IP Management Clinic 2023 on Agriculture has begun!
May 31, 2023
On the 9th of May 2023, the IP Management Clinic on Agriculture was officially launched by WIPO GREEN, WIPO IP for Business and Sidley Austin’s Emerging Enterprises Pro Bono Program.

The five-month program brings together 12 Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) from a wide pool of candidates with a team of international IP experts for one-on-one mentoring sessions and group coaching to develop and refine their IP strategies to grow their businesses. International legal experts will also support with other considerations, for example questions around export and insurance, and will provide the entrepreneurs with additional resources relevant to the sector. At the end of the program, the companies will receive a roadmap for their IP strategy and for building sound IP portfolios.
The selected companies are based in Japan, Kenya, Madagascar, Mongolia, Namibia, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, the USA and Vietnam. Although their business models differ, all focus on solving current agricultural and food value-chain problems by either increasing transparency, reducing operational costs and/or developing sustainable farming and biotech solutions. The technologies span food production, platforms connecting farmers with distribution companies, innovative solutions for soil and irrigation, bio fertilizers, bio fuel and more.

Following a round of introductions, the IP experts provided a detailed briefing on the preparation and information needed from the companies to start the mentoring process, in particular the preliminary assessment of their current IP strategy through the WIPO step-by-step IP Strategy Checklist for SMEs.
Objectives of the program include:
- Support SMEs working in the agriculture sector to better utilize IP as part of their business strategies
- Provide access to WIPO practical tools and resources to help improve IP management
- Support with other legal considerations relevant to the industry (including export, insurance and agreements)
- Showcase greentech SMEs
- Exchange experiences, learn from each other
To learn more about this innovative program to support SMEs, check out our webpage:
WIPO GREEN is a global marketplace for sustainable technology, supporting global efforts to address climate change. Through its online database and regional activities, WIPO GREEN connects green tech seekers and providers in order to catalyze green innovation and accelerate green tech transfer and diffusion. Subscribe to the bi-monthly WIPO GREEN newsletter.
About IP for Business
The IP for Business Division (IPBD) is responsible for developing tools and services and implementing programs to support enterprises maximize their potential through intellectual property. The division works with SME support institutions and other intermediaries and supports the development of innovation ecosystems, including by helping inventors access the patent system and developing the patent drafting profession.