrepreneurs, researchers, and innovators, and empower them to provide solutions to global environmental challenges using intellectual property rights as a vehicle and as an essential tool.
The webinar will provide a platform for young innovators to present their business ventures and share their experiences and opinions regarding youth-driven sustainable innovation. It will also bring together actors from diverse sectors (academia, business, government) to share different perspectives on how to leverage youth potential in addressing climate change.
Event details
Date: November 12, 2020, 11:00 - 12:45 CET
Language: English
Who is the webinar for?
- University programs supporting entrepreneurship in green technology
- Environmental youth-centered organizations
- Young innovators developing tech that addresses climate change
- Partners working with young innovators
- Government ministries responsible for education, youth, science and the environment
What will you learn?
During the course of the webinar, the following questions will be addressed:
- How can the potential of youth to drive green tech innovation be leveraged?
- What challenges do young innovators face in developing and scaling up their green technologies and businesses?
- How can they use Intellectual Property (IP) to foster green tech innovation?
- What support is needed to increase youth engagement in this sector?
- Are there existing youth-centered green innovation programs from which we can learn?
Webinar agenda
Moderator: Ms. Amy Dietterich, Director, Global Challenges Division, Global Issues Sector, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
11.00 – 11.05 Opening address
Mr. Daren Tang, Director General, WIPO
11.05 – 11.20 WIPO GREEN: Intellectual Property as the springboard for youth green innovation
Ms. Fleure Maricaux, Project Consultant, Climate Change and Food Security, Global Challenges Division, Global Issues Sector, WIPO
11.20 – 11.50 Programs empowering the new generation of climate innovators
Ms. Katie Hoeflinger – Project Specialist, climate & Environment, Global Shapers Community at the World Economic Forum
Ms. Julia Binder – Deputy to the Vice-President for Innovation and Head of Tech4Impact at Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL)
Ms. Luise Heidenreich – Co-Head Education & Learning at EIT Climate-KIC Switzerland
Ms. Hila Cohen – Head of Business Development and Chief of Staff at the World Food Programme Innovation Accelerator
11.50 – 12.20 Innovators’ spotlight: business stories, perspectives, experiences
Ms. Hellena Sailas – Co-Founder and CEO of Arena Recycling Industry, Tanzania
Mr. Rafael Alonso – Co-founder of Cultivo, Mexico
Mr. Kamal-deen Kassim – CEO/CTO of Hinata Energy, Nigeria
Mr. Ali Ashraf – CIO of ForresOn, Pakistan
12.20 – 12.45 Conclusions and Q&A session
Ms. Amy Dietterich, Director, Global Challenges Division, Global Issues Sector, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
WIPO GREEN is a global marketplace for sustainable technology, supporting global efforts to address climate change. Through its online database and regional activities, WIPO GREEN connects green tech seekers and providers in order to catalyze green innovation and accelerate green tech transfer and diffusion. Subscribe to the monthly WIPO GREEN newsletter.