The WIPO GREEN Network facilitates commercial relationships and transactions by connecting green technology providers and seekers. It is also a gateway to a range of useful services.

Its members (partners and users) include:

  • Multinational companies, financing institutions, and intergovernmental organizations
  • SMEs, consultants, and industry associations
  • NGOs
  • Academia

This diverse membership, along with WIPO’s own range of services and events, provides myriad opportunities for collaboration and partnership.

Public Interest Intellectual Property Advisors (PIIPA) has pledged 300 hours of pro bono services for selected WIPO GREEN users from developing country SMEs and public sector institutes.

Green matchmaking

In addition to matchmaking via the database and Partner initiatives, from time to time WIPO GREEN organizes regional matchmaking projects focused on specific fields of technology. Through these matchmaking events, we bring together providers and seekers of technologies and/or services as well as other facilitators and experts from the WIPO GREEN network and beyond. This provides participants with the unique opportunity to directly make targeted matches in a face-to-face setting.

Each matchmaking project consists of field visits by selected expert consultants who interact with key local stakeholders in order to gain a clear understanding of the technological needs on the ground. These needs are then analyzed and matched with potential technological solutions – forming the basis for a matchmaking event bringing together selected stakeholders, seekers, potential providers of solutions, the finance community, and other experts.

(Photo: WIPO)

Matchmaking project on wastewater management

In 2015, WIPO GREEN completed a regional pilot matchmaking project on wastewater treatment needs in Indonesia, the Philippines, and Viet Nam. Read the full project report.

(Photo: iStockphoto.com/AGL_Photography)

Matchmaking project on water and agriculture

In 2016, WIPO GREEN undertook a matchmaking project focused on green technology needs in water and agriculture in East Africa and held a regional seminar in Nairobi. Read the full project report.

(Photo: WIPO)

Matchmaking event on water

In 2017, WIPO GREEN hosted a matchmaking event at WIPO headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland that brought together entrepreneurs and potential partners to foster innovation in the water sector. Read more about the event.

Licensing checklist

The WIPO GREEN Licensing Checklist PDF, WIPO Green Licensing Checklist DOC, WIPO Green Licensing Checklist is designed for those involved in negotiating technology transfer licensing agreements. It provides a checklist of key issues which should be considered when negotiating and concluding such contracts. The checklist is not an exhaustive resource; rather it helps provide an overview, as well as links to further information.

Part I

Part I addresses the most relevant items to be considered when concluding a licensing agreement:

  • Section 1 is about the kind of agreement you are negotiating.
  • Section 2 is about the subject matter of the agreement, e.g. the nature of the agreement, the technology involved, which type of IP is relevant to your project.
  • Section 3 is about your rights as a licensee.
  • Section 4 is about the financial terms.
  • Section 5 is about concluding contract clauses, such as how the agreement can be terminated, how disputes will be addressed, how to interpret the agreement, etc.

Part II

Part II addresses issues which concern development collaborations specifically.

Resources and references

A list of resources and references presents a selection of links to further information.

Note: The WIPO GREEN Licensing Checklist is neither exhaustive, nor is it a substitute for professional legal advice. You are encouraged to adapt the Checklist to your own needs or concrete projects. The Checklist is published as a draft for consultation. Please contact us with any feedback.

IP and green tech resources

WIPO GREEN aims to demystify the management of intellectual property, crucial for the successful diffusion of green technology. Browse our list of intellectual property and green technology resources (services, publications, databases, etc.) offered both by WIPO and our partners.

Finding funding

Browse our list of resources and partners in order to kick-start your search for funding for green technology projects.