WIPO GREEN Annual Report 2023 Released

February 7, 2024

WIPO GREEN’s annual report for 2023 has been released, highlighting its role in facilitating the global exchange of green technologies with nearly 130,000 green technologies. The platform has supported in promoting the diffusion and financing of sustainable solutions through various initiatives since its inception in 2013.

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WIPO GREEN’s 2023 Year in Review highlights its decade-long journey in promoting and facilitating the exchange of green technologies globally. Since its inception in 2013, WIPO GREEN has become a pioneering platform, connecting technology providers and seekers to foster innovation and diffusion of environmentally friendly solutions. Its mandate, rooted in the 1992 Rio Declaration, focuses on promoting technologies that reduce pollution, utilize sustainable resources, and enhance waste management, offering greener alternatives to current practices.

2023 WIPO GREEN Annual Report

The WIPO GREEN database of technologies and needs has become a comprehensive hub for green technology, featuring nearly 130,000 green technology innovations from early-stage prototypes to fully marketable products, making it the United Nations’ largest platform for green technology innovation and exchange.

Over the years, WIPO GREEN has launched initiatives like the Intellectual Property (IP) Management Clinic to support innovators and various acceleration projects across developing countries, to address local and global environmental challenges. These projects have facilitated connections between innovators and users of green technologies, helping in the deployment, adoption, and transfer of these solutions.

Addressing one of the barriers to technology deployment, the network of financial institutions was expanded, especially in areas with ongoing acceleration projects. The goal of this initiative is to foster a green technology innovation ecosystem, and a clear recognition has emerged that entrepreneurs require more than just investor connections; they need a thorough understanding of investment readiness, the investor landscape, and suitable financing options. WIPO GREEN’s value proposition was enhanced, including through webinars co-organized with Deloitte and funded by the Funds-In-Trust Japan IP Global. Future efforts will focus on enhancing climate financing knowledge among beneficiaries. Addressing the financing gap in the “missing middle” between large-scale decarbonization projects and microfinance is critical for supporting companies and technology adopters.

WIPO GREEN’s impact was recognized at the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Digital Day Summit in September 2023, where it was identified as a “game-changing digital solution” for addressing climate change. The platform’s contributions align with several SDGs, particularly in strengthening resilience to climate action and enhancing global partnerships for sustainable development. As WIPO GREEN steps into 2024, it remains committed to expanding its reach and impact, continuing to drive the agenda of sustainable development and green technology innovation.